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17:1论大马士革<01834>的默示<04853>:看哪<02009>,大马士革<01834>已被废弃<05493>(8716),不再为城<04480><05892>,必变作<01961><04654><04596>The burden<04853> of Damascus<01834>. Behold, Damascus<01834> is taken away<05493>(8716) from being a city<05892>, and it shall be a ruinous<04654> heap<04596>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
17:2亚罗珥<06177>的城邑<05892>已被撇弃<05800>(8803),必成为<01961>牧羊之处<09001><05739>;羊在那里躺卧<07257>(8804),无人<0369>惊吓<02729>(8688)The cities<05892> of Aroer<06177> are forsaken<05800>(8803): they shall be for flocks<05739>, which shall lie down<07257>(8804), and none shall make them afraid<02729>(8688).注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
17:3以法莲<04480><0669>不再有<07673>(8738)保障<04013>;大马士革<04480><01834>不再有国权<04467>;亚兰<0758>所剩下的<07605><01961>像以色列<03478><01121>的荣耀<09003><03519>消灭一样。这是万军<06635>之耶和华<03068>说的<05002>(8803)The fortress<04013> also shall cease<07673>(8738) from Ephraim<0669>, and the kingdom<04467> from Damascus<01834>, and the remnant<07605> of Syria<0758>: they shall be as the glory<03519> of the children<01121> of Israel<03478>, saith<05002>(8803) the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
17:4<01961><01931><09002><03117>,雅各<03290>的荣耀<03519>必至枵薄<01809>(8735);他肥胖<04924>的身体<01320>必渐瘦弱<07329>(8735)And in that day<03117> it shall come to pass, that the glory<03519> of Jacob<03290> shall be made thin<01809>(8735), and the fatness<04924> of his flesh<01320> shall wax lean<07329>(8735).注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
17:5就必<01961>像收割的人<07105>收敛<09003><0622>(8800)禾稼<07054>,用手<02220>割取<07114>(8799)穗子<07641>,又<01961>像人在利乏音<07497><09002><06010>拾取<09003><03950>(8764)遗落的穗子<07641>And it shall be as when the harvestman<07105> gathereth<0622>(8800) the corn<07054>, and reapeth<07114>(8799) the ears<07641> with his arm<02220>; and it shall be as he that gathereth<03950>(8764) ears<07641> in the valley<06010> of Rephaim<07497>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
17:6其间<09002>所剩下的<07604>(8738)不多{<05955>},好像人打<09003><05363>橄榄树<02132>―在尽上的<07218>枝梢上<09002><0534>只剩两<08147>三个<07969>果子<01620>;在多果树的<06509>(8802)旁枝上<09002><05585>只剩四<0702>五个<02568>果子。这是耶和华<03068>―以色列<03478>的神<0430>说的<05002>(8803)Yet gleaning grapes<05955> shall be left<07604>(8738) in it, as the shaking<05363> of an olive tree<02132>, two<08147> or three<07969> berries<01620> in the top<07218> of the uppermost bough<0534>, four<0702> or five<02568> in the outmost fruitful<06509>(8802) branches<05585> thereof, saith<05002>(8803) the LORD<03068> God<0430> of Israel<03478>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
17:7当那<01931><09002><03117>,人<0120>必仰望<08159>(8799){<05921>}造他们的主<06213>(8802),眼目<05869>重看<07200>(8799){<0413>}以色列<03478>的圣者<06918>At that day<03117> shall a man<0120> look<08159>(8799) to his Maker<06213>(8802), and his eyes<05869> shall have respect<07200>(8799) to the Holy<06918> One of Israel<03478>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
17:8他们必不<03808>仰望<08159>(8799){<0413>}祭坛<04196>,就是自己手<03027><0834>筑的<04639>,也不<03808>重看<07200>(8799)自己指头<0676><0834>做的<06213>(8804),无论是木偶<0842>是日像<02553>And he shall not look<08159>(8799) to the altars<04196>, the work<04639> of his hands<03027>, neither shall respect<07200>(8799) that which his fingers<0676> have made<06213>(8804), either the groves<0842>, or the images<02553>. {images: or, sun images}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
17:9在那<01931><09002><03117>,他们的坚固<04581><05892><01961>像树林中<02793>和山顶上<0534><0834>撇弃的<09003><05800>(8803)地方,就是<0834>从前在以色列<03478><01121>面前<04480><06440>被人撇弃的<05800>(8804)。这样,地就<01961>荒凉了<08077>In that day<03117> shall his strong<04581> cities<05892> be as a forsaken<05800>(8803) bough<02793>, and an uppermost branch<0534>, which they left<05800>(8804) because<06440> of the children<01121> of Israel<03478>: and there shall be desolation<08077>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
17:10<03588>你忘记<07911>(8804)<03468>你的神<0430>,不<03808>记念<02142>(8804)你能力<04581>的磐石<06697>;所以<05921><03651>,你栽上<05193>(8799)佳美的<05282>树秧子<05194>,插上<02232>(8799)异样的<02114>(8801)栽子<02156>Because thou hast forgotten<07911>(8804) the God<0430> of thy salvation<03468>, and hast not been mindful<02142>(8804) of the rock<06697> of thy strength<04581>, therefore shalt thou plant<05193>(8799) pleasant<05282> plants<05194>, and shalt set<02232>(8799) it with strange<02114>(8801) slips<02156>:注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
17:11栽种<05194>的日子<09002><03117>,你周围圈上篱笆<07735>(8770),又到早晨<09002><01242>使你所种的<02233>开花<06524>(8686);但在愁苦<03511>极其<0605>(8803)伤痛的<02470>(8737)日子<09002><03117>,所收割的<07105>都飞去了<05067>In the day<03117> shalt thou make thy plant<05194> to grow<07735>(8770), and in the morning<01242> shalt thou make thy seed<02233> to flourish<06524>(8686): but the harvest<07105> shall be a heap<05067> in the day<03117> of grief<02470>(8737) and of desperate<0605>(8803) sorrow<03511>. {a heap...: or, removed in the day of inheritance, and there shall be deadly sorrow}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
17:12<01945>!多<01995><07227><05971>哄嚷<01993>(8799),好像海浪<03220>咆哮<09003><01993>(8800);列邦<03816>奔腾<07588>,好像<09003><07588><03524><04325>滔滔<07582>(8735)Woe<01945> to the multitude<01995> of many<07227> people<05971>, which make a noise<01993>(8799) like the noise<01993>(8800) of the seas<03220>; and to the rushing<07588> of nations<03816>, that make a rushing like the rushing<07582>(8735) of mighty<03524> waters<04325>! {multitude: or, noise} {mighty: or, many}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
17:13列邦<03816>奔腾<07582>(8735),好像多<07227><04325>滔滔<09003><07588>;但神斥责<01605>(8804)他们<09002>,他们就远远<04480><04801>逃避<05127>(8804),又被追赶<07291>(8795),如同山上<02022>的风<07307><09001><06440><09003><04671>,又如暴风<05492><09001><06440>的旋风土<09003><01534>The nations<03816> shall rush<07582>(8735) like the rushing<07588> of many<07227> waters<04325>: but God shall rebuke<01605>(8804) them, and they shall flee<05127>(8804) far off<04801>, and shall be chased<07291>(8795) as the chaff<04671> of the mountains<02022> before<06440> the wind<07307>, and like a rolling thing<01534> before<06440> the whirlwind<05492>. {a rolling...: or, thistledown}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
17:14<09001><06256>晚上<06153>{<02009>}有惊吓<01091>,未到<09002><02962>早晨<01242>他们就没有了<0369>。这是<02088>掳掠我们之人<08154>(8802)所得的分<02506>,是抢夺我们之人<09001><0962>(8802)的报应<01486>And behold at eveningtide<06256><06153> trouble<01091>; and before the morning<01242> he is not. This is the portion<02506> of them that spoil<08154>(8802) us, and the lot<01486> of them that rob<0962>(8802) us.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏

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