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113:1 你們要讚美<01984>(8761)耶和華<03050>!耶和華<03068>的僕人<05650>哪,你們要讚美<01984>(8761),讚美<01984>(8761){<0853>}耶和華<03068>的名<08034>
Praise<01984>(8761) ye the LORD<03050>. Praise<01984>(8761), O ye servants<05650> of the LORD<03068>, praise<01984>(8761) the name<08034> of the LORD<03068>. {Praise ye...: Heb. Hallelujah}
113:2 耶和華<03068>的名<08034><01961>應當稱頌的<01288>(8794),從今時<04480><06258>直到<05704>永遠<05769>
Blessed<01288>(8794) be the name<08034> of the LORD<03068> from this time forth<06258> and for<05704> evermore<05769>.
113:3 從日<08121><04480><04217>之地到<05704>日落<03996>之處,耶和華<03068>的名<08034>是應當讚美的<01984>(8794)
From the rising<04217> of the sun<08121> unto the going down<03996> of the same the LORD'S<03068> name<08034> is to be praised<01984>(8794).
113:4 耶和華<03068>超乎<07311>(8802)<03605><01471>之上<05921>;他的榮耀<03519>高過<05921>諸天<08064>
The LORD<03068> is high<07311>(8802) above all nations<01471>, and his glory<03519> above the heavens<08064>.
Who is like unto the LORD<03068> our God<0430>, who dwelleth<03427>(8800) on high<01361>(8688), {dwelleth...: Heb. exalteth himself to dwell}
113:6 自己謙卑<08213>(8688),觀看<09001><07200>(8800)天上<09002><08064>地下<09002><0776>的事。
Who humbleth<08213>(8688) himself to behold<07200>(8800) the things that are in heaven<08064>, and in the earth<0776>!
113:7 他從灰塵裡<04480><06083>抬舉<06965>(8688)貧寒人<01800>,從糞堆中<04480><0830>提拔<07311>(8686)窮乏人<034>
He raiseth up<06965>(8688) the poor<01800> out of the dust<06083>, and lifteth<07311>(8686) the needy<034> out of the dunghill<0830>;
113:8 使他們與<05973>王子<05081>同坐<09001><03427>(8687),就是與<05973>本國<05971>的王子<05081>同坐。
That he may set<03427>(8687) him with princes<05081>, even with the princes<05081> of his people<05971>.
113:9 他使不能生育的婦人<06135>安居<03427>(8688)<01004>中,為多子<01121>的樂<08056><0517>。你們要讚美<01984>(8761)耶和華<03050>
He maketh the barren woman<06135> to keep<03427>(8688) house<01004>, and to be a joyful<08056> mother<0517> of children<01121>. Praise<01984>(8761) ye the LORD<03050>. {to keep...: Heb. to dwell in an house}

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