     出 18:21  20:17  申 5:21  尼 5:7  伯 20:15  31:24,25,28 
     诗 10:3  119:36  箴 1:19  11:24,26  15:27  21:25,26  22:16 
     箴 23:4,5  30:8,9  传 1:2-8  4:8  5:10,11  赛 1:23  5:8 
     赛 56:11  57:17  耶 6:13  8:10  17:11  22:17  51:13 
     结 22:12,13  33:31  何 4:18  10:1  弥 2:2  3:11  7:3 
     哈 1:15,16  2:5-9  该 1:6  玛 1:10  太 6:19-21,24,25,31-33 
     太 13:22  16:26  19:23,24  22:1-14  可 4:19  7:21-23  路 7:14 
     路 12:15-21,33,34  14:16-24  18:24,25  约 6:26,27  罗 1:29 
     罗 13:9  林前 5:11  6:10  弗 5:3,5  西 3:2,5,6  腓 3:18,19 
     帖前 2:5  提前 3:3  6:5-11,17  提后 3:2  多 1:7,11  来 13:5 
     雅 4:2,13-17  彼前 5:2  彼后 2:3,14-16  约一 2:15-17 
     犹 1:11 

 -见 贪得无厌 

 -见 富人 

 -见 财富 

 -见 世俗心 

   .夏娃, 觊觎禁果
       创 3:6 
   .罗得, 选择约但河平原
       创 13:10-13 
         创 24:29-51 
         创 29:15-30 
         创 31:7,15,41,42 
     .讹诈以扫, 骗走他父亲的祝福
         创 27:6-29 
         创 30:35-43 
         创 25:31 
   .巴兰, 贪爱不义的工价
       彼后 2:15  民 22:1-41 
   .亚干, 私藏财物
       书 7:21 
   .以利的儿子, 贪吃祭肉
       撒上 2:13-17 
   .撒母耳的儿子, 收受贿赂
       撒上 8:3 
   .扫罗, 爱惜亚甲和掠物
       撒上 15:8,9 
   .大卫, 觊觎拔示巴
       撒下 11:2-5 
   .亚哈, 觊觎拿伯的葡萄园
       王上 21:2-16 
   .基哈西, 收下乃缦的礼物
       王下 5:20-27 
         尼 5:1-11 
         尼 13:10 
     .建造华宅, 却让神的殿荒废
         该 1:4-9 
         约 6:26 
       太 21:12,13  路 19:45,46  约 2:14-16 
       太 19:16-22 
       路 12:15-21 
   .犹大, 为了三十块钱而出卖耶稣
       太 26:15,16  可 14:10,11  路 22:3-6  约 12:6 
       路 16:1-8 
       路 16:14 
   .行邪术的西门, 想买圣灵的恩赐
       徒 8:18-23 
   .行邪术的人, 抱怨保罗和西拉挡人财路
       徒 16:19 
   .底米丢, 煽动众怒, 群起反对保罗和西拉
       徒 19:24,27 
   .腓力斯, 指望保罗贿赂他
       徒 24:26 
   .底马, 因贪爱世界而离弃保罗
       提后 4:10 
   .见 贪得无厌 
   .见 行贿/受贿 
   .见 富人 
   .见 财富 
 -General scriptures concerning
     Ex 18:21  20:17  De 5:21  Ne 5:7  Job 20:15  31:24,25,28  Ps 10:3  119:36  Pr 1:19  11:24,26  15:27  21:25,26  22:16  23:4,5  30:8,9  Ec 1:2-8  4:8  5:10,11  Isa 1:23  5:8  56:11  57:17  Jer 6:13  8:10  17:11  22:17  51:13  Eze
    22:12,13  33:31  Ho 4:18  10:1  Mic 2:2  3:11  7:3  Hab
    1:15,16  2:5-9  Hag 1:6  Mal 1:10  Mt 6:19-21,24,25,31-33  13:22  16:26  19:23,24  22:1-14  Mr 4:19  7:21-23  Lu 7:14  12:15-21,33,34  14:16-24  18:24,25  Joh 6:26,27  Ro 1:29  13:9  1Co 5:11  6:10  Eph 5:3,5  Col 3:2,5,6  Php 3:18,19  1Th 2:5  1Ti 3:3  6:5-11,17  2Ti 3:2  Tit 1:7,11  Heb 13:5  Jas 4:2,13-17  1Pe 5:2  2Pe 2:3,14-16  1Jo 2:15-17  Jude


 -See RICH



   .Eve, in desiring the forbidden fruit
       Ge 3:6 
   .Lot, in choosing the plain of the Jordan
       Ge 13:10-13 
     .In giving Rebekah to be Isaac's wife
         Ge 24:29-51 
     .In deceiving Jacob when he served him seven years for
         Ge 29:15-30 
     .In deceiving Jacob in wages
         Ge 31:7,15,41,42 
     .In defrauding Esau of his, father's blessing
         Ge 27:6-29 
     .In defrauding Laban of his flocks and herds
         Ge 30:35-43 
     .In buying Esau's birthright
         Ge 25:31 
   .Balaam, in loving the wages of unrighteousness
       2Pe 2:15  Nu 22 
   .Achan, in hiding the treasure
       Jos 7:21 
   .Eli's sons, in taking the flesh of the sacrifice
       1Sa 2:13-17 
   .Samuel's sons, in taking bribes
       1Sa 8:3 
   .Saul, in sparing, Agag and the booty
       1Sa 15:8,9 
   .David, of Bath-sheba
       2Sa 11:2-5 
   .Ahab, in desiring Naboth's vineyard
       1Ki 21:2-16 
   .Gehazi, in taking a gift from Naaman
       2Ki 5:20-27 
   .Some Jews
     .In exacting usury from their brethren
         Ne 5:1-11 
     .In keeping back the portion of the Levites
         Ne 13:10 
     .In building fine houses while the house of the Lord lay
         Hag 1:4-9 
     .In following Jesus merely for the loaves and fish
         Joh 6:26 
   .Money-changers in the temple
       Mt 21:12,13  Lu 19:45,46  Joh 2:14-16 
   .The rich young ruler
       Mt 19:16-22 
   .The rich fool
       Lu 12:15-21 
   .Judas, in betraying Jesus for twenty pieces of silver
       Mt 26:15,16  Mr 14:10,11  Lu 22:3-6  Joh 12:6 
   .The unjust steward
       Lu 16:1-8 
   .The Pharisees
       Lu 16:14 
   .Simon Magus, in trying to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit
       Ac 8:18-23 
   .The sorcerers, in filing complaint against Paul and Silas
       Ac 16:19 
   .Demetrius, in raising a riot against Paul and Silas
       Ac 19:24,27 
   .Festus, in hoping for a bribe from Paul
       Ac 24:26 
   .Demas in forsaking Paul for love of the world
       2Ti 4:10 
   .See RICH
   .See RICHES
