主题PRESUMPTION (放肆/傲慢/自以为是 )
     出 5:2  14:11,12  17:7  民 15:30  16:41  21:5  申 6:16 
     申 29:19,20  王上 20:28  22:24  伯 15:25  诗 19:13  131:1 
     箴 18:12,13  25:6,7  赛 5:18-25  10:15  14:13,14  28:14-18,22 
     赛 29:15,16,20  45:9,10  58:3  65:5  耶 23:34  太 4:5-7 
     路 4:9-11  12:18-20  14:7-11  18:11,12  罗 1:32  9:20,21 
     林前 10:9-12  帖后 2:3  雅 4:13-16  彼后 2:10,11 

   .撒但, 它对夏娃说:「你们不一定死」
       创 3:1-5 
       创 11:4 
   .亚伯拉罕, 质疑所多玛的事
       创 18:23-32 
   .摩西, 非难耶和华
       民 11:11-15,22 
       利 10:1,2 
   .以色列人, 上山攻击亚玛力人
       民 14:44,45 
   .以色列人, 在米利巴发怨言
       出 17:2,7 
   .以色列人, 辱骂上帝
       玛 1:6,7,12  3:7,8,13 
       民 16:1,3 
   .扫罗, 献祭
       撒上 13:8-14 
   .扫罗, 放亚玛力人一马
       撒上 15:3,9-23 
       撒上 6:19 
   .乌撒, 扶稳约柜
       撒下 6:6,7 
   .由于乌撒的死, 大卫发怒 (中译「愁烦」原文意为发怒)
       撒下 6:8 
   .大卫, 数点以色列民
       撒下 24:1-17 
       王上 13:4 
       王上 20:10 
       代下 26:16 
       代下 32:13,14 
   .约伯, 诅咒他出生的日子
       伯 3 
       伯 4  伯 5 
       拿 4:1-8 
         太 16:21-23  可 8:32 
     .耶稣在人群中问谁摸了他, 彼得的答话反映他所知浅薄而莽撞
         路 8:45 
         约 13:8 
         约 21:20-22 
   .门徒, 斥责把小孩子带到耶稣面前的人
       太 19:13  可 10:13,14  路 18:15 
   .门徒, 因耶稣受膏抹而愤慨
       太 26:8,9  可 14:4,5  约 12:5 
       约 7:3-5 
   .雅各和约翰, 希望降下天火烧死撒马利亚人
       路 9:54 
       太 27:42,43  可 15:29-32 
       徒 5:36 
       徒 19:13,14 
       约三 1:9 
   .见 亵渎, 亦即放肆
   .见 嘲笑/嘲弄 
   .见 骄傲/自大 
 -General scriptures concerning
     Ex 5:2  14:11,12  17:7  Nu 15:30  16:41  21:5  De 6:16  29:19,20  1Ki 20:28  22:24  Job 15:25  Ps 19:13  131:1  Pr
    18:12,13  25:6,7  Isa 5:18-25  10:15  14:13,14  28:14-18,22  29:15,16,20  45:9,10  58:3  65:5  Jer 23:34  Mt 4:5-7  Lu
    4:9-11  12:18-20  14:7-11  18:11,12  Ro 1:32  9:20,21  1Co
    10:9-12  2Th 2:3  Jas 4:13-16  2Pe 2:10,11 

   .Satan, when he said to Eve, "You will surely not die,"
       Ge 3:1-5 
   .Builders of Babel
       Ge 11:4 
   .Abraham, in questioning about Sodom
       Ge 18:23-32 
   .Moses, in rebuking Jehovah
       Nu 11:11-15,22 
   .Nadab and Abihu
       Le 10:1,2 
   .Israelites, in ascending to the top of the hill against the
       Nu 14:44,45 
   .Complaining at Meribah
       Ex 17:2,7 
   .In reviling God
       Mal 1:6,7,12  3:7,8,13 
   .Korah, Dathan, and Abiram
       Nu 16:3 
   .Saul, in sacrificing
       1Sa 13:8-14 
   .Sparing the Amalekites
       1Sa 15:3,9-23 
   .Men of Beth-shemesh
       1Sa 6:19 
   .Uzzah, in steadying the ark of the covenant
       2Sa 6:6,7 
   .David's anger on account of Uzzah's death
       2Sa 6:8 
   .David, in numbering Israel
       2Sa 24:1-17 
       1Ki 13:4 
       1Ki 20:10 
       2Ch 26:16 
       2Ch 32:13,14 
   .Job, in cursing the day of his birth
       Job 3 
   .Reproved by Eliphaz
       Job 4  5 
       Jon 4:1-8 
     .In objecting to Jesus' statement that Jesus must be killed
         Mt 16:21-23  Mr 8:32 
     .In reflecting upon his knowledge when he asked, amid a
      throng, who touched Jesus
         Lu 8:45 
     .In objecting to Jesus washing Peter's feet
         Joh 13:8 
     .In asking Jesus, "What will this man do?"
         Joh 21:20-22 
   .The disciples, in rebuking those who brought little children
    to Jesus
       Mt 19:13  Mr 10:13,14  Lu 18:15 
   .The disciples, in their indignation at the anointing of
       Mt 26:8,9  Mr 14:4,5  Joh 12:5 
   .Reproving Jesus
       Joh 7:3-5 
   .James and John, in desiring to call down fire upon the
       Lu 9:54 
   .Those who reviled Jesus
       Mt 27:42,43  Mr 15:29-32 
       Ac 5:36 
   .The sons of Sceva
       Ac 19:13,14 
       3Jo 1:9 
   .See BLASPHEMSY, which is presumption
   .See PRIDE
