啟示錄 17章12節 到 17章12節     上一筆  下一筆
 {Which have received no kingdom as yet} (hoitines
basileian oup(9320)elabon). Second aorist (proleptic and prophetic)
active indicative of lamban(935c). The heads are emperors and the
horns are kings (both called asileis). {As kings} (h(9373)
basileis). Compared to kings (see h(9373) in  1:10  4:6  9:7  13:3  14:3  16:21 ) without identification with the emperors,
though succeeding them with "quasi-imperial powers" with the
beast. {For one hour} (mian h(9372)an). Accusative of extent of
time, and that a brief time ( 18:10,16,19 ) in comparison with
the beast ( 13:2 ).

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