主题Seed (种子 )
 - 所有菜蔬、树木、青草各结出其种子
      创 1:11,12,29 

 - 各类种子各有其形体
      林前 15:38 

 - 撒种
   . 撒种的时机称为稼
        创 8:22 

   . 对于多产是必要的
        约 12:24  林前 15:36 

   . 要勤勉不懈
        传 11:4,6 

   . 多有浪费掉的
        太 13:4,5,7 

   . 多有危险
        诗 126:5,6 

 - 神人之约确保年年有撒种的时刻
      创 8:21,22 

 - 农人悉心耕田, 为撒种作预备
      赛 28:24,25 

 - 往往洒在水边
      传 11:1  赛 32:20 

 - 往往由牛踹进地里
      赛 32:20 

 - 需要雨水灌溉
      赛 55:10 

 - 在埃及, 种子得用人工灌溉
      申 11:10 

 - 在迦南得到丰收
      创 26:12  太 13:23 

 - 跟种子有关的摩西律法
   . 不同的种子不得洒在同一片田地
        利 19:19  申 22:9 

   . 干燥的种子即使碰到不洁净的东西, 仍得算为洁净
        利 11:37 

   . 潮湿的种子接触到不洁净的东西, 就成为不洁净
        利 11:38 

   . 种子的十分之一要献给上帝
        利 27:30 

   . 安息年不得撒种
        利 25:4,20 

   . 禧年不得撒种
        利 25:11 

 - 提到种子的不同, 还有长出来的植物也不同
      林前 15:37,38 

 - 犹太人受下列惩罚
   . 种子在地里腐烂
        珥 1:17  玛 2:3 

   . 种子没多结多少果实
        赛 5:10  该 1:6 

   . 种子所多结的果实被蝗虫吃尽
        申 28:38  珥 1:4 

   . 种子所多结的果实被敌人吃尽
        利 26:16  申 28:33,51 

   . 种子的生长被荆棘挡住
        耶 12:13  太 13:7 

 - 用来说明
   . 上帝的道 (话语)
        路 8:11  彼前 1:23 

   . 灵命
        约一 3:9 

 - 用撒种说明
   . 传福音
        太 13:3,32  林前 9:11 

   . 打散一个民族
        亚 10:9 

   . 基督徒的慷慨大方
        传 11:6  林后 9:6 

   . 人的作为得到同等回报
        伯 4:8  何 10:12  加 6:7,8 

   . 基督的死及其影响
        约 12:24 

   . 埋葬身体
        林前 15:36-38 
 - Every herb, tree and grass yields its own
      Ge 1:11,12,29 

 - Each kind of, has its own body
      1Co 15:38 

   . Time for, called seed time
        Ge 8:22 

   . Necessary to its productiveness
        Joh 12:24  1Co 15:36 

   . Required constant diligence
        Ec 11:4,6 

   . Often attended with great waste
        Mt 13:4,5,7 

   . Often attended with danger
        Ps 126:5,6 

 - Yearly return of time of sowing, secured by covenant
      Ge 8:21,22 

 - The ground carefully ploughed, and prepared for
      Isa 28:24,25 

 - Often sown beside rivers
      Ec 11:1  Isa 32:20 

 - Often trodden into the ground, by the feet of oxen
      Isa 32:20 

 - Required to be watered by the rain
      Isa 55:10 

 - In Egypt required to be artificially watered
      De 11:10 

 - Yielded an abundant increase in Canaan
      Ge 26:12  Mt 13:23 

   . Different kinds of, not to be sown in the same field
        Le 19:19  De 22:9 

   . If dry, exempted from uncleanness though touched by an
     unclean thing
        Le 11:37 

   . If wet, rendered unclean by contact with an unclean thing
        Le 11:38 

   . The tithe of, to be given to God
        Le 27:30 

   . Not to be sown during the sabbatical year
        Le 25:4,20 

   . Not to be sown in year of jubilee
        Le 25:11 

 - Difference between, and the plant which grows from it,
      1Co 15:37,38 

   . Its rotting in the ground
        Joe 1:17  Mal 2:3 

   . Its yielding but little increase
        Isa 5:10  Hag 1:6 

   . Its increase being consumed by locusts
        De 28:38  Joe 1:4 

   . Its increase being consume by enemies
        Le 26:16  De 28:33,51 

   . Its being choked by thorns
        Jer 12:13  Mt 13:7 

   . The word of God
        Lu 8:11  1Pe 1:23 

   . Spiritual life
        1Jo 3:9 

   . Preaching the gospel
        Mt 13:3,32  1Co 9:11 

   . Scattering or dispersing a people
        Zec 10:9 

   . Christian liberality
        Ec 11:6  2Co 9:6 

   . Men's works producing a corresponding recompence
        Job 4:8  Ho 10:12  Ga 6:7,8 

   . The death of Christ and its effects
        Joh 12:24 

   . The burial of the body
        1Co 15:36-38 
