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27:1 到那<01931><09002><03117>,耶和華<03068>必用他剛硬<07186>有力<02389>的大<01419><09002><02719>刑罰<06485>(8799){<05921>}鱷魚<03882>─就是那快行的<01281><05175>,刑罰{<05921>}鱷魚<03882>─就是那曲行的<06129><05175>,並殺<02026>(8804){<0853>}海中<09002><03220>的{<0834>}大魚<08577>
In that day<03117> the LORD<03068> with his sore<07186> and great<01419> and strong<02389> sword<02719> shall punish<06485>(8799) leviathan<03882> the piercing<01281> serpent<05175>, even leviathan<03882> that crooked<06129> serpent<05175>; and he shall slay<02026>(8804) the dragon<08577> that is in the sea<03220>. {piercing: or, crossing like a bar}
27:2 當那<01931><09002><03117>,有出酒的<02561>(8676)<02531>葡萄園<03754>,你們要指這園{<09001>}唱歌<06030>(8761)說:
In that day<03117> sing<06031>(8761) ye unto her, A vineyard<03754> of red wine<02561>(8676)<02531>.
I the LORD<03068> do keep<05341>(8802) it; I will water<08248>(8686) it every moment<07281>: lest any hurt<06485>(8799) it, I will keep<05341>(8799) it night<03915> and day<03117>.
Fury<02534> is not in me: who would set<05414>(8799) the briers<08068> and thorns<07898> against me in battle<04421>? I would go<06585>(8799) through them, I would burn<06702>(8686) them together<03162>. {go...: or, march against}
27:5 不然<0176>,讓它持住<02388>(8686)我的能力<09002><04581>,使它<06213>(8799)與我<09001>和好<07965>,願它<06213>(8799)與我<09001>和好<07965>
Or let him take hold<02388>(8686) of my strength<04581>, that he may make<06213>(8799) peace<07965> with me; and he shall make<06213>(8799) peace<07965> with me.
27:6 將來<0935>(8802)雅各<03290>要扎根<08327>(8686),以色列<03478>要發芽<06524>(8804)開花<06692>(8686);他們的果實<08570>必充滿<04390>(8804)世界<08398>{<06440>}。
He shall cause them that come<0935>(8802) of Jacob<03290> to take root<08327>(8686): Israel<03478> shall blossom<06692>(8686) and bud<06524>(8804), and fill<04390>(8804) the face<06440> of the world<08398> with fruit<08570>.
27:7 主擊打<05221>(8689)他們,豈像擊打<09003><04347>那些擊打<05221>(8688)他們的人嗎?他們被殺戮<02026>(8795),豈<0518>像{<09003>}{<02027>}被他們所殺戮<02026>(8803)的嗎?
Hath he smitten<05221>(8689) him, as he smote<04347> those that smote<05221>(8688) him? or is he slain<02026>(8795) according to the slaughter<02027> of them that are slain<02026>(8803) by him? {as...: Heb. according to the stroke of}
27:8 你打發<09002><07971>(8763)他們去,是相機宜<09002><05432>與他們相爭<07378>(8799);颳東風<06921>的日子<09002><03117>,就用暴<07186><09002><07307>將他們逐去<01898>(8804)
In measure<05432>, when it shooteth forth<07971>(8763), thou wilt debate<07378>(8799) with it: he stayeth<01898>(8804) his rough<07186> wind<07307> in the day<03117> of the east wind<06921>. {it shooteth...: or, thou sendest it forth} {he...: or, when he removeth it with}
27:9 所以<09001><03651>,雅各<03290>的罪孽<05771>得赦免<03722>(8792),他的罪過<02403>得除掉<05493>(8687)的{<02088>}果效<06529>,全<03605>在乎此<09002><02063>:就是他叫<09002><07760>(8800)祭壇<04196>的{<03605>}石頭<068>變為打碎的<05310>(8794)<01615><09003><068>,以致木偶<0842>和日像<02553><03808>再立起<06965>(8799)
By this<02063> therefore shall the iniquity<05771> of Jacob<03290> be purged<03722>(8792); and this is all the fruit<06529> to take away<05493>(8687) his sin<02403>; when he maketh<07760>(8800) all the stones<068> of the altar<04196> as chalkstones<01615> that are beaten in sunder<05310>(8794), the groves<0842> and images<02553> shall not stand up<06965>(8799). {images: or, sun images}
27:10 因為<03588>堅固<01219>(8803)<05892>變為淒涼<0910>,成了撇下<05800>(8737)離棄的<07971>(8794)居所<05116>,像曠野<09003><04057>一樣;牛犢<05695>必在那裡<08033>吃草<07462>(8799),在那裡<08033>躺臥<07257>(8799),並吃盡<03615>(8765)其中的樹枝<05585>
Yet the defenced<01219>(8803) city<05892> shall be desolate<0910>, and the habitation<05116> forsaken<07971>(8794), and left<05800>(8737) like a wilderness<04057>: there shall the calf<05695> feed<07462>(8799), and there shall he lie down<07257>(8799), and consume<03615>(8765) the branches<05585> thereof.
27:11 枝條<07105>枯乾<09002><03001>(8800),必被折斷<07665>(8735);婦女<0802>要來<0935>(8802)點火燒著<0215>(8688){<0853>}。因為<03588><01931>百姓<05971>蒙昧無<03808><0998>,所以<05921><03651>,創造他們的<06213>(8802)必不<03808>憐恤他們<07355>(8762);造成他們的<03335>(8802)也不<03808>施恩與他們<02603>(8799)
When the boughs<07105> thereof are withered<03001>(8800), they shall be broken off<07665>(8735): the women<0802> come<0935>(8802), and set them on fire<0215>(8688): for it is a people<05971> of no understanding<0998>: therefore he that made<06213>(8802) them will not have mercy<07355>(8762) on them, and he that formed<03335>(8802) them will shew them no favour<02603>(8799).
27:12 以色列<03478><01121>哪,到<01961><01931><09002><03117>,耶和華<03068>必從大<04480><07641><05104>,直到<05704>埃及<04714>小河<05158>,將你們<0859><09001><0259><0259>地收集<03950>(8792),如同人打樹拾果<02251>(8799)一樣。
And it shall come to pass in that day<03117>, that the LORD<03068> shall beat off<02251>(8799) from the channel<07641> of the river<05104> unto the stream<05158> of Egypt<04714>, and ye shall be gathered<03950>(8792) one<0259> by one<0259>, O ye children<01121> of Israel<03478>.
And it shall come to pass in that day<03117>, that the great<01419> trumpet<07782> shall be blown<08628>(8735), and they shall come<0935>(8804) which were ready to perish<06>(8802) in the land<0776> of Assyria<0804>, and the outcasts<05080>(8737) in the land<0776> of Egypt<04714>, and shall worship<07812>(8694) the LORD<03068> in the holy<06944> mount<02022> at Jerusalem<03389>.

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