主题Divorce (离婚 )
 - 有关婚姻的律法禁止离婚
      创 2:24  太 19:6 

 - 被允许
   . 摩西的律法许可
        申 24:1 

   . 因为心硬
        太 19:8 

 - 犹太人常寻求离婚
      弥 2:9  玛 2:14 

 - 因细故寻求离婚
      太 5:31  19:3 

 - 不许诬告妻子的人离婚
      申 22:18,19 

 - 女人
   . 可以离婚
        箴 2:17  可 10:12 

   . 离婚后可再婚
        申 24:2 

   . 离婚后要守住所许的愿
        民 30:9 

   . 再婚后不能再回到前夫身边
        申 24:3,4  耶 3:1 

   . 因离婚而苦恼
        赛 54:4,6 

 - 祭司不可娶离过婚的女子
      利 21:14 

 - 仆人离婚, 有律法规定
      出 21:7,11 

 - 被掳之人离婚, 有律法规定
      申 21:13,14 

 - 妻子拜偶像的人须强制离婚
      拉 10:2-17  尼 13:23,30 

 - 犹太人因喜好离婚而受谴责
      玛 2:14-16 

 - 除了奸淫以外, 基督禁止人离婚
      太 5:32  19:9 

 - 听到不准离婚, 犹太人生了气
      太 19:10 

 - 用来说明上帝丢弃犹太教会
      赛 50:1  耶 3:8 
 - Law of marriage against
      Ge 2:24  Mt 19:6 

   . By the Mosaic law
        De 24:1 

   . On account of hardness of heart
        Mt 19:8 

 - Often sought by the Jews
      Mic 2:9  Mal 2:14 

 - Sought on slight grounds
      Mt 5:31  19:3 

 - Not allowed to those who falsely accused their wives
      De 22:18,19 

   . Could obtain
        Pr 2:17  Mr 10:12 

   . Could marry after
        De 24:2 

   . Responsible for vows after
        Nu 30:9 

   . Married after, could not return to first husband
        De 24:3,4  Jer 3:1 

   . Afflicted by
        Isa 54:4,6 

 - Priests not to marry women after
      Le 21:14 

 - Of servants, regulated by law
      Ex 21:7,11 

 - Of captives, regulated by law
      De 21:13,14 

 - Forced on those who had idolatrous wives
      Ezr 10:2-17  Ne 13:23,30 

 - Jews condemned for love of
      Mal 2:14-16 

 - Forbidden by Christ except for adultery
      Mt 5:32  19:9 

 - Prohibition of, offended the Jews
      Mt 19:10 

 - Illustrative of God's casting off of the Jewish church
      Isa 50:1  Jer 3:8 
