主题DAVID (大卫 )
 -1. 以色列王
       得 4:18-22  撒上 16:11  17:12  代上 2:3-15  太 1:1-6 
       路 3:31-38 
       撒上 16:11 
       撒上 17:34-36 
   .年轻时就被先知撒母耳膏立为王, 并受上帝默示
       撒上 16:1,13  诗 89:19-37 
       诗 78:70 
       撒上 16:18 
       撒上 16:21-23 
       撒上 17 
       撒上 18:1-4 
       撒上 18 
       撒上 18:8-30 
   .受骗可以得米拉为妻, 实际上却娶到米甲
       撒上 18:17-27 
       撒上 19:1-7 
       诗 17  诗 35  诗 52  诗 58  诗 64  诗 109  诗 142 
       撒上 19:8 
   .扫罗想杀他; 他逃到拉玛, 住在拿约, 扫罗又追杀到那里
       撒上 19:9-24 
       诗 59 
   .归乡, 约拿单与他立约
       撒上 20 
   .绕道挪伯逃亡, 在那里得了陈设饼吃, 亚希米勒给了他歌利亚的宝剑
       撒上 21:1-6  太 12:3,4 
       撒上 21:10-15 
       诗 34  诗 35  诗 52  诗 56  诗 120 
   .号召军队起义, 前往摩押, 回到哈列
       撒上 22 
       诗 13 
       撒上 23:1-13 
       撒上 23:16-18 
   .到了西弗旷野, 遭人出卖交在扫罗手里
       撒上 23:13-26 
       诗 54 
       诗 22  诗 31  诗 34  诗 140 
       撒上 23:27,28 
       诗 12  诗 22 
       撒上 23:29 
       撒上 24 
       诗 57 
       撒上 26 
       撒上 25 
   .住在西弗旷野, 有机会杀扫罗, 却只夺了他的矛; 扫罗悔悟
       撒上 26 
   .投奔亚吉, 住在洗革拉
       撒上 27 
       代上 12:1-22 
   .率兵攻打亚玛力人, 将实情谎报亚吉
       撒上 27:8-12 
       诗 141 
       撒上 28:1,2  29:1-11 
       撒上 30 
       诗 18  诗 20  诗 21 
       撒上 31  撒下 21:1-14 
       撒下 1:1-16 
       撒下 1:17-27 
       撒上 27:7 
   .大卫到希伯仑, 被犹大膏立为王
       撒下 2:1-4,11  5:5  王上 2:11  代上 3:4  11:1-3 
       代上 12:23-40 
       撒下 2:10 
       撒下 2:13-32  3:4 
       撒下 3:14-16 
   .押尼珥反叛伊施波设, 投奔大卫, 不过被约押杀了
       撒下 3 
       撒下 4 
   .在希伯仑作犹大王七年半以后, 被膏立为以色列全地的王, 
       撒下 2:11  5:5  代上 3:4  11:1-3  12:23-40  29:27 
       撒下 5:6  代上 11:4-8  赛 29:1 
       撒下 5:11  代下 2:3 
       撒下 5:11  王上 5:1 
       撒下 5:10  代上 11:9 
       代上 14:17 
   .非利士人攻打他, 结果铩羽而归
       撒下 5:17,25 
       撒下 6:1-5 
   .乌撒想稳住约柜, 结果遭击毙
       撒下 6:6-11 
   .大卫吓坏了, 将约柜留在俄别以东家
       撒下 6:9-11 
   .过了三个月, 大卫欢天喜地将约柜运回耶路撒冷
       撒下 6:12-16  代上 13:1-14 
       代上 9:22  15:16-24  16:4-6,37-43 
   .献祭, 分发礼物, 为百姓祝福
       撒下 6:17-19 
       撒下 6:20-23 
   .想盖圣殿, 遭阻止, 不过上帝应许他的子孙将永远作王
       撒下 7:12-16  23:5  代上 17:11-14  代下 6:16  诗 89:3,4 
       诗 132:11,12  徒 15:16  罗 15:12 
       徒 13:22,23 
       诗 15  诗 16  诗 24  诗 101  诗 138 
       撒下 8 
       撒下 9:6  19:24-30 
   .差了特派员向亚扪王哈嫩吊唁其父亲; 遭误解, 特派员受辱; 
    大卫侵袭并击败亚扪人和亚兰人的联合军队, 以为报复
       撒下 10  代上 19 
       诗 18  诗 20  诗 21 
       撒下 11:2-5 
       撒下 11:6-25 
       撒下 11:26,27 
       撒下 12:1-14 
       诗 6  诗 32  诗 38  诗 39  诗 40  诗 51 
   .由于所犯的罪, 受沈痛的苦难管教
       诗 38  诗 41  诗 69 
   .(与拔示巴生的) 孩子出生即夭折
       撒下 12:15-23 
       撒下 12:24,25 
       撒下 12:26-31 
   .暗嫩犯了罪, 遭押沙龙杀害, 押沙龙逃亡
       撒下 13 
       撒下 14:1-24 
       撒下 14  撒下 15 
       撒下 15:13-37 
       诗 5  诗 7  诗 26  诗 61  诗 63  诗 69  诗 70 
       诗 86  诗 143 
       撒下 16 
       撒下 17:21-29 
       撒下 18 
       撒下 18:33  19:1-4 
       撒下 19:5-7 
       撒下 19:9-15 
       撒下 19:16-23 
       撒下 19:24-30 
       撒下 19:31-40 
       撒下 19:41-43 
       撒下 20:1-3 
       诗 27  诗 66  诗 122  诗 144 
   .示巴谋叛大卫, 见杀
       撒下 20 
       撒下 19:13 
       撒下 20:4-10 
   .将扫罗的儿子任凭基遍人处置, 以抵偿扫罗迫害基遍人
       撒下 21:1-14 
       撒下 21:12-14 
       撒下 21:15-22  代上 20:4-8 
   .未经上帝许可就数点以色列可以打仗的人口, 后来知罪
       撒下 24 
       代上 21  27:24 
       诗 30  诗 131 
       王上 1:1-4 
       诗 19  诗 111 
   .亚多尼雅篡位; 所罗门被膏立为王
       王上 1  代上 23:1 
       王上 2:1-11  代上 22:6-19 
       代上 28  29 
       诗 23  诗 145 
       撒下 23:1-7 
       王上 2:10  代上 29:28  徒 2:29,30 
       徒 2:29 
       撒下 5:4,5  代上 29:28 
       王上 2:11  代上 29:27,28 
       撒下 3:2-5 
         撒下 3:2-5  代上 3:4 
         撒下 5:14-16  代上 3:5-8  14:4-7 
       代上 3 
       撒下 8:16-18 
   .见 内阁 
       撒下 23 
       代上 11  12:23-40 
       撒上 13:14  撒下 6:5,14,18  7:18-29  8:11  24:25 
       王上 3:14  代上 17:16-27  29:10  代下 7:17  亚 12:8 
       诗 6  诗 7  诗 11  诗 13  诗 17  诗 22  诗 26  27:7-14 
       诗 28  诗 31  诗 35  诗 37 
       撒下 8:15  代上 18:14 
       撒上 18:14,30 
       撒上 24:7  26:11  撒下 16:11  19:22,23 
       撒下 19:23 
       撒上 16:21-23  代上 15:16  23:5  代下 7:6  29:26  尼 12:36 
       摩 6:5 
       撒下 22 
   .见 诗篇/诗歌 , 大卫的赞美诗
       撒下 23:2-7  代上 28:19  太 22:41-46  徒 2:25-38  4:25 
       诗 2  诗 16  18:43  69:7-9 
       太 9:27  12:23  15:22  20:30,31  21:9  22:42 
       可 10:47,48  路 18:37,39 
       民 24:17,19  撒下 7:11-16  代上 17:9-14  22:1-18  代下 6:5-17 
       代下 13:5  21:7  诗 89:19-37  赛 9:7  16:5  22:20-25  
       耶 23:5  33:15-26  路 1:32,33 
       代上 29:29,30 

 -2. 是基督的预言性名字
     耶 30:9  结 34:23,24  37:24,25  何 3:5 
 -1. King of Israel
   .Genealogy of
       Ru 4:18-22  1Sa 16:11  17:12  1Ch 2:3-15  Mt 1:1-6  Lu
   .A shepherd
       1Sa 16:11 
   .Kills a lion and a bear
       1Sa 17:34-36 
   .Anointed king, while a youth, by the prophet Samuel, and
       1Sa 16:1,13  Ps 89:19-37 
   .Chosen of God
       Ps 78:70 
   .Described to Saul
       1Sa 16:18 
   .Detailed as armor-bearer and musician at Saul's court
       1Sa 16:21-23 
   .Kills Goliath
       1Sa 17 
   .The love of Jonathan for
       1Sa 18:1-4 
   .Popularity and discreetness of
       1Sa 18 
   .Saul's jealousy of
       1Sa 18:8-30 
   .Is defrauded of Merab, and given Michal to marry
       1Sa 18:17-27 
   .Jonathan intercedes for
       1Sa 19:1-7 
   .Probably writes Psalms Eleven at this period of his life
       Ps 17  35  52  58  64  109  142 
   .Conducts a campaign against, and defeats the Philistines
       1Sa 19:8 
   .Saul attempts to kill him; he escapes to Ramah, and lives at
    Naioth, where Saul pursues him
       1Sa 19:9-24 
   .About this time writes
       Ps 59 
   .Returns, and Jonathan makes covenant with him
       1Sa 20 
   .Escapes by way of Nob, where he obtains shewbread and
    Goliath's sword from Abimelech
       1Sa 21:1-6  Mt 12:3,4 
   .Escapes to Gath
       1Sa 21:10-15 
   .At this time probably writes
       Ps 34  35  52  56  120 
   .Recruits an army of insurgents, goes to Moab, returns to
       1Sa 22 
   .Probably writes
       Ps 13 
   .Saves Keilah
       1Sa 23:1-13 
   .Makes second covenant with Jonathan
       1Sa 23:16-18 
   .Goes to the wilderness of Ziph, is betrayed to Saul
       1Sa 23:13-26 
   .Writes a psalm on the betrayal
       Ps 54 
   .And probably
       Ps 22  31  34  140 
   .Saul is diverted from pursuit of
       1Sa 23:27,28 
   .At this time probably writes
       Ps 12  22 
   .Goes to En-gedi
       1Sa 23:29 
   .Refrains from killing Saul
       1Sa 24 
       Ps 57 
   .Covenants with Saul
       1Sa 26 
   .Marries Nabal's widow, Abigail, and Ahinoam
       1Sa 25 
   .Lives in the wilderness of Ziph, has opportunity to kill
    Saul, but only takes his spear; Saul is contrite
       1Sa 26 
   .Flees to Achish and lives in Ziklag
       1Sa 27 
   .The list of men who join him
       1Ch 12:1-22 
   .Conducts an expedition against Amalekites, misstates the
    facts to Achish
       1Sa 27:8-12 
   .At this time probably writes
       Ps 141 
   .Is refused permission to accompany the Philistines to battle
    against the Israelites
       1Sa 28:1,2  29 
   .Rescues the people of Ziklag, who had been captured by the
       1Sa 30 
   .Probably writes
       Ps 18  20  21 
   .Death and burial of Saul and his sons
       1Sa 31  2Sa 21:1-14 
   .Kills the murderer of Saul
       2Sa 1:1-16 
   .Lamentation over Saul
       2Sa 1:17-27 
   .After living for one year and four months at Ziklag
       1Sa 27:7 
   .David goes to Hebron, and is anointed king by Judah
       2Sa 2:1-4,11  5:5  1Ki 2:11  1Ch 3:4  11:1-3 
   .The list of those who join him at Hebron
       1Ch 12:23-40 
   .Ish-bosheth, son of Saul, crowned
       2Sa 2:4 
   .David wages war against and defeats Ish-bosheth
       2Sa 2:13-32  3:4 
   .Demands the restoration of Michal, his wife
       2Sa 3:14-16 
   .Abner revolts from Ish-bosheth, and joins David, but is
    killed by Joab
       2Sa 3 
   .Punishes Ish-bosheth's murderers
       2Sa 4 
   .Anointed king over all Israel, after reigning over Judah at
    Hebron for seven years and six months, and reigns
    thirty-three years
       2Sa 2:11  5:5  1Ch 3:4  11:1-3  12:23-40  29:27 
   .Makes conquest of Jerusalem
       2Sa 5:6  1Ch 11:4-8  Isa 29:1 
   .Builds a palace
       2Sa 5:11  2Ch 2:3 
   .Friendship of, with Hiram, king of Tyre
       2Sa 5:11  1Ki 5:1 
   .Prospered of God
       2Sa 5:10  1Ch 11:9 
   .Fame of
       1Ch 14:17 
   .Philistines make war against, and are defeated by him
       2Sa 5:17,25 
   .Assembles thirty-thousand men to escort the ark of the
    covenant to Jerusalem with music and thanksgiving
       2Sa 6:1-5 
   .Uzzah is struck down when he attempts to steady the ark of
    the covenant
       2Sa 6:6-11 
   .David is terrified, and leaves the ark at the house of
       2Sa 6:9-11 
   .After three months, David brings the ark of the covenant to
    Jerusalem with dancing and great joy
       2Sa 6:12-16  1Ch 13 
   .Organized the tabernacle service
       1Ch 9:22  15:16-24  16:4-6,37-43 
   .Offers sacrifice, distributes gifts, and blesses the people
       2Sa 6:17-19 
   .Michal rebukes him for his religious enthusiasm
       2Sa 6:20-23 
   .Desires to build a temple, is forbidden, but receives God's
    promise that his seed should reign forever
       2Sa 7:12-16  23:5  1Ch 17:11-14  2Ch 6:16  Ps 89:3,4  132:11,12  Ac 15:16  Ro 15:12 
   .Interpretation and fulfillment of this prophecy
       Ac 13:22,23 
   .At this time, probably, David writes
       Ps 15  16  24  101  138 
   .Conquers the Philistines, Moabites, and Syria
       2Sa 8 
   .Treats Mephibosheth, the lame son of Saul, with great
       2Sa 9:6  19:24-30 
   .Sends commissioners with a message of sympathy to Hanun, son
    of the king of Ammon; the message is misinterpreted, and
    commissioners treated with indignity; David retaliates by
    invading, and defeats the combined armies of the Ammonites
    and Syrians
       2Sa 10  1Ch 19 
   .Probably writes
       Ps 18  20  21 
   .Commits adultery with Bath-sheba
       2Sa 11:2-5 
   .Wickedly causes the death of Uriah
       2Sa 11:6-25 
   .Takes Bath-sheba to be his wife
       2Sa 11:26,27 
   .Is rebuked by the prophet Nathan
       2Sa 12:1-14 
   .Repents of his crime and confesses his guilt
       Ps 6  32  38  39  40  51 
   .Is chastised with grievous affliction on account of his
       Ps 38  41  69 
   .Death of his infant son (born from Bath-sheba)
       2Sa 12:15-23 
   .Solomon is born to
       2Sa 12:24,25 
   .Ammonites defeated and tortured
       2Sa 12:26-31 
   .Amnon's crime, his murder by Absalom, and Absalom's flight
       2Sa 13 
   .Absalom's return
       2Sa 14:1-24 
   .Absalom's usurpation
       2Sa 14  15 
   .David's flight from Jerusalem
       2Sa 15:13-37 
   .He probably writes, at this time
       Ps 5  7  26  61  63  69  70  86  143 
   .Shimei curses him
       2Sa 16 
   .Crosses the Jordan River
       2Sa 17:21-29 
   .Absalom's defeat and death
       2Sa 18 
   .Laments the death of Absalom
       2Sa 18:33  19:1-4 
   .Rebuked by Joab
       2Sa 19:5-7 
   .David rebukes the priests for not showing loyalty amid the
    complaints of the people against him
       2Sa 19:9-15 
   .Shimei begs for clemency
       2Sa 19:16-23 
   .Mephibosheth begs for the king's favor
       2Sa 19:24-30 
   .Barzillai rewarded
       2Sa 19:31-40 
   .Judah accused by the ten tribes of stealing him away
       2Sa 19:41-43 
   .Returns to Jerusalem
       2Sa 20:1-3 
   .At this time, probably, David composes
       Ps 27  66  122  144 
   .Sheba's conspiracy against David, and his death
       2Sa 20 
   .Makes Amasa general
       2Sa 19:13 
   .Amasa is killed
       2Sa 20:4-10 
   .Consigns seven sons of Saul to the Gibeonites to be killed
    to atone for Saul's persecution of the Gibeonites
       2Sa 21:1-14 
   .Buries Saul's bones, and the bones of his sons
       2Sa 21:12-14 
   .Defeats the Philistines
       2Sa 21:15-22  1Ch 20:4-8 
   .Takes the military strength of Israel without divine
    authority, and is reproved
       2Sa 24  1Ch 21  27:24 
   .Probably composes
       Ps 30  131 
   .Marries Abishag
       1Ki 1:1-4 
   .Probably composes
       Ps 19  111 
   .Adonijah usurps the sceptre; Solomon appointed to the throne
       1Ki 1  1Ch 23:1 
   .Delivers his charge to Solomon
       1Ki 2:1-11  1Ch 22:6-19  28  29 
   .Probably composes
       Ps 23  145 
   .Last words of
       2Sa 23:1-7 
   .Death of
       1Ki 2:10  1Ch 29:28  Ac 2:29,30 
   .Sepulchre of
       Ac 2:29 
   .Age of, at death
       2Sa 5:4,5  1Ch 29:28 
   .Length of reign, forty years
       1Ki 2:11  1Ch 29:27,28 
   .Wives of
       2Sa 3:2-5 
   .Children born
     .At Hebron
         2Sa 3:2-5  1Ch 3:4 
     .At Jerusalem
         2Sa 5:14-16  1Ch 3:5-8  14:4-7 
   .Descendants of
       1Ch 3 
   .Civil and military officers of
       2Sa 8:16-18 
   .Lists of his heroes, and of their exploits
       2Sa 23  1Ch 11  12:23-40 
   .Devoutness of
       1Sa 13:14  2Sa 6:5,14,18  7:18-29  8:11  24:25  1Ki
      3:14  1Ch 17:16-27  29:10  2Ch 7:17  Zec 12:8  Ps 6  7  11  13  17  22  26  27:7-14  28  31  35  37 
   .Justice in the administration of
       2Sa 8:15  1Ch 18:14 
   .Discreetness of
       1Sa 18:14,30 
   .Meekness of
       1Sa 24:7  26:11  2Sa 16:11  19:22,23 
       2Sa 19:23 
   .David as musician
       1Sa 16:21-23  1Ch 15:16  23:5  2Ch 7:6  29:26  Ne 12:36  Am 6:5 
   .David as poet
       2Sa 22 
   .David as prophet
       2Sa 23:2-7  1Ch 28:19  Mt 22:41-46  Ac 2:25-38  4:25 
   .Type of Christ
       Ps 2  16  18:43  69:7-9 
   .Jesus called son of
       Mt 9:27  12:23  15:22  20:30,31  21:9  22:42  Mr
      10:47,48  Lu 18:37,39 
   .Prophecies concerning him and his kingdom
       Nu 24:17,19  2Sa 7:11-16  1Ch 17:9-14  22  2Ch 6:5-17  13:5  21:7  Ps 89:19-37  Isa 9:7  16:5  22:20-25  Jer
      23:5  33:15-26  Lu 1:32,33 
   .Chronicles of, written by Samuel, Nathan, and Gad
       1Ch 29:29,30 

 -2. A prophetic name for Christ
     Jer 30:9  Eze 34:23,24  37:24,25  Ho 3:5 
