歌羅西書 1章23節 到 1章23節     上一筆  下一筆
 {If so be that ye continue in the faith} (ei ge epimenete
t(8869) pistei). Condition of the first class (determined as
fulfilled), with a touch of eagerness in the use of ge (at
least). Epi adds to the force of the linear action of the
present tense (continue and then some). {Pistei} is in the
locative case (in faith). {Grounded} (	ethemeli(936d)enoi). Perfect
passive participle of 	hemelio(935c), old verb from 	hemelios
(adjective, from 	hema from 	ith(886d)i, laid down as a
foundation, substantive,  1Co 3:11f. ). Picture of the saint as a
building like  Eph 2:20 . {Steadfast} (hedraioi). Old adjective
from hedra (seat). In N.T. only here,  1Co 7:37  15:58 .
Metaphor of seated in a chair. {Not moved away} (m(880a)metakinoumenoi). Present passive participle (with negative m(885c))
of metakine(935c), old verb, to move away, to change location, only
here in N.T. Negative statement covering the same ground. {From
the hope of the gospel} (apo t(8873) elpidos tou euaggeliou).
Ablative case with apo. The hope given by or in the gospel and
there alone. {Which ye heard} (hou (886b)ousate). Genitive case of
relative either by attraction or after (886b)ousate. The Colossians
had in reality heard the gospel from Epaphras. {Preached}
(k(8872)uchthentos). First aorist passive participle of k(8872)uss(935c),
to herald, to proclaim. {In all creation} (en pas(8869) ktisei).
Ktisis is the act of founding ( Ro 1:20 ) from ktiz(935c) (verse
 16 ), then a created thing ( Ro 1:25 ), then the sum of created
things as here and  Re 3:14 . It is hyperbole, to be sure, but
Paul does not say that all men are converted, but only that the
message has been heralded abroad over the Roman Empire in a wider
fashion than most people imagine. {A minister} (diakonos).
General term for service (dia, konis, raising a dust by speed)
and used often as here of preachers like our "minister" today,
one who serves. Jesus used the verb diakon(8873)ai of himself ( Mr
10:45 ). Our "deacon" is this word transliterated and given a
technical meaning as in  Php 1:1 .

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