使徒行傳 9章43節 到 9章43節     上一筆  下一筆
 {Many days} (h(886d)eras hikanas). See on verse 氧3|. Luke is
fond of the phrase and uses it for time, number, size. It might
be "ten days, ten months, or ten years" (Page). {With one Simon a
tanner} (para tini Sim(936e)i bursei). The use of para is usual
for staying with one (by his side). "The more scrupulous Jews
regarded such an occupation as unclean, and avoided those who
pursued it. The conduct of Peter here shows that he did not carry
his prejudices to that extent" (Hackett). One of the rabbis said:
"It is impossible for the world to do without tanners; but woe to
him who is a tanner." A Jewess could sue for divorce if she
discovered that her husband was a tanner. And yet Peter will have
scruples on the housetop in the tanner's house about eating food
considered unclean. "The lodging with the tanner was a step on
the road to eating with a Gentile" (Furneaux).

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