{Concerning our affliction} (huper t(8873) thlipse(9373) h(886d)(936e)).
Manuscripts read also peri for in the _Koin(825f) huper (over)
often has the idea of peri (around). Paul has laid down his
philosophy of afflictions and now he cites a specific
illustration in his own recent experience. {In Asia} (en
Asi(8369)). Probably in Ephesus, but what it was we do not know
whether sickness or peril. We do know that the disciples and the
Asiarchs would not allow Paul to face the mob in the amphitheatre
gathered by Demetrius ( Ac 20:30f. ). In Ro 16:4 Paul says that
Prisca and Aquila laid down their necks for him, risked their
very lives for him. It may have been a later plot to kill Paul
that hastened his departure from Ephesus ( Ac 20:1 ). He had a
trial so great that "we were weighed down exceedingly beyond our
power" (kath' huperbol(886e) huper dunamin ebar(8874)h(886d)en). Old verb
from aros, weight, arus, weighty. First aorist passive
indicative. See on 氣Co 12:31| for kath' huperbol(886e) (cf. our
hyperbole). It was beyond Paul's power to endure if left to
himself. {Insomuch that we despaired even of life} (h(9373)te
exapor(8874)h(886e)ai h(886d)as kai tou z(8869)n). Usual clause of result with
h(9373)te and the infinitive. First aorist passive infinitive
exapor(8874)h(886e)ai, late compound for utter despair (perfective use
of ex and at a complete loss, a privative and poros, way).
There seemed no way out. {Of life} ( ou z(8869)n). Ablative case of
the articular infinitive, of living.