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So the king<04428> and Haman<02001> came<0935>(8799) to banquet<08354>(8800) with Esther<0635> the queen<04436>. {to banquet: Heb. to drink}
7:2 這第二<08145>次{<09002>}{<03117>}在酒<03196>席筵<09002><04960>前,王<04428><01571>問以斯帖<09001><0635><0559>(8799):「王后<04436>以斯帖<0635>啊,你要<07596>甚麼<04100>,我必賜<05414>(8735)給你<09001>;你求<01246>甚麼<04100>,就是<05704><04438>的一半<02677>也必為你成就<06213>(8735)。」
And the king<04428> said<0559>(8799) again unto Esther<0635> on the second<08145> day<03117> at the banquet<04960> of wine<03196>, What is thy petition<07596>, queen<04436> Esther<0635>? and it shall be granted<05414>(8735) thee: and what is thy request<01246>? and it shall be performed<06213>(8735), even to the half<02677> of the kingdom<04438>.
7:3 王后<04436>以斯帖<0635>回答<06030>(8799)<0559>(8799):「我若<0518>在王<04428>眼前<09002><05869><04672>(8804)<02580>,{<05921>}王<04428><0518>以為美<02895>(8804),我所願的<09002><07596>,是願王將我的性命<05315><05414>(8735)給我<09001>;我所求的<09002><01246>,是求王將我的本族<05971>賜給我。
Then Esther<0635> the queen<04436> answered<06030>(8799) and said<0559>(8799), If I have found<04672>(8804) favour<02580> in thy sight<05869>, O king<04428>, and if it please<02895>(8804) the king<04428>, let my life<05315> be given<05414>(8735) me at my petition<07596>, and my people<05971> at my request<01246>:
For we are sold<04376>(8738), I and my people<05971>, to be destroyed<08045>(8687), to be slain<02026>(8800), and to perish<06>(8763). But if<0432> we had been sold<04376>(8738) for bondmen<05650> and bondwomen<08198>, I had held my tongue<02790>(8689), although the enemy<06862> could not countervail<07737>(8802) the king's<04428> damage<05143>. {to be destroyed...: Heb. that they should destroy, and kill, and cause to perish}
7:5 亞哈隨魯<0325><04428><0559>(8799)王后<04436>以斯帖<09001><0635><0559>(8799):「{<0834>}擅敢<04390>(8804)起意<03820>如此<03651><09001><06213>(8800)的是<01931><04310>{<02088>}?這人<02088>{<01931>}在哪裡<0335>呢?」
Then the king<04428> Ahasuerus<0325> answered<0559>(8799) and said<0559>(8799) unto Esther<0635> the queen<04436>, Who is he, and where is he, that durst presume<04390>(8804) in his heart<03820> to do<06213>(8800) so? {that...: Heb. whose heart hath filled him}
7:6 以斯帖<0635><0559>(8799):「仇<06862><0376>敵人<0341>(8802)就是這<02088>惡人<07451>哈曼<02001>!」哈曼<02001>在王<04428>和王后<04436>面前<04480><09001><06440>就甚驚惶<01204>(8738)
And Esther<0635> said<0559>(8799), The adversary<0376><06862> and enemy<0341>(8802) is this wicked<07451> Haman<02001>. Then Haman<02001> was afraid<01204>(8738) before<06440> the king<04428> and the queen<04436>. {The adversary: Heb. The man adversary} {before: or, at the presence of}
And the king<04428> arising<06965>(8804) from the banquet<04960> of wine<03196> in his wrath<02534> went into the palace<01055> garden<01594>: and Haman<02001> stood up<05975>(8804) to make request<01245>(8763) for his life<05315> to Esther<0635> the queen<04436>; for he saw<07200>(8804) that there was evil<07451> determined<03615>(8804) against him by the king<04428>.
Then the king<04428> returned<07725>(8804) out of the palace<01055> garden<01594> into the place<01004> of the banquet<04960> of wine<03196>; and Haman<02001> was fallen<05307>(8802) upon the bed<04296> whereon Esther<0635> was . Then said<0559>(8799) the king<04428>, Will he force<03533>(8800) the queen<04436> also before me in the house<01004>? As the word<01697> went out<03318>(8804) of the king's<04428> mouth<06310>, they covered<02645>(8804) Haman's<02001> face<06440>. {before me: Heb. with me}
7:9 伺候<09001><06440><04428><04480>一個<0259>太監<05631>名叫哈波拿<02726>,說<0559>(8799):「{<01571>}{<02009>}哈曼<02001>為那<0834><05921><04428><01696>(8765)<02896>的末底改<09001><04782>{<0834>}做了<06213>(8804)<02572><0520><01364>的木架<06086>,現今立<05975>(8802)在哈曼<02001><09002><01004>裡。」王<04428><0559>(8799):「把哈曼掛<08518>(8798)在其上<05921>。」
And Harbonah<02726>, one<0259> of the chamberlains<05631>, said<0559>(8799) before<06440> the king<04428>, Behold also, the gallows<06086> fifty<02572> cubits<0520> high<01364>, which Haman<02001> had made<06213>(8804) for Mordecai<04782>, who had spoken<01696>(8765) good<02896> for the king<04428>, standeth<05975>(8802) in the house<01004> of Haman<02001>. Then the king<04428> said<0559>(8799), Hang<08518>(8798) him thereon. {gallows: Heb. tree}
7:10 於是人將<0853>哈曼<02001><08518>(8799)<05921>他為末底改<09001><04782><0834>預備<03559>(8689)的木架<06086>上。王<04428>的忿怒<02534>這才止息<07918>(8804)
So they hanged<08518>(8799) Haman<02001> on the gallows<06086> that he had prepared<03559>(8689) for Mordecai<04782>. Then was the king's<04428> wrath<02534> pacified<07918>(8804).

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