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2 他对我<0413><0559>(8799):「人<0120><01121>啊,你站<05975>(8798)起来{<05921>}{<07272>},我要和你<0853>说话<01696>(8762)。」
And he said<0559>(8799) unto me, Son<01121> of man<0120>, stand<05975>(8798) upon thy feet<07272>, and I will speak<01696>(8762) unto thee.
2 他对我<0413>说话<01696>(8765)的时候<09003><0834>,灵<07307>就进<0935>(8799)入我里面<09002>,使<05975>(8686)我站起来{<05921>}{<07272>},我便听见<08085>(8799)那位<0853>对我<0413>说话的<01696>(8693)声音。
And the spirit<07307> entered<0935>(8799) into me when he spake<01696>(8765) unto me, and set<05975>(8686) me upon my feet<07272>, that I heard<08085>(8799) him that spake<01696>(8693) unto me.
3 他对我<0413><0559>(8799):「人<0120><01121>啊,我<0589><07971>(8802)<0853><0413>悖逆<04775>(8802)的国民<01471>{<0413>}以色列<03478><01121>那里去。他们<0834>是悖逆<04775>(8804)<09002>的,他们<01992>和他们的列祖<01>违背<06586>(8804)<09002>,直到<05704>{<06106>}今<02088><03117>
And he said<0559>(8799) unto me, Son<01121> of man<0120>, I send<07971>(8802) thee to the children<01121> of Israel<03478>, to a rebellious<04775>(8802) nation<01471> that hath rebelled<04775>(8804) against me: they and their fathers<01> have transgressed<06586>(8804) against me, even unto this very<06106> day<03117>. {nation: Heb. nations}
4 这众子<01121>面无羞耻<07186><06440>,心里刚硬<02389><03820>。我<0589><07971>(8802)<0853>往他们<0413>那里去,你要对他们<0413><0559>(8804):主<0136>耶和华<03069>如此<03541><0559>(8804)
For they are impudent<07186><06440> children<01121> and stiffhearted<02389><03820>. I do send<07971>(8802) thee unto them; and thou shalt say<0559>(8804) unto them, Thus saith<0559>(8804) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>. {impudent: Heb. hard of face}
5 他们<01992><0518><08085>(8799),或<0518>不听<02308>(8799),({<03588>}他们<01992>是悖逆<04805>之家<01004>),必知道<03045>(8804){<03588>}在他们中间<09002><08432>有了<01961>先知<05030>
And they, whether they will hear<08085>(8799), or whether they will forbear<02308>(8799), (for they are a rebellious<04805> house<01004>,) yet shall know<03045>(8804) that there hath been a prophet<05030> among<08432> them.
And thou, son<01121> of man<0120>, be not afraid<03372>(8799) of them, neither be afraid<03372>(8799) of their words<01697>, though briers<05621> and thorns<05544> be with thee, and thou dost dwell<03427>(8802) among scorpions<06137>: be not afraid<03372>(8799) of their words<01697>, nor be dismayed<02865>(8735) at their looks<06440>, though they be a rebellious<04805> house<01004>. {briers...: or, rebels}
7 他们或<0518><08085>(8799),或<0518>不听<02308>(8799),你只管将<0853>我的话<01697>告诉<01696>(8765)他们<0413>;{<03588>}他们<01992>是极其悖逆<04805>的。
And thou shalt speak<01696>(8765) my words<01697> unto them, whether they will hear<08085>(8799), or whether they will forbear<02308>(8799): for they are most rebellious<04805>. {most...: Heb. rebellion}
But thou, son<01121> of man<0120>, hear<08085>(8798) what I say<01696>(8764) unto thee; Be not<01961>(8799) thou rebellious<04805> like that rebellious<04805> house<01004>: open<06475>(8798) thy mouth<06310>, and eat<0398>(8798) that I give<05414>(8802) thee.
9 我观看<07200>(8799),见<02009>有一只手<03027>向我<0413><07971>(8803)出来,{<02009>}手中<09002>有一书<05612><04039>
And when I looked<07200>(8799), behold, an hand<03027> was sent<07971>(8803) unto me; and, lo, a roll<04039> of a book<05612> was therein;
10 他将书卷<0853>在我面前<09001><06440>展开<06566>(8799),{<01931>}内<06440><0268>都写<03789>(8803)着字,其上<0413>所写<03789>(8803)的有哀号<07015>、叹息<01899>、悲痛<01958>的话。
And he spread<06566>(8799) it before<06440> me; and it was written<03789>(8803) within<06440> and without<0268>: and there was written<03789>(8803) therein lamentations<07015>, and mourning<01899>, and woe<01958>.

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