主题Communion of the Lord (主餐礼 )
 - 被预示
      出 12:21-28  林前 5:7,8 

 - 被设立
      太 26:26  林前 11:23 

 - 主餐的目的
      路 22:19  林前 11:24,26 

 - 是基督身体与血的融合
      林前 10:16 

 - 领主餐时, 饼和酒都是必须的
      太 26:27  林前 11:26 

 - 有命令说: 领主餐前, 必须先省察自己
      林前 11:28,31 

 - 若要配得领主餐, 必须有新生命且心意更新
      林前 5:7,8 

 - 领主餐的人, 必须完全分别出来给上帝
      林前 10:21 

 - 教会一再领主餐
      徒 2:42  20:7 

 - 不配领主餐的人
   . 干犯主的身、主的血
        林前 11:27 

   . 不分辨是主的身体
        林前 11:29 

   . 审判将临到他们身上
        林前 11:30 
 - Prefigured
      Ex 12:21-28  1Co 5:7,8 

 - Instituted
      Mt 26:26  1Co 11:23 

 - Object of
      Lu 22:19  1Co 11:24,26 

 - Is the communion of the body and blood of Christ
      1Co 10:16 

 - Both bread and wine are necessary to be received in
      Mt 26:27  1Co 11:26 

 - Self-examination commanded before partaking of
      1Co 11:28,31 

 - Newness of heart and life necessary to the worthy partaking
      1Co 5:7,8 

 - Partakers of, be wholly separate to God
      1Co 10:21 

 - Was continually partaken of, by the Church
      Ac 2:42  20:7 

   . Are guilty of the body and blood of Christ
        1Co 11:27 

   . Discern not the Lord's body
        1Co 11:29 

   . Are visited with judgments
        1Co 11:30 
