       斯 2:12 
       利 12:6-8  路 2:22 
       利 15:19-33  撒下 11:4 

     约 11:55 

     民 31:19-24 

   .见 麻疯 

     民 31:23 

     出 24:5-8  利 14:6,7  来 9:12-14,19-22 

     出 19:15 

     利 1:9,13  9:14  代下 4:6 

     利 7:20,21  民 19:13,20 

     民 19:17-21  31:23 

     申 21:6  诗 26:6  太 27:24 

     太 15:2  可 7:2-5,8,9  路 11:38 

 -保罗洁净自己, 以表明他恪守律法
     徒 21:24,26 

     诗 26:6  51:7  结 36:25  来 10:22 
   .见 净身礼 
   .见 沾染污秽 
   .见 公共卫生 

     创 35:2  出 19:10,14  29:4  30:18-21  40:12,30-32  
     利 8:6  14:8,9  15:4-13,16-27  16:4,24,26,28  17:15  22:3 
     民 8:6,7,21  19:7,8,19  代下 4:6  太 15:2  可 7:2-9  来 9:10 

 -(Sanitary and symbolical)
 -For women
   .Before marriage
       Es 2:12 
   .After childbirth
       Le 12:6-8  Lu 2:22 
   .After menstruation
       Le 15:19-33  2Sa 11:4 

 -Of the Jews before the Passover celebration
     Joh 11:55 

 -For those who had recently killed someone in battle
     Nu 31:19-24 

 -Of Levites, see below
 -Of lepers

 -By fire, for things that resist fire
     Nu 31:23 

 -By blood
     Ex 24:5-8  Le 14:6,7  Heb 9:12-14,19-22 

 -By abstaining from sexual intercourse
     Ex 19:15 

 -Washing parts of animal sacrifices in water
     Le 1:9,13  9:14  2Ch 4:6 

 -Penalty to be imposed upon those who do not observe the
  ordinances concerning
     Le 7:20,21  Nu 19:13,20 

 -Water of
     Nu 19:17-21  31:23 

 -Washing hands in water, symbolical of innocency
     De 21:6  Ps 26:6  Mt 27:24 

 -Traditions of the elders concerning
     Mt 15:2  Mr 7:2-5,8,9  Lu 11:38 

 -Of Paul, to show his fidelity to the law
     Ac 21:24,26 

     Ps 26:6  51:7  Eze 36:25  Heb 10:22 

     Ge 35:2  Ex 19:10,14  29:4  30:18-21  40:12,30-32  Le 8:6  14:8,9  15:4-13,16-27  16:4,24,26,28  17:15  22:3  Nu
    8:6,7,21  19:7,8,19  2Ch 4:6  Mt 15:2  Mr 7:2-9  Heb 9:10 
