主题SLANDER (诽谤 )
     路 6:45 

     诗 109:3 

     提前 5:13 

     诗 50:20 

     箴 11:9 

     启 12:10 

     诗 52:4 

     箴 10:18 

     多 2:3 

     提前 3:11 

     诗 35:11  太 26:60 

     犹 1:8 

     罗 3:8  林后 6:8 

     诗 50:20 

     诗 38:12  109:2  彼前 4:4 

     诗 34:13  彼前 3:10 

     弗 4:31 

     多 3:1,2 

     彼前 2:12  3:16 

     林前 4:13 

     太 5:11 

     诗 15:1,3 

     撒上 24:9 

     箴 25:23 

       箴 16:28  17:9 
       箴 18:8  26:22 
       箴 26:20 
       箴 6:19 
       诗 31:13  结 22:9 

     伯 5:21 

     诗 140:3  传 10:11 

     箴 11:9 

     传 10:13 

     太 12:36 

     申 19:16-21 

     出 23:1  申 22:13-19  伯 5:21  诗 41:6-9  50:20  101:5 
     箴 10:18  25:23  耶 6:28  9:4  罗 1:29,30  林前 4:13  6:10 
     林后 12:20  雅 4:11  彼前 2:1  彼后 2:10 

       创 39:14-18 
       民 14:36 
       撒下 16:3  19:24-30 
       诗 31:13  35:21  41:5  64:3  140:3 
       王上 21:9-14 
       耶 18:18 
       太 11:19 
       可 14:64  约 5:18 
       约 8:48,52  10:20 
       路 22:65  23:5 
       路 23:2  约 18:37  19:1-5 
     .见 保罗 
   .见 不实的指控 
   .见 谎言 
   .见 言语 , 毁谤的话
 -Comes from the evil heart
     Lu 6:45 

 -Often arises from hatred
     Ps 109:3 

 -Idleness leads to
     1Ti 5:13 

 -Evil people addicted to
     Ps 50:20 

 -Hypocrites habitually
     Pr 11:9 

 -A characteristic of the Devil
     Re 12:10 

 -Wicked people love
     Ps 52:4 

 -Those who indulge in, are fools
     Pr 10:18 

 -Women warned against
     Tit 2:3 

 -Wives of God's servants should avoid
     1Ti 3:11 

 -Christ was exposed to
     Ps 35:11  Mt 26:60 

 -Rulers exposed to
     Jude 1:8 

 -Servants of God exposed to
     Ro 3:8  2Co 6:8 

 -The nearest relations exposed to
     Ps 50:20 

 -Saints exposed to
     Ps 38:12  109:2  1Pe 4:4 

 -Saints should keep their tongues from
     Ps 34:13  1Pe 3:10 

 -Saints should lay aside
     Eph 4:31 

 -Should be warned against
     Tit 3:1,2 

 -Should give no occasion for
     1Pe 2:12  3:16 

 -Should return good for
     1Co 4:13 

 -Blessed in enduring
     Mt 5:11 

 -Characterized as avoiding
     Ps 15:1,3 

 -Should not be listened to
     1Sa 24:9 

 -Causes anger
     Pr 25:23 

 -Effects of
   .Separating friends
       Pr 16:28  17:9 
   .Deadly wounds
       Pr 18:8  26:22 
       Pr 26:20 
   .Discord among brethren
       Pr 6:19 
       Ps 31:13  Eze 22:9 

 -The tongue of, is a scourge
     Job 5:21 

 -Is venomous
     Ps 140:3  Ec 10:11 

 -Is destructive
     Pr 11:9 

 -End of, is mischievous madness
     Ec 10:13 

 -People shall give account for
     Mt 12:36 

 -Punishment for
     De 19:16-21 

     Ex 23:1  De 22:13-19  Job 5:21  Ps 41:6-9  50:20  101:5  Pr
    10:18  25:23  Jer 6:28  9:4  Ro 1:29,30  1Co 4:13  6:10  2Co
    12:20  Jas 4:11  1Pe 2:1  2Pe 2:10 

   .Joseph by Potiphar's wife
       Ge 39:14-18 
   .The land of Canaan misrepresented by the spies
       Nu 14:36 
   .Of Mephiboseth, by Ziba
       2Sa 16:3  19:24-30 
   .Of David, by his enemies
       Ps 31:13  35:21  41:5  64:3  140:3 
   .Of Naboth, by Jezebel
       1Ki 21:9-14 
   .Of Jeremiah, by the Jews
       Jer 18:18 
   .Of Jesus, by the Jews falsely charging that he was a
    winebibber (wino)
       Mt 11:19 
   .That he blasphemed
       Mr 14:64  Joh 5:18 
   .That he had a demon
       Joh 8:48,52  10:20 
   .That he was seditious
       Lu 22:65  23:5 
   .That he was a king
       Lu 23:2  Joh 18:37  19:1-5 
   .Of Paul
     .See PAUL
