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3:1{<03588>}{<02009>}主<0113>―万军<06635>之耶和华<03068>从耶路撒冷<04480><03389>和犹大<04480><03063>,除掉<05493>(8688)众人所倚靠的<04937>,所仗赖的<04938>,就是所倚靠<04937>的{<03605>}粮<03899>,所仗赖<04937>的{<03605>}水<04325>For, behold, the Lord<0113>, the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635>, doth take away<05493>(8688) from Jerusalem<03389> and from Judah<03063> the stay<04937> and the staff<04938>, the whole stay<04937> of bread<03899>, and the whole<03605> stay<04937> of water<04325>,注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:2除掉勇士<01368>和战士<04421><0376>,审判官<08199>(8802)和先知<05030>,占卜的<07080>(8802)和长老<02205>The mighty man<01368>, and the man<0376> of war<04421>, the judge<08199>(8802), and the prophet<05030>, and the prudent<07080>(8802), and the ancient<02205>,注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:3五十<02572>夫长<08269>和尊贵<05375>(8803)<06440>,谋士<03289>(8802)和有巧艺的<02450><02791>,以及妙行法术的<0995>(8737)<03908>The captain<08269> of fifty<02572>, and the honourable<05375>(8803) man<06440>, and the counsellor<03289>(8802), and the cunning<02450> artificer<02791>, and the eloquent<0995>(8737) orator<03908>. {the honourable...: Heb. a man eminent in countenance} {eloquent...: or, skilful of speech}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:4主说:我必使<05414>(8804)孩童<05288>作他们的首领<08269>,使婴孩<08586>辖管<04910>(8799)他们<09002>And I will give<05414>(8804) children<05288> to be their princes<08269>, and babes<08586> shall rule<04910>(8799) over them.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:5百姓<05971>要彼此<0376><09002><0376>欺压<05065>(8738);各人<0376>受邻舍<09002><07453>的欺压。少年人<05288>必侮慢<07292>(8799)老年人<09002><02205>;卑贱人<07034>(8737)必侮慢尊贵人<09002><03513>(8737)And the people<05971> shall be oppressed<05065>(8738), every one<0376> by another<0376>, and every one<0376> by his neighbour<07453>: the child<05288> shall behave himself proudly<07292>(8799) against the ancient<02205>, and the base<07034>(8737) against the honourable<03513>(8737).注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:6{<03588>}人<0376>在父<01><01004>拉住<08610>(8799)弟兄<09002><0251>,说:你有<09001>衣服<08071>,可以作<01961>我们的<09001>官长<07101>。这<02063>败落的事<04384>归在你手<03027><08478>吧!When a man<0376> shall take hold<08610>(8799) of his brother<0251> of the house<01004> of his father<01>, saying , Thou hast clothing<08071>, be thou our ruler<07101>, and let this ruin<04384> be under thy hand<03027>:注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:7<01931><09002><03117>,他必扬声<05375>(8799)<09001><0559>(8800):我不<03808><01961>医治<02280>(8802)你们的人;因我家中<09002><01004>没有<0369>粮食<03899>,也没有<0369>衣服<08071>,你们不可<03808>立我作<07760>(8799)百姓<05971>的官长<07101>In that day<03117> shall he swear<05375>(8799), saying<0559>(8800), I will not be an healer<02280>(8802); for in my house<01004> is neither bread<03899> nor clothing<08071>: make<07760>(8799) me not a ruler<07101> of the people<05971>. {swear: Heb. lift up the hand} {healer: Heb. binder up}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:8{<03588>}耶路撒冷<03389>败落<03782>(8804),犹大<03063>倾倒<05307>(8804);因为<03588>他们的舌头<03956>和行为<04611><0413>耶和华<03068>反对,惹了<09001><04784>(8687)他荣光<03519>的眼目<05869>For Jerusalem<03389> is ruined<03782>(8804), and Judah<03063> is fallen<05307>(8804): because their tongue<03956> and their doings<04611> are against the LORD<03068>, to provoke<04784>(8687) the eyes<05869> of his glory<03519>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:9他们的面<06440><01971>证明<06030>(8804)自己的不正<09002>;他们述说<05046>(8689)自己的罪恶<02403>,并不<03808>隐瞒<03582>(8765),好像所多玛<09003><05467>一样。他们<09001><05315>有祸了<0188>!因为<03588>作恶<07451><09001><01580>(8804)The shew<01971> of their countenance<06440> doth witness against them<06030>(8804); and they declare<05046>(8689) their sin<02403> as Sodom<05467>, they hide<03582>(8765) it not. Woe<0188> unto their soul<05315>! for they have rewarded<01580>(8804) evil<07451> unto themselves.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:10你们要论义人<06662><0559>(8798):{<03588>}他必享福乐<02896>,因为<03588>要吃<0398>(8799)自己行为<04611>所结的果子<06529>Say<0559>(8798) ye to the righteous<06662>, that it shall be well<02896> with him : for they shall eat<0398>(8799) the fruit<06529> of their doings<04611>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:11恶人<09001><07563>有祸了<0188>!他必遭灾难<07451>!因为<03588>要照自己<09001><03027>所行的受<06213>(8735)报应<01576>Woe<0188> unto the wicked<07563>! it shall be ill<07451> with him : for the reward<01576> of his hands<03027> shall be given<06213>(8735) him. {given...: Heb. done to him}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:12至于我的百姓<05971>,孩童<05953>(8781)欺压<05065>(8802)他们,妇女<0802>辖管<04910>(8804)他们<09002>。我的百姓<05971>啊,引导你的<0833>(8764)使你走错<08582>(8688),并毁坏<01104>(8765)你所行的<01870>道路<0734> As for my people<05971>, children<05953>(8781) are their oppressors<05065>(8802), and women<0802> rule<04910>(8804) over them. O my people<05971>, they which lead<0833>(8764) thee cause thee to err<08582>(8688), and destroy<01104>(8765) the way<01870> of thy paths<0734>. {lead...: or, call thee blessed} {destroy: Heb. swallow up}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:13耶和华<03068>起来<05324>(8737)辩论<09001><07378>(8800),站着<05975>(8802)审判<09001><01777>(8800)众民<05971>The LORD<03068> standeth up<05324>(8737) to plead<07378>(8800), and standeth<05975>(8802) to judge<01777>(8800) the people<05971>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:14耶和华<03068><0935>(8799)审问<09002><04941>{<05973>}他民中<05971>的长老<02205>和首领<08269>,说:吃尽<01197>(8765)葡萄园<03754>果子的就是你们<0859>;向贫穷<06041>人所夺的<01500>都在你们家中<09002><01004>The LORD<03068> will enter<0935>(8799) into judgment<04941> with the ancients<02205> of his people<05971>, and the princes<08269> thereof: for ye have eaten up<01197>(8765) the vineyard<03754>; the spoil<01500> of the poor<06041> is in your houses<01004>. {eaten: or, burnt}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:15<0136>―万军<06635>之耶和华<03069><05002>(8803):你们为何<04100><09001>压制<01792>(8762)我的百姓<05971>,搓磨<02912>(8799)贫穷人<06041>的脸<06440>呢?What mean ye that ye beat<01792><00> my people<05971> to pieces<01792>(8762), and grind<02912>(8799) the faces<06440> of the poor<06041>? saith<05002>(8803) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069> of hosts<06635>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:16耶和华<03068>又说<0559>(8799):因为<03282>{<03588>}锡安<06726>的女子<01323>狂傲<01361>(8804),行走<03212>(8799)<05186>(8803)<01627>,卖弄<08265>(8764)眼目<05869>,俏步<02952>(8800)<01980>(8800)徐行<03212>(8799),脚下<09002><07272>玎璫<05913>(8762)Moreover the LORD<03068> saith<0559>(8799), Because<03282> the daughters<01323> of Zion<06726> are haughty<01361>(8804), and walk<03212>(8799) with stretched forth<05186>(8803) necks<01627> and wanton<08265>(8764) eyes<05869>, walking<01980>(8800) and mincing<02952>(8800) as they go<03212>(8799), and making a tinkling<05913>(8762) with their feet<07272>: {wanton...: Heb. deceiving with their eyes} {mincing: or, tripping nicely}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:17所以,主<0136>必使<05596>(8765)锡安<06726>的女子<01323><06936>长秃疮<05596>(8765);耶和华<03068>又使她们赤露<06168>(8762)下体<06596>Therefore the Lord<0136> will smite with a scab<05596>(8765) the crown of the head<06936> of the daughters<01323> of Zion<06726>, and the LORD<03068> will discover<06168>(8762) their secret parts<06596>. {discover: Heb. make naked}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
3:18<01931>那日<09002><03117>,主<0136>必除掉<05493>(8686){<0853>}她们华美<08597>的脚钏<05914>、发网<07636>、月牙圈<07720>In that day<03117> the Lord<0136> will take away<05493>(8686) the bravery<08597> of their tinkling ornaments<05914> about their feet , and their cauls<07636>, and their round tires like the moon<07720>, {cauls: or, networks}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:19耳环<05188>、手镯<08285>、蒙脸的帕子<07479>The chains<05188>, and the bracelets<08285>, and the mufflers<07479>, {chains: or, sweet balls} {mufflers: or, spangled ornaments}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:20华冠<06287>、足链<06807>、华带<07196>、香<05315><01004>、符囊<03908>The bonnets<06287>, and the ornaments of the legs<06807>, and the headbands<07196>, and the tablets<05315><01004>, and the earrings<03908>, {tablets: Heb. houses of the soul}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:21戒指<02885>、鼻<0639><05141>The rings<02885>, and nose<0639> jewels<05141>,注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:22吉服<04254>、外套<04595>、云肩<04304>、荷包<02754>The changeable suits of apparel<04254>, and the mantles<04595>, and the wimples<04304>, and the crisping pins<02754>,注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:23手镜<01549>、细麻衣<05466>、裹头巾<06797>、蒙身的帕子<07289>The glasses<01549>, and the fine linen<05466>, and the hoods<06797>, and the vails<07289>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:24必有<01961>臭烂<04716>代替<08478>馨香<01314>,{<01961>}绳子<05364>代替<08478>腰带<02290>,光秃<07144>代替<08478><04748><04639>,麻衣<08242>系腰<04228>代替<08478>华服<06614>,烙伤<03587>代替<08478>美容<03308>And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell<01314> there shall be stink<04716>; and instead of a girdle<02290> a rent<05364>; and instead of well set<04639> hair<04748> baldness<07144>; and instead of a stomacher<06614> a girding<04228> of sackcloth<08242>; and burning<03587> instead of beauty<03308>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:25你的男丁<04962>必倒<05307>(8799)在刀下<09002><02719>;你的勇士<01369>必死在阵上<09002><04421>Thy men<04962> shall fall<05307>(8799) by the sword<02719>, and thy mighty<01369> in the war<04421>. {mighty: Heb. might}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
3:26锡安(原文是她)的城门<06607>必悲伤<0578>(8804)、哀号<056>(8804);她必荒凉<05352>(8738)<03427>(8799)在地上<09001><0776>And her gates<06607> shall lament<0578>(8804) and mourn<056>(8804); and she being desolate<05352>(8738) shall sit<03427>(8799) upon the ground<0776>. {desolate: or, emptied: Heb. cleansed}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏

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