{Bare witness} (emartur(8873)en). First aorist active
indicative of marture(935c). Another specimen of John's witness to
the Messiah ( 1:7,15,19,29,35,36 ). {I have beheld}
( etheamai). Perfect middle indicative of heaomai, the
realization of the promise of the sign (verse 33 ) by which he
should recognize the Messiah. As a matter of fact, we know that
he so recognized Jesus as Messiah when he came for baptism before
the Holy Spirit came ( Mt 3:14ff. ). But this sight of the Spirit
descending as a dove upon Jesus at his baptism ( Mr 1:10 Mt
3:16 Lu 3:22 ) became permanent proof to him. John's allusion
assumes the Synoptic record. The Semites regarded the dove as a
symbol of the Spirit.