歌羅西書 3章8節 到 3章8節     上一筆  下一筆
 {But now} (
uni de). Emphatic form of 
un in decided
contrast (to pote in verse  7 ) in the resurrection life of
 2:12  3:1 . {Put ye also away} (apothesthe kai humeis). Second
aorist middle imperative of old verb apotith(886d)i, to put away,
lay aside like old clothes. This metaphor of clothing Paul now
uses with several verbs (apothesthe here, apekdusamenoi in
verse  9 , endusamenoi in verse  10 , endusasthe in verse
 12 ). {All these} (	a panta). The whole bunch of filthy rags
(anger org(886e), wrath 	humon, malice kakian, railing
lasph(886d)ian, shameful speaking aischrologian). See somewhat
similar lists of vices in  Col 3:5  Ga 5:20  Eph 4:29-31 . These
words have all been discussed except aischrologian, an old word
for low and obscene speech which occurs here only in the N.T. It
is made from aischrologos (aischros as in  1Co 11:6  and that
from aischos, disgrace). Note also the addition of "out of your
mouth" (ek tou stomatos hum(936e)). The word was used for both
abusive and filthy talk and Lightfoot combines both ideas as
often happens. Such language should never come out of the mouth
of a Christian living the new life in Christ.

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