       利 1:3  3:2  17:4,8,9 
       代下 7:12  王上 8:62  12:27 

     利 22:27 

       利 2:13  结 43:24  可 9:49 
       利 7:13  摩 4:5 
       出 23:18  34:25 

     撒上 9:13 

     利 16:7-26 

   .见 赎罪

     诗 51:17  耶 33:11  罗 12:1  腓 4:18  来 13:15 

       诗 40:6-8  来 10:1-14  赛 53:11,12  利 16:21 
       约 1:29  林前 5:7  林后 5:21  弗 5:2  来 9:19-28 
       来 10:1,11,12  13:11-13  启 5:6 

     利 9:2 
       利 1:4  7:1-38 
       出 29:15-18  利 1:1-17  5:7-10  6:9-13  17:8,9  23:18,26-37 
       民 15:24,25  19:9  28:26-31  29:1-40 
       民 15:3-16 
       利 7:8 
       创 15:17  出 29:38-42  利 6:20  民 28:1-31  29:6  代上 16:40 
       代下 2:4  13:11  拉 3:3  结 46:13-15 
       民 10:10 

       创 35:14  出 29:40,41  30:9  利 23:13,18  民 6:17  15:24 
       民 28:5-15,24-31  29:6-11,18-40  王下 16:13  代上 29:21 
       代下 29:35  拉 7:17 

       利 22:17-25 
       利 7:11-18 
       民 15:1-7  16:1-50 
       申 16:10  23:23 

   .给祭司的家人, 作为其津贴的一部分
       利 10:14  民 5:9  18:10-19,24 
       出 29:27 
         出 29:27,28  利 7:12-14,32,34  10:15 
     .掠物, 包括俘虏和其他战利品
         民 31:29,41 
       利 7:12-14  民 6:20  15:19-21 
   .在某些情况, 举祭要奉到帐幕或圣殿
       申 12:6,11,17,18 
       民 15:18-21 

       利 18:21  20:2-5  申 12:31 
         创 22:1-19  来 11:17-19 
         申 12:31 
         王下 3:27 
       王下 16:3  代下 28:3  王下 23:10  赛 57:5  耶 7:31  19:5 
       耶 32:35  结 16:20,21  20:26,31  23:37,39 
       王下 17:31 
       诗 106:37,38 
       耶 19:5,6 

     来 8:7-13  9:1-15  10:1-12,18-20 

       出 29:40,41  30:9  40:29  利 2  5:11,12  6:14-23 
       利 7:9-13,37  9:17  23:13,16,17  民 4:16  5:15,18,25,26  
       民 8:8  15:3-16,24  18:9  28:5,9,12,13,20,21,26-31 
       民 29:3,4,14 
       利 10:13  民 18:9,10 
       民 15:3-16 
       利 2:4,11  6:14-18  10:12,13  民 6:15,17 
       尼 12:44  13:5,6 
       结 42:13 

       出 29:19-22,31  利 7:11-15,18  9:3,4,15-21  23:19 
       民 6:14  10:10 

       出 29:10-14  来 13:11-13  利 4:1-35  5:1-19 
       利 6:1-7,26-30  9:1-21  12:6-8  14:19,22,31  15:30   
       利 23:19  民 6:10,11,14,16  8:8,12  15:27  28:15,22-24,30 
       民 29:5,6,11,16-38 
       来 9:1-28  10:1-39 

     .见 祭坛 
     .见 祭司 
     .见 圣殿 , 奉献之礼
     .见 麻疯 
     .见 沾染污秽 

       利 7:11-15  22:29  申 12:11,12 

       利 5  6:1-7  7:1-7  14:10-22  15:15,29,30  19:21,22 
       民 6:12  拉 10:19 
       利 7:6,7  14:13  民 18:9,10 
       撒上 6:3,8,17,18 

 -若没有敬神的言行, 献祭是无益的
     撒上 15:22  诗 40:6  50:8-14  51:16,17  箴 21:3,27 
     赛 1:11-14  40:16  66:3  耶 6:20  7:21-23  14:12  何 6:6 
     何 8:13  摩 5:21-24  弥 6:6-8  可 12:33 

     利 7:16,17  22:17-25  申 23:21-23 

       出 29:22,26-28  利 7:29-34  8:25-29  9:19-21  10:14,15 
       利 23:10,11,17-20  民 5:25  6:19,20 
       出 29:26-28  利 7:31,34  8:29  9:21  23:20  民 18:11,18 
       利 10:14,15  民 18:11,18,19,31 

       尼 10:34  13:31 
 -Offered at the door
   .Of the tabernacle
       Le 1:3  3:2  17:4,8,9 
   .Of the temple
       2Ch 7:12  1Ki 8:62  12:27 

 -All animal sacrifices must be eight days old or more
     Le 22:27 

 -Must be
       Le 2:13  Eze 43:24  Mr 9:49 
   .Accompanied with leaven (yeast)
       Le 7:13  Am 4:5 
   .Without leaven (yeast)
       Ex 23:18  34:25 

     1Sa 9:13 

 -Ordinance relating to the scapegoat
     Le 16:7-26 

 -Atonement for sin made by

     Ps 51:17  Jer 33:11  Ro 12:1  Php 4:18  Heb 13:15 

   .A type of Christ
       Ps 40:6-8  Heb 10:1-14  Isa 53:11,12  Le 16:21  Joh 1:29  1Co 5:7  2Co 5:21  Eph 5:2  Heb 9:19-28  10:1,11,12  13:11-13  Re 5:6 

     Le 9:2 
   .Its purpose was to make an atonement for sin
       Le 1:4  7 
   .Ordinances concerning
       Ex 29:15-18  Le 1  5:7-10  6:9-13  17:8,9  23:18,26-37  Nu 15:24,25  19:9  28:26-31  29 
   .Accompanied by other offerings
       Nu 15:3-16 
   .Skins of, belonged to priests
       Le 7:8 
   .Offered daily, morning and evening
       Ge 15:17  Ex 29:38-42  Le 6:20  Nu 28  29:6  1Ch 16:40  2Ch 2:4  13:11  Ezr 3:3  Eze 46:13-15 
   .Music with
       Nu 10:10 

   .Libations of wine offered with the sacrifices
       Ge 35:14  Ex 29:40,41  30:9  Le 23:13,18  Nu 6:17  15:24  28:5-15,24-31  29:6-11,18-40  2Ki 16:13  1Ch 29:21  2Ch
      29:35  Ezr 7:17 

   .Must be perfect (whole, complete)
       Le 22:17-25 
   .To be eaten by priests
       Le 7:11-18 
   .With meat and drink offerings
       Nu 15:1  16 
   .Obligatory when signified in a vow
       De 16:10  23:23 

   .Given to the priests' families as part of their benefits
       Le 10:14  Nu 5:9  18:10-19,24 
   .Consecrated by being elevated by the priest
       Ex 29:27 
   .Consisted of the right thigh or hind quarter (R. V.)
       Ex 29:27,28  Le 7:12-14,32,34  10:15 
   .Plunder, including captives and other articles of war
       Nu 31:29,41 
   .When offered
       Le 7:12-14  Nu 6:20  15:19-21 
   .In certain instances this offering was brought to the
    tabernacle, or temple
       De 12:6,11,17,18 
   .To be offered on taking possession of the land of Canaan
       Nu 15:18-21 

       Le 18:21  20:2-5  De 12:31 
   .Offered by
         Ge 22:1-19  Heb 11:17-19 
         De 12:31 
         2Ki 3:27 
       2Ki 16:3  2Ch 28:3  2Ki 23:10  Isa 57:5  Jer 7:31  19:5  32:35  Eze 16:20,21  20:26,31  23:37,39 
   .The Sepharvites to idols
       2Ki 17:31 
   .Offered to demons
       Ps 106:37,38 
   .Offered to Baal
       Jer 19:5,6 

     Heb 8:7-13  9:1-15  10:1-12,18-20 

   .Ordinances concerning
       Ex 29:40,41  30:9  40:29  Le 2  5:11,12  6:14-23  7:9-13,37  9:17  23:13,16,17  Nu 4:16  5:15,18,25,26  8:8  15:3-16,24  18:9  28:5,9,12,13,20,21,26-31  29:3,4,14 
   .To be eaten in the holy place
       Le 10:13  Nu 18:9,10 
   .Offered with the sacrifices
       Nu 15:3-16 
   .Not mixed with leaven (yeast)
       Le 2:4,11  6:14-18  10:12,13  Nu 6:15,17 
   .Storage rooms for, in the temple reconstructed by Ezra
       Ne 12:44  13:5,6 
   .Provided for in the vision of Ezekiel
       Eze 42:13 

   .Laws concerning
       Ex 29:19-22,31  Le 7:11-15,18  9:3,4,15-21  23:19  Nu
      6:14  10:10 

   .Ordinances concerning
       Ex 29:10-14  Heb 13:11-13  Le 4  5  6:1-7,26-30  9:1-21  12:6-8  14:19,22,31  15:30  23:19  Nu
      6:10,11,14,16  8:8,12  15:27  28:15,22-24,30  29:5,6,11,16-38 
       Da 11:31  Heb 9  10 

   .In consecration of the altar
     .See ALTAR
   .Of priests
     .See PRIESTS
   .Of the temple
   .For leprosy
     .See LEPROSY
   .For defilement

   .Ordinances concerning
       Le 7:11-15  22:29  De 12:11,12 

   .Ordinances concerning
       Le 5  6:1-7  7:1-7  14:10-22  15:15,29,30  19:21,22  Nu
      6:12  Ezr 10:19 
   .To be eaten by the priests
       Le 7:6,7  14:13  Nu 18:9,10 
   .Offered by idolaters
       1Sa 6:3,8,17,18 
   .See OFFERING, above
     1Sa 15:22  Ps 40:6  50:8-14  51:16,17  Pr 21:3,27  Isa
    1:11-14  40:16  66:3  Jer 6:20  7:21-23  14:12  Hos 6:6  8:13  Am 5:21-24  Mic 6:6-8  Mr 12:33 

     Le 7:16,17  22:17-25  De 23:21-23 

   .Ordinances concerning
       Ex 29:22,26-28  Le 7:29-34  8:25-29  9:19-21  10:14,15  23:10,11,17-20  Nu 5:25  6:19,20 
   .Belonged to the priests
       Ex 29:26-28  Le 7:31,34  8:29  9:21  23:20  Nu 18:11,18 
   .To be eaten
       Le 10:14,15  Nu 18:11,18,19,31 

   .Fuel for the temple
       Ne 10:34  13:31 
