歌羅西書 1章17節 到 1章17節     上一筆  下一筆
 {Before all things} (pro pant(936e)). Pro with the ablative
case. This phrase makes Paul's meaning plain. The precedence of
Christ in time and the preeminence as Creator are both stated
sharply. See the claim of Jesus to eternal timeless existence in
 Joh 8:58  17:5 . See also  Re 23:13  where Christ calls himself
the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning (arch(885c)) and the End
(	elos). Paul states it also in  2Co 8:9  Php 2:6f . {Consist}
(sunest(886b)en). Perfect active indicative (intransitive) of
sunist(886d)i, old verb, to place together and here to cohere, to
hold together. The word repeats the statements in verse  16 ,
especially that in the form ektistai. Christ is the controlling
and unifying force in nature. The Gnostic philosophy that matter
is evil and was created by a remote aeon is thus swept away. The
Son of God's love is the Creator and the Sustainer of the
universe which is not evil.

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