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2 耶和华<03068>晓谕<01696>(8762){<0413>}摩西<04872>、{<0413>}亚伦<0175><09001><0559>(8800)
And the LORD<03068> spake<01696>(8762) unto Moses<04872> and unto Aaron<0175>, saying<0559>(8800),
2 「以色列<03478><01121>要{<02583>}{(8799)}各<0376><05921>自己的纛<01714>下,在本<01><09001><01004>的旗号<09002><0226>那里,对着<04480><05048><04150><09001><0168>的四围<05439>安营<02583>(8799)
Every man<0376> of the children<01121> of Israel<03478> shall pitch<02583>(8799) by his own standard<01714>, with the ensign<0226> of their father's<01> house<01004>: far off<05048> about<05439> the tabernacle<0168> of the congregation<04150> shall they pitch<02583>(8799). {far...: Heb. over against}
3 在东边<06924>,向日出<04217>之地,照着军队<09001><06635>安营<02583>(8802)的是犹大<03063><04264>的纛<01714>。有亚米拿达<05992>的儿子<01121>拿顺<05177>作犹大<03063>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
And on the east side<06924> toward the rising<04217> of the sun shall they of the standard<01714> of the camp<04264> of Judah<03063> pitch<02583>(8802) throughout their armies<06635>: and Nahshon<05177> the son<01121> of Amminadab<05992> shall be captain<05387> of the children<01121> of Judah<03063>.
4 他军队<06635>被数的<06485>(8803),共有七万四千<07657><0702><0505><08337><03967>名。
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) of them, were threescore and fourteen<07657><0702> thousand<0505> and six<08337> hundred<03967>.
5 挨着他<05921>安营的<02583>(8802)是以萨迦<03485>支派<04294>。有苏押<06686>的儿子<01121>拿坦业<05417>作以萨迦<03485>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
And those that do pitch<02583>(8802) next unto him shall be the tribe<04294> of Issachar<03485>: and Nethaneel<05417> the son<01121> of Zuar<06686> shall be captain<05387> of the children<01121> of Issachar<03485>.
6 他军队<06635>被数的<06485>(8803),共有五万四千<02572><0702><0505><0702><03967>名。
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) thereof, were fifty<02572> and four<0702> thousand<0505> and four<0702> hundred<03967>.
7 又有西布伦<02074>支派<04294>。希伦<02497>的儿子<01121>以利押<0446>作西布伦<02074>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
Then the tribe<04294> of Zebulun<02074>: and Eliab<0446> the son<01121> of Helon<02497> shall be captain<05387> of the children<01121> of Zebulun<02074>.
8 他军队<06635>被数的<06485>(8803),共有五万七千<02572><07651><0505><0702><03967>名。
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) thereof, were fifty<02572> and seven<07651> thousand<0505> and four<0702> hundred<03967>.
All that were numbered<06485>(8803) in the camp<04264> of Judah<03063> were an hundred<03967> thousand<0505> and fourscore<08084> thousand<0505> and six<08337> thousand<0505> and four<0702> hundred<03967>, throughout their armies<06635>. These shall first<07223> set forth<05265>(8799).
10 「在南边<08486>,按着军队<09001><06635>是流便<07205><04264>的纛<01714>。有示丢珥<07707>的儿子<01121>以利蓿<0468>作流便<07205>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
On the south side<08486> shall be the standard<01714> of the camp<04264> of Reuben<07205> according to their armies<06635>: and the captain<05387> of the children<01121> of Reuben<07205> shall be Elizur<0468> the son<01121> of Shedeur<07707>.
11 他军队<06635>被数的<06485>(8803),共有四万六千<0705><08337><0505><02568><03967>名。
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) thereof, were forty<0705> and six<08337> thousand<0505> and five<02568> hundred<03967>.
12 挨着他<05921>安营的<02583>(8802)是西缅<08095>支派<04294>。苏利沙代<06701>的儿子<01121>示路蔑<08017>作西缅<08095>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
And those which pitch<02583>(8802) by him shall be the tribe<04294> of Simeon<08095>: and the captain<05387> of the children<01121> of Simeon<08095> shall be Shelumiel<08017> the son<01121> of Zurishaddai<06701>.
13 他军队<06635>被数的<06485>(8803),共有五万九千<02572><08672><0505><07969><03967>名。
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) of them, were fifty<02572> and nine<08672> thousand<0505> and three<07969> hundred<03967>.
14 又有迦得<01410>支派<04294>。丢珥<07467>的儿子<01121>以利雅萨<0460>作迦得<01410>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
Then the tribe<04294> of Gad<01410>: and the captain<05387> of the sons<01121> of Gad<01410> shall be Eliasaph<0460> the son<01121> of Reuel<07467>. {Reuel: also called, Deuel}
15 他军队<06635>被数的<06485>(8803),共有四万五千<0705><02568><0505><08337><03967>五十<02572>名,
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) of them, were forty<0705> and five<02568> thousand<0505> and six<08337> hundred<03967> and fifty<02572>.
All that were numbered<06485>(8803) in the camp<04264> of Reuben<07205> were an hundred<03967> thousand<0505> and fifty<02572> and one<0259> thousand<0505> and four<0702> hundred<03967> and fifty<02572>, throughout their armies<06635>. And they shall set forth<05265>(8799) in the second rank<08145>.
17 「随后,会<04150><0168>要往前行<05265>(8804),有利未<03881><04264>在诸营<04264>中间<09002><08432>。他们怎样<09003><0834>安营<02583>(8799)就怎样<03651>往前行<05265>(8799),各<0376><05921>本位<03027>,各归本纛<09001><01714>
Then the tabernacle<0168> of the congregation<04150> shall set forward<05265>(8804) with the camp<04264> of the Levites<03881> in the midst<08432> of the camp<04264>: as they encamp<02583>(8799), so shall they set forward<05265>(8799), every man<0376> in his place<03027> by their standards<01714>.
18 「在西边<03220>,按着军队<09001><06635>是以法莲<0669><04264>的纛<01714>。亚米忽<05989>的儿子<01121>以利沙玛<0476>作以法莲<0669>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
On the west side<03220> shall be the standard<01714> of the camp<04264> of Ephraim<0669> according to their armies<06635>: and the captain<05387> of the sons<01121> of Ephraim<0669> shall be Elishama<0476> the son<01121> of Ammihud<05989>.
19 他军队<06635>被数<06485>(8803)的,共有四万<0705><0505>零五<02568><03967>名。
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) of them, were forty<0705> thousand<0505> and five<02568> hundred<03967>.
20 挨着他<05921>的是玛拿西<04519>支派<04294>。比大蓿<06301>的儿子<01121>迦玛列<01583>作玛拿西<04519>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
And by him shall be the tribe<04294> of Manasseh<04519>: and the captain<05387> of the children<01121> of Manasseh<04519> shall be Gamaliel<01583> the son<01121> of Pedahzur<06301>.
21 他军队<06635>被数<06485>(8803)的,共有三万二千<07970><08147><0505>二百<03967>名。
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) of them, were thirty<07970> and two<08147> thousand<0505> and two hundred<03967>.
22 又有便雅悯<01144>支派<04294>。基多尼<01441>的儿子<01121>亚比但<027>作便雅悯<01144>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
Then the tribe<04294> of Benjamin<01144>: and the captain<05387> of the sons<01121> of Benjamin<01144> shall be Abidan<027> the son<01121> of Gideoni<01441>.
23 他军队<06635>被数<06485>(8803)的,共有三万五千<07970><02568><0505><0702><03967>名。
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) of them, were thirty<07970> and five<02568> thousand<0505> and four<0702> hundred<03967>.
All that were numbered<06485>(8803) of the camp<04264> of Ephraim<0669> were an hundred<03967> thousand<0505> and eight<08083> thousand<0505> and an hundred<03967>, throughout their armies<06635>. And they shall go forward<05265>(8799) in the third rank<07992>.
25 「在北边<06828>,按着军队<09001><06635>是但<01835><04264>的纛<01714>。亚米沙代<05996>的儿子<01121>亚希以谢<0295>作但<01835>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
The standard<01714> of the camp<04264> of Dan<01835> shall be on the north side<06828> by their armies<06635>: and the captain<05387> of the children<01121> of Dan<01835> shall be Ahiezer<0295> the son<01121> of Ammishaddai<05996>.
26 他军队<06635>被数<06485>(8803)的,共有六万二千<08346><08147><0505><07651><03967>名。
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) of them, were threescore<08346> and two<08147> thousand<0505> and seven<07651> hundred<03967>.
27 挨着他<05921>安营<02583>(8802)的是亚设<0836>支派<04294>。俄兰<05918>的儿子<01121>帕结<06295>作亚设<0836>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
And those that encamp<02583>(8802) by him shall be the tribe<04294> of Asher<0836>: and the captain<05387> of the children<01121> of Asher<0836> shall be Pagiel<06295> the son<01121> of Ocran<05918>.
28 他军队<06635>被数<06485>(8803)的,共有四万一千<0705><0259><0505><02568><03967>名。
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) of them, were forty<0705> and one<0259> thousand<0505> and five<02568> hundred<03967>.
29 又有拿弗他利<05321>支派<04294>。以南<05881>的儿子<01121>亚希拉<0299>作拿弗他利<05321>人的<09001><01121>首领<05387>
Then the tribe<04294> of Naphtali<05321>: and the captain<05387> of the children<01121> of Naphtali<05321> shall be Ahira<0299> the son<01121> of Enan<05881>.
30 他军队<06635>被数<06485>(8803)的,共有五万三千<02572><07969><0505><0702><03967>名。
And his host<06635>, and those that were numbered<06485>(8803) of them, were fifty<02572> and three<07969> thousand<0505> and four<0702> hundred<03967>.
All they that were numbered<06485>(8803) in the camp<04264> of Dan<01835> were an hundred<03967> thousand<0505> and fifty<02572> and seven<07651> thousand<0505> and six<08337> hundred<03967>. They shall go<05265>(8799) hindmost<0314> with their standards<01714>.
32 这些<0428>{<06485>}{(8803)}以色列<03478><01121>,照他们的宗<01><09001><01004>,按他们的军队<09001><06635>,在诸营<04264>中{<03605>}被数<06485>(8803)的,共有六十万<08337><03967><0505>零三<07969><0505><02568><03967>五十<02572>名。
These are those which were numbered<06485>(8803) of the children<01121> of Israel<03478> by the house<01004> of their fathers<01>: all those that were numbered<06485>(8803) of the camps<04264> throughout their hosts<06635> were six<08337> hundred<03967> thousand<0505> and three<07969> thousand<0505> and five<02568> hundred<03967> and fifty<02572>.
33 惟独利未人<03881>没有<03808><06485>(8719)在以色列<03478><01121><09002><08432>,是照<09003><0834>耶和华<03068>所吩咐<06680>(8765){<0853>}摩西<04872>的。
But the Levites<03881> were not numbered<06485>(8719) among<08432> the children<01121> of Israel<03478>; as the LORD<03068> commanded<06680>(8765) Moses<04872>.
34 以色列<03478><01121>就这样<03651><06213>(8799),各人<0376>照他们的家室<09001><04940>、{<05921>}宗<01><01004>归于本纛<09001><01714>,安营<02583>(8804)起行<05265>(8804),都是照<09003><03605>耶和华<03068><0834>吩咐<06680>(8765){<0853>}摩西<04872>的。
And the children<01121> of Israel<03478> did<06213>(8799) according to all that the LORD<03068> commanded<06680>(8765) Moses<04872>: so they pitched<02583>(8804) by their standards<01714>, and so they set forward<05265>(8804), every one<0376> after their families<04940>, according to the house<01004> of their fathers<01>.

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