主题OATH (誓言 )
       创 14:22,23 
       创 21:22,23 
       创 26:26-29,31 

     创 24:2,3,9 

 -以扫起誓, 确认出卖长子名分
     创 25:33 

 -雅各起誓, 坚定他和拉班所立的约
     创 31:53 

     创 47:28-31 

     创 50:25 

     书 2:12-14  6:22 

     书 9:3-20 

     书 14:9 

     士 11:10 

     士 21:5 

     得 1:17 

     得 3:13 

     撒上 19:6 

     撒上 20:3,13-17 

     撒上 24:21,22  撒下 21:7 

     撒上 28:10 

     撒下 3:35 

     撒下 19:7 

     王上 1:28,29 

     王上 2:23 

     王上 2:42 

     王下 2:2 

     王下 6:31 

     王下 5:20 

     王下 11:4 

     代下 36:13 

     拉 10:5,19 

     尼 5:12,13 

     耶 38:16 

     耶 40:9 

     可 14:71 

     创 22:16  诗 89:35  95:11  105:9  132:11  赛 14:24  45:23 
     耶 11:5  22:5  49:13  51:14  路 1:73  来 3:11,18  4:3 
     来 6:13,14,17  7:21,28  启 10:6 

     出 20:7  22:10,11  23:1  利 6:2-5  19:12  民 5:19-24 
     申 5:11  6:13  10:20  王上 8:31,32  诗 15:1,2,4  传 8:2 
     赛 48:1  耶 4:2  5:2,7  7:8,9  12:16  但 9:11  12:7  何 4:15 
     太 5:33-37  14:3-12  23:18-22  26:63  可 6:26  徒 23:12-14 
     林后 1:23  加 1:20  来 6:16  雅 5:12  启 10:5,6 
   .见 假教师 , 作假见证
   .见 上帝, 亵渎他的名
   .见 假誓/伪证 
 -(A solemn qualification)
 -Used in solemnizing covenants
   .Between Abraham and the king of Sodom
       Ge 14:22,23 
   .Between Abraham and Abimelech
       Ge 21:22,23 
   .Between Isaac and Abimelech
       Ge 26:26-29,31 

 -Abraham requires oath of his servant Eliezer
     Ge 24:2,3,9 

 -Esau confirms the sale of his birthright by
     Ge 25:33 

 -Jacob confirms the covenant between him and Laban by
     Ge 31:53 

 -Requires Joseph to swear that he would bury him with his
     Ge 47:28-31 

 -Joseph requires a similar oath
     Ge 50:25 

 -Rahab requires an oath from the spies
     Jos 2:12-14  6:22 

 -The Israelites confirm the covenant with the Hivites
     Jos 9:3-20 

 -Moses covenants with Caleb by
     Jos 14:9 

 -The elders of Gilead confirm their pledge to Jephthah by
     Jud 11:10 

 -The Israelites swear in Mizpeh
     Jud 21:5 

 -Ruth swears to Naomi
     Ru 1:17 

 -Boaz swears to Ruth
     Ru 3:13 

 -Saul swears to Jonathan
     1Sa 19:6 

 -Jonathan and David confirm a covenant by
     1Sa 20:3,13-17 

 -David swears to Saul
     1Sa 24:21,22  2Sa 21:7 

 -Saul swears to the witch of En-dor
     1Sa 28:10 

 -David swears not to eat until the sun goes down
     2Sa 3:35 

 -Joab confirms his word by
     2Sa 19:7 

 -David swears to Bath-sheba that Solomon will be king
     1Ki 1:28,29 

 -Solomon confirms his word by
     1Ki 2:23 

 -So does Shimei
     1Ki 2:42 

 -Elisha seals his vow to follow Elijah by
     2Ki 2:2 

 -King of Samaria confirms his word with an
     2Ki 6:31 

 -Gehazi confirms his lie by
     2Ki 5:20 

 -Jehoida requires an oath from the rulers
     2Ki 11:4 

 -Zedekiah violates
     2Ch 36:13 

 -Ezra requires, of the Priests and Levites
     Ezr 10:5,19 

 -So does Nehemiah
     Ne 5:12,13 

 -Zedekiah swears to Jeremiah
     Jer 38:16 

 -Gedaliah confirms his word by
     Jer 40:9 

 -Peter confirms his denial of Jesus by
     Mr 14:71 

     Ge 22:16  Ps 89:35  95:11  105:9  132:11  Isa 14:24  45:23  Jer 11:5  22:5  49:13  51:14  Lu 1:73  Heb 3:11,18  4:3  6:13,14,17  7:21,28  Re 10:6 

     Ex 20:7  22:10,11  23:1  Le 6:2-5  19:12  Nu 5:19-24  De
    5:11  6:13  10:20  1Ki 8:31,32  Ps 15:1,2,4  Ec 8:2  Isa
    48:1  Jer 4:2  5:2,7  7:8,9  12:16  Da 9:11  12:7  Ho 4:15  Mt 5:33-37  14:3-12  23:18-22  26:63  Mr 6:26  Ac 23:12-14  2Co 1:23  Ga 1:20  Heb 6:16  Jas 5:12  Re 10:5,6 
