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90:1 (神<0430><0376>摩西的<09001><04872>祈祷<08605>)主<0136>啊,你<0859>世世代代<09002><01755><01755><01961>我们的<09001>居所<04583>
[FO][FO]A Prayer<08605> of Moses<04872> the man<0376> of God<0430>.[Fo][Fo] Lord<0136>, thou hast been our dwelling place<04583> in all<01755> generations<01755>. {A Prayer...: or, A Prayer, being a Psalm of Moses} {in...: Heb. in generation and generation}
90:2 诸山<02022>未曾<09002><02962>生出<03205>(8795),地<0776>与世界<08398>你未曾造成<02342>(8787),从亘古<04480><05769><05704>永远<05769>,你<0859>是神<0410>
Before the mountains<02022> were brought forth<03205>(8795), or ever thou hadst formed<02342>(8787) the earth<0776> and the world<08398>, even from everlasting<05769> to<05704> everlasting<05769>, thou art God<0410>.
90:3 你使人<0582><07725>(8686)<05704>尘土<01793>,说<0559>(8799):你们世人<01121><0120>要归回<07725>(8798)
Thou turnest<07725>(8686) man<0582> to destruction<01793>; and sayest<0559>(8799), Return<07725>(8798), ye children<01121> of men<0120>.
90:4 在你看来<09002><05869>,{<03588>}千<0505><08141>{<03588>}如已过<05674>(8799)的昨<0865><09003><03117>,又如夜间的<09002><03915>一更<0821>
For a thousand<0505> years<08141> in thy sight<05869> are but as<03117> yesterday<0865> when it is past<05674>(8799), and as a watch<0821> in the night<03915>. {when...: or, when he hath passed them}
90:5 你叫他们如水冲去<02229>(8804);他们如<01961>睡一觉<08142>。早晨<09002><01242>,他们如生长<02498>(8799)的草<09003><02682>
Thou carriest them away as with a flood<02229>(8804); they are as a sleep<08142>: in the morning<01242> they are like grass<02682> which groweth up<02498>(8799). {groweth...: or, is changed}
90:6 早晨<09002><01242>发芽<06692>(8686)生长<02498>(8804),晚上<09001><06153>割下<04135>(8787)枯干<03001>(8804)
In the morning<01242> it flourisheth<06692>(8686), and groweth up<02498>(8804); in the evening<06153> it is cut down<04135>(8787), and withereth<03001>(8804).
90:7 我们因你的怒气<09002><0639><03588>消灭<03615>(8804),因你的忿怒<09002><02534>而惊惶<0926>(8738)
For we are consumed<03615>(8804) by thine anger<0639>, and by thy wrath<02534> are we troubled<0926>(8738).
90:8 你将我们的罪孽<05771>摆在<07896>(8804)你面前<09001><05048>,将我们的隐恶<05956>(8803)摆在你面<06440>光之中<09001><03974>
Thou hast set<07896>(8804) our iniquities<05771> before thee, our secret<05956>(8803) sins in the light<03974> of thy countenance<06440>.
90:9 {<03588>}我们经过<06437>(8804)的日子<03117><03605>在你震怒之下<09002><05678>;我们度尽<03615>(8765)的年岁<08141>好像<03644>一声叹息<01899>
For all our days<03117> are passed away<06437>(8804) in thy wrath<05678>: we spend<03615>(8765) our years<08141> as a tale<01899> that is told . {passed...: Heb. turned away} {as a...: or, as a meditation}
90:10 我们一生的年<08141><03117>是七十<07657><08141>,若是<0518>强壮<09002><01369>可到八十<08084><08141>;但其中<09002>所矜夸的<07296>不过是劳苦<05999>愁烦<0205>,{<03588>}转眼<02440>成空<01468>(8804),我们便如飞而去<05774>(8799)
The days<03117> of our years<08141> are threescore<07657><00> years<08141> and ten<07657>; and if by reason of strength<01369> they be fourscore<08084> years<08141>, yet is their strength<07296> labour<05999> and sorrow<0205>; for it is soon<02440> cut off<01468>(8804), and we fly away<05774>(8799). {The days...: Heb. As for the days of our years, in them are seventy years}
Who knoweth<03045>(8802) the power<05797> of thine anger<0639>? even according to thy fear<03374>, so is thy wrath<05678>.
90:12 {<03651>}求你指教<03045>(8685)我们怎样数算<09001><04487>(8800)自己的日子<03117>,好叫我们得着<0935>(8686)智慧<02451>的心<03824>
So teach<03045>(8685) us to number<04487>(8800) our days<03117>, that we may apply<0935>(8686) our hearts<03824> unto wisdom<02451>. {apply: Heb. cause to come}
90:13 耶和华<03068>啊,我们要等到<05704>几时<04970>呢?求你转回<07725>(8798),为<05921>你的仆人<05650>后悔<05162>(8734)
Return<07725>(8798), O LORD<03068>, how long? and let it repent<05162>(8734) thee concerning thy servants<05650>.
90:14 求你使我们早早<09002><01242>饱得<07646>(8761)你的慈爱<02617>,好叫我们一生一世<09002><03605><03117>欢呼<07442>(8762)喜乐<08055>(8799)
O satisfy<07646>(8761) us early<01242> with thy mercy<02617>; that we may rejoice<07442>(8762) and be glad<08055>(8799) all our days<03117>.
90:15 求你照着你使我们受苦<06031>(8765)的日子<09003><03117>,和我们遭<07200>(8804)<07451>的年岁<08141>,叫我们喜乐<08055>(8761)
Make us glad<08055>(8761) according to the days<03117> wherein thou hast afflicted<06031>(8765) us, and the years<08141> wherein we have seen<07200>(8804) evil<07451>.
90:16 愿你的作为<06467><0413>你仆人<05650>显现<07200>(8735);愿你的荣耀<01926><05921>他们子孙<01121>显明。
Let thy work<06467> appear<07200>(8735) unto thy servants<05650>, and thy glory<01926> unto their children<01121>.
90:17 愿主<0136>―我们神<0430>的荣美<05278>归于<01961>我们身上<05921>。愿你坚立<03559>(8786){<05921>}我们手<03027>所做的工<04639>;我们手<03027>所做的工<04639>,愿你坚立<03559>(8786)
And let the beauty<05278> of the LORD<03068> our God<0430> be upon us: and establish<03559>(8786) thou the work<04639> of our hands<03027> upon us; yea, the work<04639> of our hands<03027> establish<03559>(8786) thou it.

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