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40:1 耶和華<03068>又{<06030>}{(8799)}對<0853>約伯<0347><0559>(8799)
Moreover the LORD<03068> answered<06030>(8799) Job<0347>, and said<0559>(8799),
40:2 強辯的<07378>(8800)豈可與<05973>全能者<07706>爭論<03250>嗎?與上帝<0433>辯駁<03198>(8688)的可以回答<06030>(8799)這些吧!
Shall he that contendeth<07378>(8800) with the Almighty<07706> instruct<03250> him ? he that reproveth<03198>(8688) God<0433>, let him answer<06030>(8799) it.
40:3 於是,約伯<0347>回答<06030>(8799){<0853>}耶和華<03068><0559>(8799)
Then Job<0347> answered<06030>(8799) the LORD<03068>, and said<0559>(8799),
40:4 {<02005>}我是卑賤<07043>(8804)的!我用甚麼<04100>回答你<07725>(8686)呢?只好用<07760>(8804)<03027><09001><03926><06310>
Behold, I am vile<07043>(8804); what shall I answer<07725>(8686) thee? I will lay<07760>(8804) mine hand<03027> upon<03926> my mouth<06310>.
40:5 我說了<01696>(8765)一次<0259>,再不<03808>回答<06030>(8799);說了兩次<08147>,就不<03808><03254>(8686)說。
Once<0259> have I spoken<01696>(8765); but I will not answer<06030>(8799): yea, twice<08147>; but I will proceed no further<03254>(8686).
40:6 於是,耶和華<03068><04480>旋風<05591>中回答<06030>(8799){<0853>}約伯<0347><0559>(8799)
Then answered<06030>(8799) the LORD<03068> unto Job<0347> out of the whirlwind<05591>, and said<0559>(8799),
40:7 你要<04994>如勇士<09003><01397><0247>(8798)<02504>;我問你<07592>(8799),你可以指示我<03045>(8685)
Gird up<0247>(8798) thy loins<02504> now like a man<01397>: I will demand<07592>(8799) of thee, and declare<03045>(8685) thou unto me.
40:8 你豈可<0637>廢棄<06565>(8686)我所擬定的<04941>?豈可定我有罪<07561>(8686),好<09001><04616>顯自己為義<06663>(8799)嗎?
Wilt thou also disannul<06565>(8686) my judgment<04941>? wilt thou condemn<07561>(8686) me, that thou mayest be righteous<06663>(8799)?
40:9 {<0518>}你<09001>有上帝<09003><0410>那樣的膀臂<02220>嗎?你能像他<03644>發雷<07481>(8686)<09002><06963>嗎?
Hast thou an arm<02220> like God<0410>? or canst thou thunder<07481>(8686) with a voice<06963> like him?
40:10 你要<04994>以榮耀<01347>莊嚴<01363>為妝飾<05710>(8798),以尊榮<01935>威嚴<01926>為衣服<03847>(8799)
Deck<05710>(8798) thyself now with majesty<01347> and excellency<01363>; and array<03847>(8799) thyself with glory<01935> and beauty<01926>.
40:11 要發出<06327>(8685)你滿溢的<05678>怒氣<0639>,見<07200>(8798)一切<03605>驕傲<01343>的人,使他降卑<08213>(8685)
Cast abroad<06327>(8685) the rage<05678> of thy wrath<0639>: and behold<07200>(8798) every one that is proud<01343>, and abase<08213>(8685) him.
Look<07200>(8798) on every one that is proud<01343>, and bring him low<03665>(8685); and tread down<01915>(8798) the wicked<07563> in their place.
40:13 將他們一同<03162>隱藏<02934>(8798)在塵土<09002><06083>中,把他們的臉<06440>蒙蔽<02280>(8798)在隱密處<09002><02934>(8803)
Hide<02934>(8798) them in the dust<06083> together<03162>; and bind<02280>(8798) their faces<06440> in secret<02934>(8803).
Then will I also confess<03034>(8686) unto thee that thine own right hand<03225> can save<03467>(8686) thee.
40:15 你且<04994>觀看<02009>河馬<0930>;{<0834>}我造<06213>(8804)<05973>也造牠。牠吃<0398>(8799)<02682>與牛<09003><01241>一樣;
Behold now behemoth<0930>, which I made<06213>(8804) with thee; he eateth<0398>(8799) grass<02682> as an ox<01241>. {behemoth: probably an extinct animal of some kind}
40:16 {<02009>}{<04994>}牠的氣力<03581>在腰間<09002><04975>,能力<0202>在肚腹<0990>的筋<09002><08306>上。
Lo now, his strength<03581> is in his loins<04975>, and his force<0202> is in the navel<08306> of his belly<0990>.
40:17 牠搖動<02654>(8799)尾巴<02180><03644>香柏樹<0730>;牠大腿<06344>的筋<01517>互相聯絡<08276>(8792)
He moveth<02654>(8799) his tail<02180> like a cedar<0730>: the sinews<01517> of his stones<06344> are wrapped together<08276>(8792). {He...: or, He setteth up}
40:18 牠的骨頭<06106>好像銅<05154><0650>;牠的肢體<01634>彷彿鐵<01270><09003><04300>
His bones<06106> are as strong<0650> pieces of brass<05154>; his bones<01634> are like bars<04300> of iron<01270>.
He is the chief<07225> of the ways<01870> of God<0410>: he that made<06213>(8802) him can make<05066><00> his sword<02719> to approach<05066>(8686) unto him .
40:20 {<03588>}諸山<02022>給牠<09001><05375>(8799)食物<0944>,也是{<07704>}百<03605><02416>遊玩<07832>(8762)之處<08033>
Surely the mountains<02022> bring him forth<05375>(8799) food<0944>, where all the beasts<02416> of the field<07704> play<07832>(8762).
40:21 牠伏<07901>(8799)在蓮葉<06628>之下<08478>,臥在蘆葦<07070>隱密處<09002><05643>和水窪子裡<01207>
He lieth<07901>(8799) under the shady trees<06628>, in the covert<05643> of the reed<07070>, and fens<01207>.
40:22 蓮葉<06628>的陰涼<06752>遮蔽牠<05526>(8799);溪旁<05158>的柳樹<06155>環繞牠<05437>(8799)
The shady trees<06628> cover<05526>(8799) him with their shadow<06752>; the willows<06155> of the brook<05158> compass him about<05437>(8799).
40:23 {<02005>}河水<05104>泛濫<06231>(8799),牠不<03808>發戰<02648>(8799);就是<03588>約旦河<03383>的水漲<01518>(8799)<0413>牠口邊<06310>,也是安然<0982>(8799)
Behold, he drinketh up<06231>(8799) a river<05104>, and hasteth<02648>(8799) not: he trusteth<0982>(8799) that he can draw up<01518>(8799) Jordan<03383> into his mouth<06310>. {he drinketh up: Heb. he oppresseth}
40:24 在牠防備<09002><05869>的時候,誰能捉拿牠<03947>(8799)?誰能牢籠<09002><04170>牠穿<05344>(8799)牠的鼻子<0639>呢?
He taketh<03947>(8799) it with his eyes<05869>: his nose<0639> pierceth through<05344>(8799) snares<04170>. {He...: or, Will any take him in his sight, or, bore his nose with a gin?}

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