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116 我爱<0157>(8804)耶和华<03068>,因为<03588>他听了<08085>(8799){<0853>}我的声音<06963>和我的恳求<08469>
I love<0157>(8804) the LORD<03068>, because he hath heard<08085>(8799) my voice<06963> and my supplications<08469>.
2 他既<03588>向我<09001><05186>(8689)<0241>,我一生<09002><03117>要求告<07121>(8799)他。
Because he hath inclined<05186>(8689) his ear<0241> unto me, therefore will I call<07121>(8799) upon him as long as I live<03117>. {as long...: Heb. in my days}
3 死亡<04194>的绳索<02256>缠绕我<0661>(8804);阴间<07585>的痛苦<04712>抓住我<04672>(8804);我遭遇<04672>(8799)患难<06869>愁苦<03015>
The sorrows<02256> of death<04194> compassed<0661>(8804) me, and the pains<04712> of hell<07585> gat hold<04672>(8804) upon me: I found<04672>(8799) trouble<06869> and sorrow<03015>. {gat...: Heb. found me}
4 那时,我便求告<07121>(8799)耶和华<03068>的名<09002><08034>,说:耶和华<03068>啊,求<0577>你救<04422>(8761)我的灵魂<05315>
Then called<07121>(8799) I upon the name<08034> of the LORD<03068>; O LORD<03068>, I beseech<0577> thee, deliver<04422>(8761) my soul<05315>.
5 耶和华<03068>有恩惠<02587>,有公义<06662>;我们的神<0430>以怜悯<07355>(8764)为怀。
Gracious<02587> is the LORD<03068>, and righteous<06662>; yea, our God<0430> is merciful<07355>(8764).
6 耶和华<03068>保护<08104>(8802)愚人<06612>;我落到卑微<01809>(8804)的地步,他救了<03467>(8686)<09001>
The LORD<03068> preserveth<08104>(8802) the simple<06612>: I was brought low<01809>(8804), and he helped<03467>(8686) me.
7 我的心<05315>哪!你要仍归<07725>(8798)安乐<09001><04494>,因为<03588>耶和华<03068>用厚恩<01580>(8804)待你<05921>
Return<07725>(8798) unto thy rest<04494>, O my soul<05315>; for the LORD<03068> hath dealt bountifully<01580>(8804) with thee.
8 {<03588>}主啊,你救<02502>(8765)我的命<05315>免了死亡<04480><04194>,救{<0853>}我的眼<05869>免了<04480>流泪<01832>,救{<0853>}我的脚<07272>免了跌倒<04480><01762>
For thou hast delivered<02502>(8765) my soul<05315> from death<04194>, mine eyes<05869> from tears<01832>, and my feet<07272> from falling<01762>.
9 我要在耶和华<03068>面前<09001><06440><01980>(8691)活人<02416>之路<09002><0776>
I will walk<01980>(8691) before<06440> the LORD<03068> in the land<0776> of the living<02416>.
10 我因信<0539>(8689),所以<03588>如此说话<01696>(8762);我<0589>受了极大<03966>的困苦<06031>(8804)
I believed<0539>(8689), therefore have I spoken<01696>(8762): I was greatly<03966> afflicted<06031>(8804):
I said<0559>(8804) in my haste<02648>(8800), All men<0120> are liars<03576>(8802).
12 我拿甚么<04100>报答<07725>(8686)耶和华<09001><03068>向我<05921>所赐的一切<03605>厚恩<08408>
What shall I render<07725>(8686) unto the LORD<03068> for all his benefits<08408> toward me?
13 我要举起<05375>(8799)救恩<03444>的杯<03563>,称扬<07121>(8799)耶和华<03068>的名<09002><08034>
I will take<05375>(8799) the cup<03563> of salvation<03444>, and call<07121>(8799) upon the name<08034> of the LORD<03068>.
14 我要<04994>在他众<09001><03605><05971>面前<05048>向耶和华<09001><03068><07999>(8762)我的愿<05088>
I will pay<07999>(8762) my vows<05088> unto the LORD<03068> now in the presence of all his people<05971>.
15 在耶和华<03068>眼中<09002><05869>,看圣民<09001><02623>之死<04194>极为宝贵<03368>
Precious<03368> in the sight<05869> of the LORD<03068> is the death<04194> of his saints<02623>.
16 耶和华<03068><0577>,我<0589>真是<03588>你的仆人<05650>;我是<0589>你的仆人<05650>,是你婢女<0519>的儿子<01121>。你已经解开<06605>(8765)我的绑索<09001><04147>
O LORD<03068>, truly<0577> I am thy servant<05650>; I am thy servant<05650>, and the son<01121> of thine handmaid<0519>: thou hast loosed<06605>(8765) my bonds<04147>.
17 我要以感谢<08426>为祭<02077><02076>(8799)给你<09001>,又要求告<07121>(8799)耶和华<03068>的名<09002><08034>
I will offer<02076>(8799) to thee the sacrifice<02077> of thanksgiving<08426>, and will call<07121>(8799) upon the name<08034> of the LORD<03068>.
18 我要<04994>在他众<09001><03605><05971>面前<05048>,在耶和华<03068>殿<01004>的院内<09002><02691>,在耶路撒冷<03389>当中<09002><08432>,向耶和华<09001><03068><07999>(8762)我的愿<05088>。你们要赞美<01984>(8761)耶和华<03050>
I will pay<07999>(8762) my vows<05088> unto the LORD<03068> now in the presence of all his people<05971>,
19 【并于上节】
In the courts<02691> of the LORD'S<03068> house<01004>, in the midst<08432> of thee, O Jerusalem<03389>. Praise<01984>(8761) ye the LORD<03050>.

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