主题Wells (水井 )
 - 最早提到水井的经文
      创 16:14 

 - 水井往往挖在
   . 营帐附近
        创 21:30  26:18 

   . 城外
        创 24:11  约 4:6,8 

   . 院子里
        撒下 17:18 

   . 旷野中
        代下 26:10 

 - 水源由水泉供应
      箴 16:22 

 - 水源由雨水供应
      诗 84:6 

 - 周围有树环绕
      创 49:22  出 15:27 

 - 水井往往有名字
      创 16:14  21:31 

 - 迦南有许多水井
      申 6:11 

 - 很多水井的水源来自利巴嫩
      歌 4:15 

 - 圣经上提到的井
   . 庇耳拉海莱
        创 16:14 

   . 伯利恒
        撒下 23:15  代上 11:17,18 

   . 比珥 (约但河以东)
        民 21:16-18 

   . 别是巴
        创 21:30,31 

   . 以琳
        出 15:27 

   . 埃色
        创 26:20 

   . 夏甲
        创 21:19 

   . 哈兰
        创 29:3,4 

   . 雅各
        约 4:6 

   . 利河伯
        创 26:22 

   . 西提拿
        创 26:21 

 - 往往很深, 不好打水
      约 4:11 

 - 井口往往被盖住, 以避免沙尘飞入充填水井
      创 29:2,3 

 - 附近有饮水槽, 以饮牛只
      创 24:19,20  出 2:16 

 - 常去水井的人
   . 来打水的女子
        创 24:13,14  约 4:7 

   . 旅人
        创 24:11,13,42  约 4:6 

 - 未经许可, 外地人不可从井中打水
      民 20:17 

 - 经常有人卖井水
      民 20:19 

 - 每每造成冲突
      创 21:25  26:21,22  出 2:16,17 

 - 往往遭敌人填塞
      创 26:15,18  王下 3:19,25 

 - 往往无水
      耶 14:3  亚 9:11 

 - 用来说明
   . 教会的定例
        赛 12:3 

   . 圣徒里面的圣灵
        歌 4:15  约 4:14 

   . 义人的口
        箴 10:11 

   . 人的智慧和悟性
        箴 16:22  18:4 

   . (井边多结果子的树枝,) 约瑟子孙众多
        创 49:22 

   . (饮自己井里的水,) 家庭和乐
        箴 5:15 

   . (干涸的井,) 假冒为善的人
        彼后 2:17 
 - First mention of
      Ge 16:14 

   . Near encampments
        Ge 21:30  26:18 

   . Outside cities
        Ge 24:11  Joh 4:6,8 

   . In the courts of houses
        2Sa 17:18 

   . In the desert
        2Ch 26:10 

 - Supplied by springs
      Pr 16:22 

 - Supplied by the rain
      Ps 84:6 

 - Surrounded by trees
      Ge 49:22  Ex 15:27 

 - Names often given to
      Ge 16:14  21:31 

 - Canaan abounded with
      De 6:11 

 - Many supplied from Lebanon
      So 4:15 

   . Beerlahairoi
        Ge 16:14 

   . Bethlehem
        2Sa 23:15  1Ch 11:17,18 

   . Beer (east of Jordan)
        Nu 21:16-18 

   . Beer-sheba
        Ge 21:30,31 

   . Elim
        Ex 15:27 

   . Esek
        Ge 26:20 

   . Hagar
        Ge 21:19 

   . Haran
        Ge 29:3,4 

   . Jacob
        Joh 4:6 

   . Rehoboth
        Ge 26:22 

   . Sitnah
        Ge 26:21 

 - Often deep and difficult to draw from
      Joh 4:11 

 - Often covered to prevent their being filled with sand
      Ge 29:2,3 

 - Had troughs placed near for watering cattle
      Ge 24:19,20  Ex 2:16 

   . Women who came to draw water
        Ge 24:13,14  Joh 4:7 

   . Travellers
        Ge 24:11,13,42  Joh 4:6 

 - Strangers not to draw from, without permission
      Nu 20:17 

 - Water of, frequently sold
      Nu 20:19 

 - Were a frequent cause of strife
      Ge 21:25  26:21,22  Ex 2:16,17 

 - Were often stopped up by enemies
      Ge 26:15,18  2Ki 3:19,25 

 - Often afforded no water
      Jer 14:3  Zec 9:11 

   . Of the ordinances of the Church
        Isa 12:3 

   . Of the Holy Spirit in saints
        So 4:15  Joh 4:14 

   . Of the mouth of the righteous
        Pr 10:11 

   . Of wisdom and understanding in man
        Pr 16:22  18:4 

   . (A fruitful bough by,) of Joseph's numerous posterity
        Ge 49:22 

   . (Drinking from one's own,) of enjoyment of domestic
        Pr 5:15 

   . (Without water,) of hypocrites
        2Pe 2:17 
