約翰一書 4章6節 到 4章6節     上一筆  下一筆
 {We} (h(886d)eis). In sharp contrast with the false prophets
and the world. We are in tune with the Infinite God. Hence "he
that knoweth God" (ho gin(9373)k(936e) ton theon, present active
articular participle, the one who keeps on getting acquainted
with God, growing in his knowledge of God) "hears us" (akouei
h(886d)(936e)). This is one reason why sermons are dull (some actually
are, others so to dull hearers) or inspiring. There is a touch of
mysticism here, to be sure, but the heart of Christianity is
mysticism (spiritual contact with God in Christ by the Holy
Spirit). John states the same idea negatively by a relative
clause parallel with the preceding articular participle, the
negative with both clauses. John had felt the cold, indifferent,
and hostile stare of the worldling as he preached Jesus. {By
this} (ek toutou). "From this," deduction drawn from the
preceding; only example in the Epistle for the common en tout(9369)
as in  4:2 . The power of recognition (gin(9373)komen, we know by
personal experience) belongs to all believers (Westcott). There
is no reason for Christians being duped by "the spirit of error"
(	o pneuma t(8873) plan(8873)), here alone in the N.T., though we have
pneumasin planois (misleading spirits) in  1Ti 4:1 . Rejection
of the truth may be due also to our not speaking the truth in
love ( Eph 4:15 ).

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