使徒行傳 13章16節 到 13章16節     上一筆  下一筆
 {Paul stood up} (anastas Paulos). The Jewish custom was
to sit while speaking ( Lu 4:20 ), but the Greek and Roman was to
stand ( Ac 17:22 ). It is possible as Lewin (_Life of St. Paul_,
Vol. 1, p. 141) suggests that here Paul stepped upon the platform
and then took his seat as he began to speak or he may have
followed the Greek and Roman custom. Paul is the leader now and
the more gifted speaker ( Ac 14:12 ), so that he responds to the
courteous invitation of the rulers. {Beckoning} (kataseisas).
First aorist active participle of katasei(935c), old verb to shake
down, a dramatic gesture for quiet and order like Peter in
 12:17  and Paul on the steps of the tower of Antonia ( 21:40 ).
{And ye that fear God} (kai hoi phoboumenoi ton theon).
Evidently large numbers of these Gentiles like Cornelius in
Caesarea were present. They offered Paul a great opportunity for
reaching the purely pagan Gentiles. This (verses  16-41 ) is the
first full report of a sermon of Paul's that Luke has preserved
for us. He is now a practised preacher of the gospel that he
began proclaiming at Damascus, that Jesus of Nazareth is the
Messiah of promise and the Saviour of the whole world both Jew
and Gentile if they will only believe on him and be saved. It is
possible that Paul here based his sermon on the passages of the
law and the prophets that had just been read. He uses two words
from the LXX, one in verse  19  from  De 1:31  etrophophor(8873)en
(as a nursing-father bare he them), the reading of many old MSS.
and the one preferred by the American Committee, the other in
verse  17  from  Isa 1:2  hups(9373)en (exalted). At any rate it is
clear that Paul spoke in Greek so that all could understand his
sermon. He may have written out notes of this sermon afterwards
for Luke. The keynotes of Paul's theology as found in his
Epistles appear in this sermon. It is interesting to observe the
steady growth of Paul's Christology as he faced the great
problems of his day. Here we see Paul's gospel for the Jews and
the God-fearers (Gentiles friendly to the Jews).

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