主题CURIOSITY (好奇心 )
     箴 27:20  传 7:21 

       创 3:6 
   .亚伯拉罕, 想知道上帝是否也要剿灭所多玛的义人
       创 18:23-32 
   .雅各, 想知道天使的名字
       创 32:29 
         出 19:21,24 
         民 4:19,20 
   .玛挪亚, 想知道天使的名字
       士 13:17,18 
   .伯示麦人, 擅观约柜
       撒上 6:19 
   .巴比伦人, 看希西家的宝物
       王下 20:13 
   .但以理, 想知道异象的意思
       但 12:8,9 
         太 26 
         约 21:21,22 
   .一位门徒, 想知道得救的是否是少数
       路 13:23 
   .希律安提帕斯, 想见耶稣
       路 9:9  23:8 
     .拉撒路死里复活以后, 想见拉撒路
         约 12:9 
         约 12:20,21 
   .门徒, 想知道耶稣会不会光复犹太人的国家
       徒 1:6,7 
   .雅典人, 想听新鲜事
       徒 17:19-21 
   .天使, 探究救恩的奥秘
       彼前 1:12 

 -General scriptures concerning
     Pr 27:20  Ec 7:21 

   .Of Eve
       Ge 3:6 
   .Of Abraham, to know whether God would destroy the righteous
    people who lived in Sodom
       Ge 18:23-32 
   .Of Jacob, to know the name of the angel
       Ge 32:29 
   .Of the Israelites
     .To see God
         Ex 19:21,24 
     .To witness the offering in the Holy of Holies
         Nu 4:19,20 
   .Of Manoah, to know the name of an angel
       Jud 13:17,18 
   .Of the people of Beth-shemish, to look inside the ark of the
       1Sa 6:19 
   .Of the Babylonians, to see Hezekiah's treasures
       2Ki 20:13 
   .Of Daniel, to know a vision
       Da 12:8,9 
   .Of Peter
     .To know what was being done with Jesus
         Mt 26 
     .To know what John would be appointed to do
         Joh 21:21,22 
   .A disciple, to know if few would be saved
       Lu 13:23 
   .Of Herod (Antipas), to see Jesus
       Lu 9:9  23:8 
   .Of the Jews
     .To see Lazarus, after he was raised from the dead
         Joh 12:9 
     .And to see Jesus
         Joh 12:20,21 
   .Of the disciples, to know whether Jesus would restore the
    kingdom of the Jews
       Ac 1:6,7 
   .Of the Athenians, to hear some new thing
       Ac 17:19-21 
   .Of angels, to look into the mysteries of salvation
       1Pe 1:12 
