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08816 完成式

1) 论到时间,完成式的动作代表:

   1a) 从现在的角度来看,是一个刚完成的动作

         "我来" 告诉你消息

   1b) 在较遥远的过去完成的动作

   1c) 从另一过去的角度来看,已经完成的动作

   1d) 从未来的角度来看,已经完成的动作


2) 完成式也表达英文里现在式的含意

   2a) 常见的事实或行动--观察或经验来的事实或行动

   2b) 过去开始的行动或心态, 持续到现在


   2c) 强调"已然存在"或实现的状态

   2d) 在希伯来文里,未来的事件是如此确实,好像已经发生似的

       2d1) 约中的应许与警言


       2d2) 预言性措辞
            我的子民"被掳" (亦即"将来一定会被掳")
08816 Perfect

The Perfect expresses a completed action.

1) In reference to time, such an action may be:

   1a) one just completed from the standpoint of the present
         "I have come" to tell you the news

   1b) one completed in the more or less distant past
         in the beginning God "created"
         "I was (once) young" and "I have (now) grown old" but
           "I have not seen" a righteous man forsaken

   1c) one already completed from the point of view of another
       past act
         God saw everything that "he had made"

   1d) one completed from the point of view of another action
       yet future
         I will draw for thy camels also until "they have done"

2) The perfect is often used where the present is employed in

   2a) in the case of general truths or actions of frequent
       occurrence -- truths or actions which have been often
       experienced or observed
          the grass "withereth"
          the sparrow "findeth" a house

   2b) an action or attitude of the past may be continued into
       the present
          "I stretch out" my hands to thee
          "thou never forsakest" those who seek thee

   2c) the perfect of intransitive verbs is used where English
       uses the present; The perfect in Hebrew in such a case
       emphasises a condition which has come into "complete
       existence" and realisation
          "I know" thou wilt be king
          "I hate" all workers of iniquity

   2d) Sometimes in Hebrew, future events are conceived so
       vividly and so realistically that they are regarded as
       having virtually taken place and are described by the

       2d1) in promises, threats and language of contracts
           the field "give I" thee
           and if not, "I will take it"

       2d2) prophetic language
            my people "is gone into captivity"
               (i.e. shall assuredly go)