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26 约伯<0347>回答<06030>(8799)<0559>(8799)
But Job<0347> answered<06030>(8799) and said<0559>(8799),
How hast thou helped<05826>(8804) him that is without power<03581>? how savest<03467>(8689) thou the arm<02220> that hath no<03808> strength<05797>?
How hast thou counselled<03289>(8804) him that hath no<03808> wisdom<02451>? and how hast thou plentifully<07230> declared<03045>(8689) the thing as it is<08454>?
4 你向<0854><04310>发出<05046>(8689)言语<04405>来?谁<04310>的灵<05397>从你<04480>而出<03318>(8804)
To whom hast thou uttered<05046>(8689) words<04405>? and whose spirit<05397> came<03318>(8804) from thee?
5 在大水<04325>和水族<07931>(8802)以下<04480><08478>的阴魂<07496>战兢<02342>(8787)
Dead<07496> things are formed<02342>(8787) from under the waters<04325>, and the inhabitants<07931>(8802) thereof. {and the...: or, with the inhabitants}
6 在神面前<05048>,阴间<07585>显露<06174>;灭亡<09001><011>也不得<0369>遮掩<03682>
Hell<07585> is naked<06174> before him, and destruction<011> hath no covering<03682>.
7 神将北极<06828><05186>(8802)<05921>空中<08414>,将大地<0776><08518>(8802)<05921>虚空<01099>
He stretcheth out<05186>(8802) the north<06828> over the empty place<08414>, and hangeth<08518>(8802) the earth<0776> upon nothing<01099>.
8 将水<04325><06887>(8802)在密云<09002><05645>中,云<06051>却不<03808>破裂<01234>(8738){<08478>};
He bindeth up<06887>(8802) the waters<04325> in his thick clouds<05645>; and the cloud<06051> is not rent<01234>(8738) under them.
9 遮蔽<0270>(8764){<06440>}他的宝座<03678>,将云<06051><06576>(8768)在其上<05921>
He holdeth back<0270>(8764) the face<06440> of his throne<03678>, and spreadeth<06576>(8768) his cloud<06051> upon it.
He hath compassed<02328>(8804) the waters<06440><04325> with bounds<02706>, until the day<0216> and night<02822> come to an end<08503>. {until...: Heb. until the end of light with darkness}
The pillars<05982> of heaven<08064> tremble<07322>(8787) and are astonished<08539>(8799) at his reproof<01606>.
12 他以能力<09002><03581>搅动<07280>(8804)(或译:平静)大海<03220>;他藉知识<09002><08394>(8675)<08394>打伤<04272>(8804)拉哈伯<07293>
He divideth<07280>(8804) the sea<03220> with his power<03581>, and by his understanding<08394>(8675)<08394> he smiteth<04272>(8804) through the proud<07293>. {the proud: Heb. pride}
13 藉他的灵<09002><07307>使天<08064>有妆饰<08235>(8765);他的手<03027>刺杀<02490>(8790)<01281><05175>
By his spirit<07307> he hath garnished<08235>(8765) the heavens<08064>; his hand<03027> hath formed<02342>(8790) the crooked<01281> serpent<05175>.
14 看哪<02005>,这<0428>不过是神工作<01870>的些微<07098>;我们所听<08085>(8738)于他<09002>的是何等<04100>细微的<08102>声音<01697>!他大能的<01369>雷声<07482><04310>能明透<0995>(8709)呢?
Lo, these are parts<07098> of his ways<01870>: but how little<08102> a portion<01697> is heard<08085>(8738) of him? but the thunder<07482> of his power<01369> who can understand<0995>(8709)?

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