{Foreshewed} (prokat(8867)geilen). First aorist active
indicative of prokataggell(935c), late compound to announce fully
beforehand. Only twice in the N.T. in the critical text ( Ac
3:18 7:52 ). {That his Christ should suffer} (pathein ton
Christon autou). Accusative of general reference with the aorist
active infinitive (pathein of pasch(935c)) in indirect discourse
(predictive purpose of God). Their crime, though real, was
carrying out God's purpose ( 2:23 Joh 3:16 ). See the same idea
in Ac 17:3 26:23 . This "immense paradox" (Page) was a
stumbling block to these Jews as it is yet ( 1Co 1:23 ). Peter
discusses the sufferings of Christ in 1Pe 4:13 5:1 .