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26 夏天<09002><07019>落雪<09003><07950>,收割时<09002><07105>下雨<09003><04306>,都不<03808>相宜<05000>;愚昧人<09001><03684>得尊荣<03519>也是如此<03651>
As snow<07950> in summer<07019>, and as rain<04306> in harvest<07105>, so honour<03519> is not seemly<05000> for a fool<03684>.
2 麻雀<09003><06833>往来<09001><05110>(8800),燕子<09003><01866>翻飞<09001><05774>(8800);这样<03651>,无故的<02600>咒诅<07045>(8800)也必不<03808>临到<0935>(8799)
As the bird<06833> by wandering<05110>(8800), as the swallow<01866> by flying<05774>(8800), so the curse<07045> causeless<02600> shall not come<0935>(8799).
3 鞭子<07752>是为打马<09001><05483>,辔头<04964>是为勒驴<09001><02543>;刑杖<07626>是为打愚昧人<03684>的背<09001><01460>
A whip<07752> for the horse<05483>, a bridle<04964> for the ass<02543>, and a rod<07626> for the fool's<03684> back<01460>.
4 不要<0408>照愚昧人<03684>的愚妄<09003><0200>话回答<06030>(8799)他,恐怕<06435>{<01571>}你<0859>与他<09001>一样<07737>(8799)
Answer<06030>(8799) not a fool<03684> according to his folly<0200>, lest thou also be like<07737>(8799) unto him.
5 要照愚昧人<03684>的愚妄<09003><0200>话回答<06030>(8798)他,免得<06435>他自以为<09002><05869><01961>智慧<02450>
Answer<06030>(8798) a fool<03684> according to his folly<0200>, lest he be wise<02450> in his own conceit<05869>. {conceit: Heb. eyes}
6 藉愚昧人<03684><09002><03027><07971>(8802)<01697>的,是砍断<07096>(8764)自己的脚<07272>,自受(原文是:喝<08354>(8802))损害<02555>
He that sendeth<07971>(8802) a message<01697> by the hand<03027> of a fool<03684> cutteth off<07096>(8764) the feet<07272>, and drinketh<08354>(8802) damage<02555>. {damage: or, violence}
7 瘸子<04480><06455>的脚<07785>空存无用<01809>(8804);箴言<04912>在愚昧人<03684>的口<09002><06310>中也是如此。
The legs<07785> of the lame<06455> are not equal<01809>(8804): so is a parable<04912> in the mouth<06310> of fools<03684>. {are...: Heb. are lifted up}
8 将尊荣<03519><05414>(8802)愚昧人<09001><03684>的,好像<03651>人把石子<068><09003><06872>(8675)<06887>(8800)在机弦<09002><04773>里。
As he that bindeth<06872>(8675)<06887>(8800) a stone<068> in a sling<04773>, so is he that giveth<05414>(8802) honour<03519> to a fool<03684>. {bindeth...: or, putteth a precious stone in an heap of stones}
9 箴言<04912>在愚昧人<03684>的口<09002><06310>中,好像荆棘<02336>刺入<05927>(8804)醉汉<07910>的手<09002><03027>
As a thorn<02336> goeth up<05927>(8804) into the hand<03027> of a drunkard<07910>, so is a parable<04912> in the mouth<06310> of fools<03684>.
The great<07227> God that formed<02342>(8789) all things both rewardeth<07936>(8802) the fool<03684>, and rewardeth<07936>(8802) transgressors<05674>(8802). {The great...: or, A great man grieveth all, and he hireth the fool, he hireth also transgressors}
11 愚昧人<03684>行愚妄事<09002><0200>,行了又行<08138>(8802),就如狗<09003><03611>转过来<07725>(8804)<05921>它所吐<06892>的。
As a dog<03611> returneth<07725>(8804) to his vomit<06892>, so a fool<03684> returneth<08138>(8802) to his folly<0200>. {returneth to his folly: Heb. iterateth his folly}
12 你见<07200>(8804)自以为<09002><05869>有智慧<02450>的人<0376>吗?愚昧人<09001><03684>比他<04480>更有指望<08615>
Seest<07200>(8804) thou a man<0376> wise<02450> in his own conceit<05869>? there is more hope<08615> of a fool<03684> than of him.
13 懒惰<06102>人说<0559>(8804):道<09002><01870>上有猛狮<07826>,街<07339><0996>有壮狮<0738>
The slothful<06102> man saith<0559>(8804), There is a lion<07826> in the way<01870>; a lion<0738> is in the streets<07339>.
As the door<01817> turneth<05437>(8735) upon his hinges<06735>, so doth the slothful<06102> upon his bed<04296>.
15 懒惰人<06102><02934>(8804)<03027>在盘子<09002><06747>里,就是向<0413><06310>撤回<09001><07725>(8687)也以为劳乏<03811>(8738)
The slothful<06102> hideth<02934>(8804) his hand<03027> in his bosom<06747>; it grieveth<03811>(8738) him to bring it again<07725>(8687) to his mouth<06310>. {it grieveth...: or, he is weary}
16 懒惰人<06102>看自己<09002><05869>比七<04480><07651>个善于<07725>(8688)应对<02940>的人更有智慧<02450>
The sluggard<06102> is wiser<02450> in his own conceit<05869> than seven men<07651> that can render<07725>(8688) a reason<02940>.
17 过路<05674>(8802)被事激动<05674>(8693),管理<05921><03808>干己<09001>的争竞<07379>,好像人揪住<02388>(8688)<03611><09002><0241>
He that passeth by<05674>(8802), and meddleth<05674>(8693) with strife<07379> belonging not to him, is like one that taketh<02388>(8688) a dog<03611> by the ears<0241>. {meddleth: or, is enraged}
18 {<03651>}人<0376>欺凌<07411>(8765){<0853>}邻舍<07453>,却说<0559>(8804):我<0589>岂不是<03808>戏耍<07832>(8764)吗?他就像疯狂的人<09003><03856>(8700)抛掷<03384>(8802)火把<02131>、利箭<02671>,与杀人的兵器(原文是死亡<04194>)。
As a mad<03856>(8700) man who casteth<03384>(8802) firebrands<02131>, arrows<02671>, and death<04194>, {firebrands: Heb. flames, or, sparks}
19 【并于上节】
So is the man<0376> that deceiveth<07411>(8765) his neighbour<07453>, and saith<0559>(8804), Am not I in sport<07832>(8764)?
Where no<0657> wood<06086> is, there the fire<0784> goeth out<03518>(8799): so where there is no talebearer<05372>, the strife<04066> ceaseth<08367>(8799). {Where no...: Heb. Without wood} {talebearer: or, whisperer} {ceaseth: Heb. is silent}
21 好争竞<04079>(8675)<04066>的人<0376>煽惑<09001><02787>(8771)争端<07379>,就如余火<09001><01513>加炭<06352>,火<09001><0784>上加柴<06086>一样。
As coals<06352> are to burning coals<01513>, and wood<06086> to fire<0784>; so is a contentious<04079>(8675)<04066> man<0376> to kindle<02787>(8771) strife<07379>.
22 传舌人<05372>的言语<01697>,如同美食<09003><03859>(8693),{<01992>}深入<03381>(8804)人的心<02315><0990>
The words<01697> of a talebearer<05372> are as wounds<03859>(8693), and they go down<03381>(8804) into the innermost parts<02315> of the belly<0990>. {innermost...: Heb. chambers}
23 火热<01814>(8801)的嘴<08193>,奸恶<07451>的心<03820>,好像银<03701><05509><06823>(8794)的{<05921>}瓦器<02789>
Burning<01814>(8801) lips<08193> and a wicked<07451> heart<03820> are like a potsherd<02789> covered<06823>(8794) with silver<03701> dross<05509>.
24 怨恨人的<08130>(8802),用嘴<09002><08193>粉饰<05234>(8735),心里<09002><07130>却藏着<07896>(8799)诡诈<04820>
He that hateth<08130>(8802) dissembleth<05234>(8735) with his lips<08193>, and layeth up<07896>(8799) deceit<04820> within<07130> him; {dissembleth: or, is known}
25 {<03588>}他用甜言蜜语<02603>(8762)<06963>,你不可<0408><0539>(8686)<09002>,因为<03588>他心中<09002><03820>有七<07651>样可憎恶的<08441>
When he speaketh<06963> fair<02603>(8762), believe<0539>(8686) him not: for there are seven<07651> abominations<08441> in his heart<03820>. {speaketh...: Heb. maketh his voice gracious}
26 他虽用诡诈<09002><04860>遮掩<03680>(8691)自己的怨恨<08135>,他的邪恶<07451>必在会中<09002><06951>显露<01540>(8735)
Whose hatred<08135> is covered<03680>(8691) by deceit<04860>, his wickedness<07451> shall be shewed<01540>(8735) before the whole congregation<06951>. {by...: or, in secret}
Whoso diggeth<03738>(8802) a pit<07845> shall fall<05307>(8799) therein: and he that rolleth<01556>(8802) a stone<068>, it will return<07725>(8799) upon him.
28 虚谎<08267>的舌<03956><08130>(8799)他所压伤<01790>的人;谄媚的<02509><06310>败坏<04072>人的事<06213>(8799)
A lying<08267> tongue<03956> hateth<08130>(8799) those that are afflicted<01790> by it; and a flattering<02509> mouth<06310> worketh<06213>(8799) ruin<04072>.

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