主题Courts of Justice (公义的法庭 )
 - 来自上帝的权柄
      罗 13:1-5 

 - 高等法院
   . 头一次由摩西独自在旷野里举行
        出 18:13-20 

   . 随后由祭司与利未人组成
        申 17:9  玛 2:7 

   . 由治理者或大祭司主持
        申 17:12  士 4:4,5 

   . 在政府所在地举行
        申 17:8 

   . 决断所有上诉与难解的案例
        出 18:26  申 1:17  17:8,9 

   . 公义法庭的决断是决定性的
        申 17:10,11 

 - 次等法庭
   . 遍布各城市
        申 16:18  代下 19:5-7 

   . 在城门口举行
        创 34:20  申 16:18  21:19  伯 5:4 

   . 法官由治理者任命
        出 18:21,25  申 1:9-15  撒下 15:3 

   . 一切不重要的案例由次等法庭决断
        出 18:26  撒下 15:4 

   . 一切财产的转让都要呈在次等法庭面前
        创 23:17-20  得 4:1,2 

 - 由约沙法重建
      代下 19:5-10 

 - 由以斯拉重建
      拉 7:25 

 - 七十人法庭
   . 可能源自摩西指派七十位长老
        出 24:9  民 11:16,17,24-30 

   . 在神圣历史的后半部被提到
        路 22:66  约 11:47  徒 5:27 

   . 由祭司长组成
        太 26:57,59 

   . 由大祭司主持
        太 26:62-66 

   . 设立于大祭司的院子
        太 26:57,58 

 - 犹大省罗马人的公义法庭
   . 由正副省长主持
        太 27:2,11  徒 18:12 

   . 法庭所在称为衙门
        约 18:28,33  19:9 

   . 从不干预小事或宗教的争议
        徒 18:14,15 

   . 本身可以判人死刑
        约 18:31 

   . 从不严刑拷打罗马公民
        徒 22:25-29 

   . 罗马法庭的上诉案件呈到皇帝面前
        徒 25:11  26:32  28:19 

 - 一般在早上举行
      耶 21:12  太 27:1  路 22:66  徒 5:21 

 - 有时在会堂举行
      太 10:17  徒 22:19  26:11  雅 2:2 

 - 备有
   . 审判官
        申 16:18 

   . 官长
        申 16:18  太 5:25 

   . 拷打的人或掌刑者
        太 18:34 

 - 法庭的法官
   . 称为长老
        申 25:7  撒上 16:4 

   . 称为地方法官
        路 12:58 

   . 往往骑白驴
        士 5:10 

   . 要公正地审判
        利 19:15  申 1:6 

   . 审案时不可偏袒人
        出 23:3,6  利 19:15  申 1:17  箴 22:22 

   . 要调查每件案子
        申 19:18 

   . 不可收受贿赂
        出 23:8  申 16:19 

   . 如同为上帝审判
        代下 19:6,7,9 

   . 按照律法来决断
        结 44:24 

   . 促进和睦
        亚 8:16 

   . 听取诉讼起因时坐在审判位上
        出 18:13  士 5:10  赛 28:6  太 27:19 

   . 鉴察双方
        徒 24:8 

   . 断案前一起商议
        徒 5:34-40  25:12  26:30,31 

   . 宣判法庭的裁决
        太 26:65,66  路 23:24  徒 5:40 

 - 原告与被告两方皆须出席
      申 25:1  徒 25:16 

 - 诉讼以下列人物起始
   . 申诉者
        王上 3:17-21  徒 16:19-21 

   . 辩护者
        徒 24:1 

 - 被告
   . 站在审判官面前
        民 35:12  太 27:11 

   . 被允许为自己的案件辩护
        王上 3:22  徒 24:10  26:1 

   . 可以有辩护人
        箴 31:8,9  赛 1:17 

   . 被劝导要认罪
        书 7:19 

   . 其誓言经过审问
        利 5:1  太 26:63 

   . 有时被人严刑审问
        徒 22:24,29 

   . 有时被人侮辱
        太 26:67  约 18:22,23  徒 23:2,3 

   . 须有两个以上的见证人提出证据
        申 17:6  19:15  约 8:17  林后 13:1 

   . 见证人在犯人受罚之前有时会把手放在犯人头上
        利 24:14 

 - 假见证人要接受被告所受的惩罚
      申 19:19 

 - 贪污贿赂时有所见
      赛 10:1  摩 5:12  8:6 

 - 公义法庭的裁决
   . 要等被告申诉以后才下裁决
        约 7:51 

   . 用笔记录下来
        赛 10:1 

   . 马上执行判决
        申 25:2  书 7:25  可 15:15-20 

   . 见证人首先行刑
        申 17:7  徒 7:58 

   . 间接提及的经文
        伯 5:4  诗 127:5  太 5:22 

   . 说明末后的审判
        太 19:28  罗 14:10  林前 6:2 
 - Have authority from God
      Ro 13:1-5 

   . Held first by Moses alone in the wilderness
        Ex 18:13-20 

   . Consisted subsequently of priests and Levites
        De 17:9  Mal 2:7 

   . Presided over by the governor or the high priest
        De 17:12  Jud 4:4,5 

   . Held at the seat of government
        De 17:8 

   . Decided on all appeals and difficult cases
        Ex 18:26  De 1:17  17:8,9 

   . Decisions of, conclusive
        De 17:10,11 

   . In all cities
        De 16:18  2Ch 19:5-7 

   . Held at the gates
        Ge 34:20  De 16:18  21:19  Job 5:4 

   . Judges of, appointed by the governor
        Ex 18:21,25  De 1:9-15  2Sa 15:3 

   . All minor cases decided by
        Ex 18:26  2Sa 15:4 

   . All transfers of property made before
        Ge 23:17-20  Ru 4:1,2 

 - Re-established by Jehoshaphat
      2Ch 19:5-10 

 - Re-established by Ezra
      Ezr 7:25 

   . Probably derived from the seventy elders appointed by Moses
        Ex 24:9  Nu 11:16,17,24-30 

   . Mentioned in the latter part of sacred history
        Lu 22:66  Joh 11:47  Ac 5:27 

   . Consisted of chief priest, &c
        Mt 26:57,59 

   . Presided over by high priest
        Mt 26:62-66 

   . Sat in high priest's palace
        Mt 26:57,58 

   . Presided over by the governor or deputy
        Mt 27:2,11  Ac 18:12 

   . Place of, called the hall of judgment
        Joh 18:28,33  19:9 

   . Never interfered in any dispute about minor matters or
     about religion
        Ac 18:14,15 

   . Could alone award death
        Joh 18:31 

   . Never examined their own citizens by torture
        Ac 22:25-29 

   . Appeals from, made to the emperor
        Ac 25:11  26:32  28:19 

 - Generally held in the morning
      Jer 21:12  Mt 27:1  Lu 22:66  Ac 5:21 

 - Sometimes held in synagogues
      Mt 10:17  Ac 22:19  26:11  Jas 2:2 

   . Judges
        De 16:18 

   . Officers
        De 16:18  Mt 5:25 

   . Tormentors or executioners
        Mt 18:34 

   . Called elders
        De 25:7  1Sa 16:4 

   . Called magistrates
        Lu 12:58 

   . Rode often on white asses
        Jud 5:10 

   . To judge righteously
        Le 19:15  De 1:6 

   . To judge without respect of persons
        Ex 23:3,6  Le 19:15  De 1:17  Pr 22:22 

   . To investigate every case
        De 19:18 

   . Not to take bribes
        Ex 23:8  De 16:19 

   . To judge as for God
        2Ch 19:6,7,9 

   . To decide according to the law
        Eze 44:24 

   . To promote peace
        Zec 8:16 

   . Sat on the judgment-seat while hearing causes
        Ex 18:13  Jud 5:10  Isa 28:6  Mt 27:19 

   . Examined the parties
        Ac 24:8 

   . Conferred together before giving judgment
        Ac 5:34-40  25:12  26:30,31 

   . Pronounced the judgment of the court
        Mt 26:65,66  Lu 23:24  Ac 5:40 

 - Both the accusers and accused required to appear before
      De 25:1  Ac 25:16 

   . The complainant
        1Ki 3:17-21  Ac 16:19-21 

   . An advocate
        Ac 24:1 

   . Stood before the judge
        Nu 35:12  Mt 27:11 

   . Permitted to plead their own cause
        1Ki 3:22  Ac 24:10  26:1 

   . Might have advocates
        Pr 31:8,9  Isa 1:17 

   . Exhorted to confess
        Jos 7:19 

   . Examined on oath
        Le 5:1  Mt 26:63 

   . Sometimes examined by torture
        Ac 22:24,29 

   . Sometimes treated with insult
        Mt 26:67  Joh 18:22,23  Ac 23:2,3 

   . The evidence of two or more witnesses required in
        De 17:6  19:15  Joh 8:17  2Co 13:1 

   . Witnesses sometimes laid their hands on the criminal's head
     before punishment
        Le 24:14 

 - False witnesses in to receive the punishment of the accused
      De 19:19 

 - Corruption and bribery often practised in
      Isa 10:1  Am 5:12  8:6 

   . Not given till accused was heard
        Joh 7:51 

   . Recorded in writing
        Isa 10:1 

   . Immediately executed
        De 25:2  Jos 7:25  Mr 15:15-20 

   . Witnesses first to execute
        De 17:7  Ac 7:58 

   . Allusions to
        Job 5:4  Ps 127:5  Mt 5:22 

   . Illustrative of the last judgment
        Mt 19:28  Ro 14:10  1Co 6:2 
