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Man<0120> that is born<03205>(8803) of a woman<0802> is of few<07116> days<03117>, and full<07649> of trouble<07267>. {few...: Heb. short of days}
2 出来<03318>(8804)如花<09003><06731>,又被割下<05243>(8799),飞去<01272>(8799)如影<09003><06738>,不能<03808>存留<05975>(8799)
He cometh forth<03318>(8804) like a flower<06731>, and is cut down<05243>(8799): he fleeth<01272>(8799) also as a shadow<06738>, and continueth<05975>(8799) not.
3 这样的人<02088>你岂<0637><06491>(8804)<05869>看他<05921>吗?又叫我<0853><0935>(8686)受审<09002><04941>{<05973>}吗?
And dost thou open<06491>(8804) thine eyes<05869> upon such an one<02088>, and bringest<0935>(8686) me into judgment<04941> with thee?
Who can bring<05414>(8799) a clean<02889> thing out of an unclean<02931>? not one<0259>. {can...: Heb. will give}
5 人的日子<03117>既然<0518>限定<02782>(8803),他的月<02320><04557>在你<0854>那里,你也派定<06213>(8804)他的界限<02706>,使他不能<03808>越过<05674>(8799)
Seeing<0518> his days<03117> are determined<02782>(8803), the number<04557> of his months<02320> are with thee, thou hast appointed<06213>(8804) his bounds<02706> that he cannot pass<05674>(8799);
6 便求你转眼<08159>(8798)不看他<04480><05921>,使他得歇息<02308>(8799),直等<05704>他像雇工人<09003><07916>完毕<07521>(8799)他的日子<03117>
Turn<08159>(8798) from him, that he may rest<02308>(8799), till he shall accomplish<07521>(8799), as an hireling<07916>, his day<03117>. {rest: Heb. cease}
For there is<03426> hope<08615> of a tree<06086>, if it be cut down<03772>(8735), that it will sprout again<02498>(8686), and that the tender branch<03127> thereof will not cease<02308>(8799).
8 其根<08328>虽然<0518>衰老<02204>(8686)在地里<09002><0776>,干<01503>也死<04191>(8799)在土中<09002><06083>
Though the root<08328> thereof wax old<02204>(8686) in the earth<0776>, and the stock<01503> thereof die<04191>(8799) in the ground<06083>;
9 及至得了水<04325><04480><07381>,还要发芽<06524>(8686),又长<06213>(8804)枝条<07105>,像<03644>新栽的树<05194>一样。
Yet through the scent<07381> of water<04325> it will bud<06524>(8686), and bring forth<06213>(8804) boughs<07105> like a plant<05194>.
10 但人<01397>死亡<04191>(8799)而消灭<02522>(8799);他{<0120>}气绝<01478>(8799),竟在何处<0346>呢?
But man<01397> dieth<04191>(8799), and wasteth away<02522>(8799): yea, man<0120> giveth up the ghost<01478>(8799), and where is he? {wasteth...: Heb. is weakened, or, cut off}
As the waters<04325> fail<0235>(8804) from the sea<03220>, and the flood<05104> decayeth<02717>(8799) and drieth up<03001>(8804):
So man<0376> lieth down<07901>(8804), and riseth<06965>(8799) not: till the heavens<08064> be no more<01115>, they shall not awake<06974>(8686), nor be raised out<05782>(8735) of their sleep<08142>.
O that<05414>(8799) thou wouldest hide<06845>(8686) me in the grave<07585>, that thou wouldest keep me secret<05641>(8686), until thy wrath<0639> be past<07725>(8800), that thou wouldest appoint<07896>(8799) me a set time<02706>, and remember<02142>(8799) me!
If a man<01397> die<04191>(8799), shall he live<02421>(8799) again ? all the days<03117> of my appointed time<06635> will I wait<03176>(8762), till my change<02487> come<0935>(8800).
15 你呼叫<07121>(8799),我<0595>便回答<06030>(8799);你手<03027>所做的<09001><04639>,你必羡慕<03700>(8799)
Thou shalt call<07121>(8799), and I will answer<06030>(8799) thee: thou wilt have a desire<03700>(8799) to the work<04639> of thine hands<03027>.
For now thou numberest<05608>(8799) my steps<06806>: dost thou not watch<08104>(8799) over my sin<02403>?
17 我的过犯<06588>被你封<02856>(8803)在囊中<09002><06872>,也缝严了<02950>(8799){<05921>}我的罪孽<05771>
My transgression<06588> is sealed up<02856>(8803) in a bag<06872>, and thou sewest up<02950>(8799) mine iniquity<05771>.
18 {<0199>}山<02022><05307>(8802)变为无有<05034>(8799);磐石<06697>挪开<06275>(8799)原处<04480><04725>
And surely<0199> the mountain<02022> falling<05307>(8802) cometh to nought<05034>(8799), and the rock<06697> is removed<06275>(8799) out of his place<04725>. {cometh...: Heb. fadeth}
19 水流<04325>消磨<07833>(8804)石头<068>,所流溢的<07857>(8799)洗去<05599>地上<0776>的尘土<06083>;你也照样灭绝<06>(8689)<0582>的指望<08615>
The waters<04325> wear<07833>(8804) the stones<068>: thou washest away<07857>(8799) the things which grow<05599> out of the dust<06083> of the earth<0776>; and thou destroyest<06>(8689) the hope<08615> of man<0582>. {washest...: Heb. overflowest}
20 你攻击人常常<09001><05331>得胜<08630>(8799),使他去世<01980>(8799);你改变<08138>(8764)他的容貌<06440>,叫他往而不回<07971>(8762)
Thou prevailest<08630>(8799) for ever<05331> against him, and he passeth<01980>(8799): thou changest<08138>(8764) his countenance<06440>, and sendest him away<07971>(8762).
21 他儿子<01121>得尊荣<03513>(8799),他也不<03808>知道<03045>(8799),降为卑<06819>(8799),他也不<03808>觉得<0995>(8799){<03926>}。
His sons<01121> come to honour<03513>(8799), and he knoweth<03045>(8799) it not; and they are brought low<06819>(8799), but he perceiveth<0995>(8799) it not of them.
But his flesh<01320> upon him shall have pain<03510>(8799), and his soul<05315> within him shall mourn<056>(8799).

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