主题FAITH (信心 )
     撒下 22:31  诗 2:12  5:11  7:1  9:9,10  18:30  32:10 
     诗 33:18,19  34:1-8,22  36:7  40:4  64:10  78:5-7  84:5,12 
     诗 112:5,7,8  118:8,9  125:1  147:11  箴 3:5  14:26  22:19 
     箴 28:25  29:25  30:5  赛 10:20  14:32  26:3  30:15  57:13 
     耶 17:7,8  39:18  鸿 1:7  太 9:22  21:21,22  可 9:23,24 
     可 11:23,24  路 7:50  8:48-50  17:5  18:8  约 11:25-27 
     徒 3:16  13:48  26:18  罗 1:16,17  4:1-25  5:1  9:31-33 
     罗 10:6-10  11:20,23  15:13  林前 1:21  2:5  12:8,9  林后 1:24 
     加 3:1-29  5:22  弗 2:8  6:16  西 1:23  2:12  帖前 2:13 
     帖前 5:8  帖后 2:13  提前 1:5,19  2:15  4:10  6:11,12,17 
     提后 4:7,8  来 4:1-11  6:1,7,12,18  10:35,38,39  11:1-39 
     来 13:5,6  雅 1:6  2:1-26  彼前 1:5,7,9,21  3:5  约一 3:21  5:4 
     启 22:7 

 -见 相信基督, 如下

     出 14:13  民 21:34  申 1:21-31  3:2,22  7:17-21  20:1 
     申 31:6-8,23  书 1:5-9  10:25  士 6:14-16  王下 19:6,7 
     代下 15:7  16:9  20:15,17,20  32:7,8  尼 4:14  伯 35:14  诗 4:5 
     诗 27:14  31:19,24  37:3,5,7,39,40  55:22  62:8  115:9,11 
     诗 130:7  箴 3:5,6,24-26  16:3  赛 26:4,20  35:3,4  37:6 
     赛 41:10,13,14  43:1,2,5,10  44:2,8  50:10  耶 42:11  49:11 
     珥 2:21  3:16  哈 2:3,4  番 3:16,17  亚 8:9  9:12 
     太 6:25-34  17:18-20  可 1:15  11:22-24  路 12:22-32  17:6 
   .例子: 见下列副主题

     创 6:22  16:13  24:7,40  48:21  50:20,24  出 15:1-19 
     出 18:11  民 10:29  14:8,9  书 14:12  撒上 14:6 
     撒上 17:36,37,45-47  撒下 7:28  22:2-5  23:5  王下 18:5  代上 28:20 
     代下 13:10,11  14:11  20:12  32:7,8  拉 8:22  尼 1:8-10 
     尼 2:20  伯 4:7-21  5:8,9  10:12  13:15  14:15  16:19 
     伯 19:25-27  23:6  42:2  诗 3:3,5,6  4:3,8  6:8,9  7:1,10 
     诗 9:3,4  11:1  13:5  16:1,2,5,8,11  17:6  18:1-3,18,28,29 
     诗 20:5-7  21:7  22:4,5  23:1-6  25:1,2,5,15,20  26:1,12 
     诗 27:1,5,6,10  28:7  31:1,3-6,14,15  32:7  33:20-22  35:10 
     诗 38:9  39:7  40:3,4,17  41:12  42:5,6,8  43:5  44:5,8 
     诗 46:1-3,5,7  47:3,4  48:8,14  52:8  54:4  55:16,17,23 
     诗 56:3,4,8,9,11  57:1-3  59:9,10,17  60:9,10,12  61:2,4,6,7 
     诗 62:1,5-7  63:6,7  66:9  67:6  69:19,35,36  70:5 
     诗 71:1,3,5-7,14,16,20,21  73:23,24,26,28  74:12  77:10-12 
     诗 86:2,7  89:18,26  90:1  91:1,2,9,10  92:10,15 
     诗 94:14,15,17,18,22  102:13  108:10-13  115:12-14  116:7 
     诗 118:6,7,10,14,17  119:42,43,57,74,81,114,151,166  121:2 
     诗 124:8  130:5,6  138:7,8  140:6,7,12  141:8  142:3,5 
     诗 143:8,9  144:2,10  传 11:1  赛 8:10,17  12:2  25:9  26:1,8 
     赛 33:2,22  38:16  50:7-9  63:16  64:8  耶 10:23  14:9,22 
     耶 16:19  17:12,17  20:11  哀 3:24-32  但 3:16,17  6:16 
     拿 2:2-9  弥 7:7-9,20  哈 1:12  3:17-19  番 3:12  路 1:38 
     路 7:50  约 3:33  徒 16:34  24:14,15  27:25  罗 8:18,28,38,39 
     罗 15:29  林前 9:26  林后 1:10  4:8,9,13,16-18  5:7  加 5:5 
     腓 1:19-21  提前 4:10  提后 1:12  2:11-13  来 10:34 
     来 11:4,5,7-11,13,14,16-39  13:14  彼后 3:13  约一 4:16 

   .挪亚, 建造方舟
       创 6:14-22  来 11:7 
   .亚伯拉罕, 上帝一吩咐就离开出生地
       创 12:1-4 
       创 12:7  15:4-8 
       创 22:1-10  罗 4:18-21  来 11:8-19 
   .雅各, 祝福约瑟的儿子
       来 11:21 
   .约瑟, 关于他被卖至埃及仍有上帝的照管在其中, 最终促成以色列得救
       创 50:20  来 11:22 
   .约基别, 照料摩西
       出 2:2  来 11:23 
   .法老的臣仆, 听从耶和华
       出 9:20 
         来 11:24-28 
         民 16:28,29 
         出 4:31 
         代上 5:20 
         代下 13:8-18 
   .见 摩西的 神迹
   .迦勒, 劝百姓攻占应许之地
       民 13:30  14:6-9 
   .喇合, 殷勤招待探子
       书 2:9,11  来 11:31 
       书 2:24 
       书 6 
       士 13:23 
       撒上 1 
   .约拿单, 击倒非利士人
       撒上 14:6 
   .大卫, 击倒歌利亚
       撒上 17:37,46,47 
   .因数点百姓而受惩罚, 选择落入全能上帝的手里
       撒下 24:14 
       徒 2:30 
   .以利亚, 与巴力的祭司争论时
       王上 18:32-38 
       王上 17:13-15 
   .亚玛谢, 因为顺从上帝的吩咐而打发以法莲人离开, 
       代下 25:7-10 
       王下 18:5  19:1-37  20:1-11 
   .但以理, 在狮子坑里
       但 6 
   .三个希伯来人, 不肯拜尼布甲尼撒的偶像
       但 3:13-27 
   .尼尼微人, 听从约拿
       拿 3:5 
   .以斯拉, 从巴比伦返回耶路撒冷, 没有军队护送
       拉 8:22 
   .约瑟, 听从关于马利亚的异梦, 并逃到埃及
       太 1:18-24  2:13,14 
       来 11:4 
   .以利法, 认定上帝的照管支配一切, 苦难乃是为了义人好
       伯 5:6-27 
   .末底改, 救了犹太人
       斯 4:14 
   .西面, 当他在圣殿院子见到耶稣时
       路 2:25-35 
       来 11:32-34 
   .见 信心的试验, 如下
   .见 相信基督的实例, 如下

     赛 28:16  太 7:24,25  8:2,13  9:22,29  11:6,28-30  14:27 
     太 15:28  17:7  可 5:36  9:23  16:16  路 6:46-49  7:9,50  8:50 
     路 17:6  18:42  约 1:12  3:14-16,18,36  5:24 
     约 6:20,29,35,45,47  7:38  9:35  11:25,26,40  12:36,44,46 
     约 13:7,20  14:1,11,12  16:27,33  18:37  20:27,29,31  徒 3:16 
     徒 10:43  15:9,11  16:31  20:21  26:18  罗 3:22-28  9:33 
     罗 10:4,9  加 2:16  3:1-29  5:6  弗 1:12-14  3:12,17  4:13 
     腓 3:9  西 2:7  提前 1:16  提后 1:13  2:1  3:15  来 4:16 
     来 6:19  10:22  12:2  13:7  彼前 1:8  2:6,7  彼后 1:1  约一 3:23 
     约一 5:4,5,10,13,14  犹 1:21  启 1:17  3:18,20 

     太 8:2,5-10  9:18,21,28  14:33  15:26-28  16:16  可 5:28 
     可 7:27-30  9:24  路 5:5  7:3-9  23:42  约 4:29,42 
     约 6:14,68,69  7:31  9:38  10:41,42  11:21,22,27,32  16:30 
     约 20:28  徒 8:37  11:17  罗 7:24,25  8:35,37  林后 12:9,10 
     加 2:20  腓 4:13  提前 1:14  提后 1:12  4:18 

       太 2:1,2,11 
       太 4:18-22  可 1:16-20  路 5:4,5  约 6:68,69 
       太 4:18-22  可 1:16-20  约 1:41 
       太 4:21,22  可 1:19,20 
       太 9:21,22 
   .睚鲁, 对女儿得医治有信心
       太 9:18,23-25 
       太 9:29,30 
       太 20:30-34  可 10:46-52  路 18:35-42 
       路 17:11-19 
       太 14:36  可 3:10  6:54-56 
       路 5:18-20 
       太 15:22-28  可 7:25-30 
       路 7:36-50 
       太 9:2 
       约 1:45,46 
       约 1:49 
   .撒马利亚人, 因着下列两项原因就相信
         约 4:39-42 
         徒 8:9-12 
       约 4:46-53 
       约 8:56 
       约 9:13-38 
       路 10:38-42  约 11:32 
       约 20:8 
   .门徒, 因为加利利迦拿的神迹而相信
       约 2:11 
       约 2:23  8:30  11:45  12:11 
   .三千人左右, 在五旬节当天
       徒 2:41 
       徒 4:4 
       徒 5:14 
       徒 14:9 
       徒 6:8 
   .古实 (衣索比亚) 的太监
       徒 8:37 
       徒 9:35 
       徒 9:42 
       徒 11:21-24 
       徒 11:24 
       提后 1:5  徒 16:1 
       徒 16:14 
       徒 16:31-34 
       徒 18:8 
       徒 18:8  林前 15:11 
       徒 28:24 
       弗 1:13,15 
       西 1:2,4 
       帖前 1:6  3:6-8  帖后 1:3,4 
       门 1:5 
       启 2:19 

     代上 29:17  诗 26:2  81:7  太 13:19-22  24:21-25 
     路 8:13,14  帖后 1:3-5  来 6:13-15  雅 1:3,12  彼前 1:7 
   .见 试探

       创 6:14-22  来 11:7 
   .亚伯拉罕, 受命离开故土, 到他未曾去过的地方
       创 12:1-4  来 11:8 
   .亚伯拉罕, 受命献以撒
       创 22:1-19  来 11:17-19 
   .摩西, 奉派去见法老
       出 3:11,12  4:10-17  来 11:25-29 
   .摩西, 在红海, 因百姓发怨言而信心受试验
       出 14  15:1-27 
   .约书亚和以色列百姓, 因攻占耶利哥的方法而信心受试验
       书 6  来 11:30 
   .基甸, 受命拯救以色列时
       士 6:36-40  7:1-25  来 11:32 
   .约伯, 因苦难和困境而信心受试验
       伯 1  2 
   .以斯拉, 离开巴比伦时没有军队护送
       拉 8:22 
   .但以理, 被禁止向耶和华祷告时
       但 6:4-23  来 11:32,33 
   .三个希伯来人, 受命拜金像时
       但 3:8-30  来 11:32-34 
       太 15:21-28  可 7:24-30 
   .两个瞎子, 恳求耶稣叫他们复明
       太 9:28 
   .门徒, 当时耶稣行在加利利海上
       太 14:25-33 
         太 16:15-20  路 9:20,21 
         太 17:14-21  可 9:14-29  路 9:37-42 
         太 8:23-27  可 4:36-41  路 8:22-26 
   .腓力, 耶稣询问他要怎样喂饱众人
       约 6:5,6 
   .彼得, 被问到他是否爱耶稣时
       约 21:16,17 
   .见 苦难, 苦难的目的

   .见 神迹, 神迹的目的

     罗 1:8  犹 1:3 

   .见 怀疑
 -General scriptures concerning
     2Sa 22:31  Ps 2:12  5:11  7:1  9:9,10  18:30  32:10  33:18,19  34:1-8,22  36:7  40:4  64:10  78:5-7  84:5,12  112:5,7,8  118:8,9  125:1  147:11  Pr 3:5  14:26  22:19  28:25  29:25  30:5  Isa 10:20  14:32  26:3  30:15  57:13  Jer 17:7,8  39:18  Na 1:7  Mt 9:22  21:21,22  Mr 9:23,24  11:23,24  Lu 7:50  8:48-50  17:5  18:8  Joh 11:25-27  Ac
    3:16  13:48  26:18  Ro 1:16,17  4:1-25  5:1  9:31-33  10:6-10  11:20,23  15:13  1Co 1:21  2:5  12:8,9  2Co 1:24  Ga 3:1-29  5:22  Eph 2:8  6:16  Col 1:23  2:12  1Th 2:13  5:8  2Th 2:13  1Ti 1:5,19  2:15  4:10  6:11,12,17  2Ti
    4:7,8  Heb 4:1-11  6:1,7,12,18  10:35,38,39  11:1-39  13:5,6  Jas 1:6  2:1-26  1Pe 1:5,7,9,21  3:5  1Jo 3:21  5:4  Re 22:7 


     Ex 14:13  Nu 21:34  De 1:21-31  3:2,22  7:17-21  20:1  31:6-8,23  Jos 1:5-9  10:25  Jud 6:14-16  2Ki 19:6,7  2Ch
    15:7  16:9  20:15,17,20  32:7,8  Ne 4:14  Job 35:14  Ps 4:5  27:14  31:19,24  37:3,5,7,39,40  55:22  62:8  115:9,11  130:7  Pr 3:5,6,24-26  16:3  Isa 26:4,20  35:3,4  37:6  41:10,13,14  43:1,2,5,10  44:2,8  50:10  Jer 42:11  49:11  Joe 2:21  3:16  Hab 2:3,4  Zep 3:16,17  Zec 8:9  9:12  Mt
    6:25-34  17:18-20  Mr 1:15  11:22-24  Lu 12:22-32  17:6 
   .INSTANCES OF: see after the following subtopic
     Ge 6:22  16:13  24:7,40  48:21  50:20,24  Ex 15:1-19  18:11  Nu 10:29  14:8,9  Jos 14:12  1Sa 14:6  17:36,37,45-47  2Sa 7:28  22:2-5  23:5  2Ki 18:5  1Ch 28:20  2Ch 13:10,11  14:11  20:12  32:7,8  Ezr 8:22  Ne 1:8-10  2:20  Job 4:7-21  5:8,9  10:12  13:15  14:15  16:19  19:25-27  23:6  42:2  Ps 3:3,5,6  4:3,8  6:8,9  7:1,10  9:3,4  11:1  13:5  16:1,2,5,8,11  17:6  18:1-3,18,28,29  20:5-7  21:7  22:4,5  23:1-6  25:1,2,5,15,20  26:1,12  27:1,5,6,10  28:7  31:1,3-6,14,15  32:7  33:20-22  35:10  38:9  39:7  40:3,4,17  41:12  42:5,6,8  43:5  44:5,8  46:1-3,5,7  47:3,4  48:8,14  52:8  54:4  55:16,17,23  56:3,4,8,9,11  57:1-3  59:9,10,17  60:9,10,12  61:2,4,6,7  62:1,5-7  63:6,7  66:9  67:6  69:19,35,36  70:5  71:1,3,5-7,14,16,20,21  73:23,24,26,28  74:12  77:10-12  86:2,7  89:18,26  90:1  91:1,2,9,10  92:10,15  94:14,15,17,18,22  102:13  108:10-13  115:12-14  116:7  118:6,7,10,14,17  119:42,43,57,74,81,114,151,166  121:2  124:8  130:5,6  138:7,8  140:6,7,12  141:8  142:3,5  143:8,9  144:2,10  Ec 11:1  Isa 8:10,17  12:2  25:9  26:1,8  33:2,22  38:16  50:7-9  63:16  64:8  Jer 10:23  14:9,22  16:19  17:12,17  20:11  La 3:24-32  Da 3:16,17  6:16  Jon
    2:2-9  Mic 7:7-9,20  Hab 1:12  3:17-19  Zep 3:12  Lu 1:38  7:50  Joh 3:33  Ac 16:34  24:14,15  27:25  Ro 8:18,28,38,39  15:29  1Co 9:26  2Co 1:10  4:8,9,13,16-18  5:7  Ga 5:5  Php
    1:19-21  1Ti 4:10  2Ti 1:12  2:11-13  Heb 10:34  11:4,5,7-11,13,14,16-39  13:14  2Pe 3:13  1Jo 4:16 

   .Noah, in building the ark
       Ge 6:14-22  Heb 11:7 
   .Abraham, in forsaking the land of his nativity at the
    command of God
       Ge 12:1-4 
   .Believing the promise of many descendants
       Ge 12:7  15:4-8 
   .In the offering up of Isaac
       Ge 22:1-10  Ro 4:18-21  Heb 11:8-19 
   .Jacob, in blessing Joseph's sons
       Heb 11:21 
   .Joseph, concerning God's providence in his being sold into
    Egypt, and the final deliverance of Israel
       Ge 50:20  Heb 11:22 
   .Jochebed, in caring for Moses
       Ex 2:2  Heb 11:23 
   .Pharaoh's servants, who obeyed the Lord
       Ex 9:20 
     .In espousing the cause of his people
         Heb 11:24-28 
     .At the death of Korah
         Nu 16:28,29 
   .The Israelites
     .When Aaron declared the mission of himself and Moses
         Ex 4:31 
     .In the battle with the Canaanites
         1Ch 5:20 
     .And other conquests
         2Ch 13:8-18 
   .Caleb, in advising to take the land of promise
       Nu 13:30  14:6-9 
   .Rahab, in hospitality to the spies
       Jos 2:9,11  Heb 11:31 
   .The spies, sent to reconnoiter Jericho
       Jos 2:24 
   .Conquest of Jericho
       Jos 6 
   .Manoah's wife
       Jud 13:23 
       1Sa 1 
   .Jonathan, in stricking down the Philistines
       1Sa 14:6 
   .David, in striking down Goliath
       1Sa 17:37,46,47 
   .In choosing to fall into the hands of the Almighty for his
    punishment for counting the people of Israel
       2Sa 24:14 
   .In believing God's promise, that his kingdom would be a
    perpetual kingdom
       Ac 2:30 
   .Elijah, in his controversy with the priest of Baal
       1Ki 18:32-38 
   .Widow of Zarephath in feeding Elijah
       1Ki 17:13-15 
   .Amaziah, in dismissing the Ephraimites in obedience to the
    command of God, and going alone to battle against the
       2Ch 25:7-10 
       2Ki 18:5  19  20:1-11 
   .Daniel, in the lions' den
       Da 6 
   .The three Hebrews, who refused to worship Nebuchadnezzars
       Da 3:13-27 
   .Ninevites, in obeying Jonah
       Jon 3:5 
   .Ezra, in making the journey from Babylon to Jerusalem
    without a military escort
       Ezr 8:22 
   .Joseph, in obeying the vision about Mary and to flee into
       Mt 1:18-24  2:13,14 
       Heb 11:4 
   .Eliphaz, in the overruling providence of God, that
    afflictions are for the good of the righteous
       Job 5:6-27 
   .Mordecai, in the deliverance of the Jews
       Es 4:14 
   .Simeon, when he saw Jesus in the temple courtyard
       Lu 2:25-35 
   .Conquests by
       Heb 11:32-34 
   .See FAITH, TRIAL OF, below
     Isa 28:16  Mt 7:24,25  8:2,13  9:22,29  11:6,28-30  14:27  15:28  17:7  Mr 5:36  9:23  16:16  Lu 6:46-49  7:9,50  8:50  17:6  18:42  Joh 1:12  3:14-16,18,36  5:24  6:20,29,35,45,47  7:38  9:35  11:25,26,40  12:36,44,46  13:7,20  14:1,11,12  16:27,33  18:37  20:27,29,31  Ac 3:16  10:43  15:9,11  16:31  20:21  26:18  Ro 3:22-28  9:33  10:4,9  Ga 2:16  3:1-29  5:6  Eph 1:12-14  3:12,17  4:13  Php 3:9  Col 2:7  1Ti 1:16  2Ti 1:13  2:1  3:15  Heb 4:16  6:19  10:22  12:2  13:7  1Pe 1:8  2:6,7  2Pe 1:1  1Jo 3:23  5:4,5,10,13,14  Jude 1:21  Re 1:17  3:18,20 

     Mt 8:2,5-10  9:18,21,28  14:33  15:26-28  16:16  Mr 5:28  7:27-30  9:24  Lu 5:5  7:3-9  23:42  Joh 4:29,42  6:14,68,69  7:31  9:38  10:41,42  11:21,22,27,32  16:30  20:28  Ac 8:37  11:17  Ro 7:24,25  8:35,37  2Co 12:9,10  Ga
    2:20  Php 4:13  1Ti 1:14  2Ti 1:12  4:18 

   .The wise men from the east
       Mt 2:1,2,11 
       Mt 4:18-22  Mr 1:16-20  Lu 5:4,5  Joh 6:68,69 
       Mt 4:18-22  Mr 1:16-20  Joh 1:41 
   .James and John
       Mt 4:21,22  Mr 1:19,20 
   .The woman with the issue of blood
       Mt 9:21,22 
   .Jairus, for the healing of his daughter
       Mt 9:18,23-25 
   .Two blind men
       Mt 9:29,30 
   .Blind Bartimaeus and a fellow blind man
       Mt 20:30-34  Mr 10:46-52  Lu 18:35-42 
   .The Samaritan leper
       Lu 17:11-19 
   .The sick people of Gennesaret
       Mt 14:36  Mr 3:10  6:54-56 
   .Those who brought the paralyzed man to Jesus
       Lu 5:18-20 
   .The Syrophoenician woman
       Mt 15:22-28  Mr 7:25-30 
   .The woman who anointed Jesus' feet
       Lu 7:36-50 
   .Those who brought those who were sick with palsy
       Mt 9:2 
       Joh 1:45,46 
       Joh 1:49 
   .The Samaritans, who believed
     .Through the preaching of Jesus
         Joh 4:39-42 
     .Through the preaching of Philip
         Ac 8:9-12 
   .The nobleman whose child was sick
       Joh 4:46-53 
       Joh 8:56 
   .The blind man whom Jesus healed on the Sabbath
       Joh 9:13-38 
   .Mary, the sister of Martha
       Lu 10:38-42  Joh 11:32 
   .John the disciple
       Joh 20:8 
   .The disciples, through the miracle at Cana of Galilee
       Joh 2:11 
   .Jews at Jerusalem
       Joh 2:23  8:30  11:45  12:11 
   .About three-thousand people on the day of Pentecost
       Ac 2:41 
   .About five-thousand people
       Ac 4:4 
       Ac 5:14 
   .The crippled man at Lystra
       Ac 14:9 
       Ac 6:8 
   .The Ethiopian eunuch
       Ac 8:37 
   .The people of Lydda and S h) aron
       Ac 9:35 
   .The people of Joppa
       Ac 9:42 
   .The people of Antioch
       Ac 11:21-24 
       Ac 11:24 
   .Eunice, Lois, and Timothy
       2Ti 1:5  Ac 16:1 
       Ac 16:14 
   .The Philippian jailor
       Ac 16:31-34 
       Ac 18:8 
   .The Corinthians
       Ac 18:8  1Co 15:11 
   .Jews at Rome
       Ac 28:24 
       Eph 1:13,15 
       Col 1:2,4 
       1Th 1:6  3:6-8  2Th 1:3,4 
       Phm 1:5 
   .The congregation at Thyatira
       Re 2:19 

     1Ch 29:17  Ps 26:2  81:7  Mt 13:19-22  24:21-25  Lu
    8:13,14  2Th 1:3-5  Heb 6:13-15  Jas 1:3,12  1Pe 1:7 

       Ge 6:14-22  Heb 11:7 
   .Abraham, when commanded to leave his native land and to go
    where he did not know
       Ge 12:1-4  Heb 11:8 
   .Abraham, when commanded to offer Isaac
       Ge 22:1-19  Heb 11:17-19 
   .Moses, when sent to Pharaoh
       Ex 3:11,12  4:10-17  Heb 11:25-29 
   .Moses, at the Red Sea, by the complaints of the people
       Ex 14  15 
   .Joshua and the people of Israel, in the method of taking
       Jos 6  Heb 11:30 
   .Gideon, when commanded to deliver Israel
       Jud 6:36-40  7  Heb 11:32 
   .Job, by affliction and adversity
       Job 1  2 
   .Ezra, in leaving Babylon without a military escort
       Ezr 8:22 
   .Daniel, when forbidden to pray to Jehovah
       Da 6:4-23  Heb 11:32,33 
   .The three Hebrews, when commanded to worship the image
       Da 3:8-30  Heb 11:32-34 
   .The Syrophoenician woman
       Mt 15:21-28  Mr 7:24-30 
   .The two blind men who appealed to Jesus for sight
       Mt 9:28 
   .The disciples, when Jesus came walking upon the Sea of
       Mt 14:25-33 
   .The disciples
     .By the question of Jesus, as to who he was
         Mt 16:15-20  Lu 9:20,21 
     .By their inability to cast out the evil spirit from the
      epileptic boy
         Mt 17:14-21  Mr 9:14-29  Lu 9:37-42 
     .In the tempest at sea
         Mt 8:23-27  Mr 4:36-41  Lu 8:22-26 
   .Of Philip, when questioned by Jesus as to how the multitude
    would be fed
       Joh 6:5,6 
   .Of Peter, when asked whether he loved Jesus
       Joh 21:16,17 


     Ro 1:8  Jude 1:3 

