主题ZEBULUN (西布伦 )
-1. 雅各和利亚所生的儿子
     创 30:20  35:23  46:14  49:13  出 1:3  代上 2:1 
       创 46:14  民 26:26,27 
-2. 西布伦支派
       民 2:3,7  10:14,16 
       创 49:13  书 19:10-16  太 4:13 
       士 1:30 
       书 21:34,35  代上 6:77 
       申 33:18,19 
         士 4:6,10  5:14,18 
         士 6:35 
         代上 12:33,38-40 
       代下 30:11,18 
       王下 15:29  赛 9:1 
       太 4:15 
       启 7:8 
   .见  以色列 ( ISRAEL )
 -1. Son of Jacob and Leah
     Ge 30:20  35:23  46:14  49:13  Ex 1:3  1Ch 2:1 
   .Descendants of
       Ge 46:14  Nu 26:26,27 
   .Also called ZABULUN
 -2. Tribe of
   .Place of, in marching and camping
       Nu 2:3,7  10:14,16 
   .Territory awarded to
       Ge 49:13  Jos 19:10-16  Mt 4:13 
   .Aboriginal inhabitants of the territory of, not expelled
       Jud 1:30 
   .Levitical cities of
       Jos 21:34,35  1Ch 6:77 
   .Moses' benediction upon
       De 33:18,19 
   .Loyalty of, in resisting the enemies of Israel
     .With Barak against Sisera
         Jud 4:6,10  5:14,18 
     .With Gideon against the Midianites
         Jud 6:35 
     .With David when made king over Israel
         1Ch 12:33,38-40 
   .Joins with Hezekiah in renewing the Passover
       2Ch 30:11,18 
   .Conquest of, by Tiglath-pileser; carried away to Assyria
    into captivity
       2Ki 15:29  Isa 9:1 
   .Jesus lived in the land of
       Mt 4:15 
   .Twelve thousand sealed
       Re 7:8 
   .See ISRAEL
