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2:1亚摩斯<0531>的儿子<01121>以赛亚<03470><02372>(8804)默示<01697>,{<0834>}论到<05921>犹大<03063>和耶路撒冷<03389>The word<01697> that Isaiah<03470> the son<01121> of Amoz<0531> saw<02372>(8804) concerning Judah<03063> and Jerusalem<03389>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:2{<01961>}末后的<09002><0319>日子<03117>,耶和华<03068>殿<01004>的山<02022><01961>坚立<03559>(8737),超乎<09002><07218>诸山<02022>,高举<05375>(8737)过于万岭<04480><01389>;万<03605><01471>都要流<05102>(8804)<0413>这山。And it shall come to pass in the last<0319> days<03117>, that the mountain<02022> of the LORD'S<03068> house<01004> shall be established<03559>(8737) in the top<07218> of the mountains<02022>, and shall be exalted<05375>(8737) above the hills<01389>; and all nations<01471> shall flow<05102>(8804) unto it. {established: or, prepared}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:3必有许多<07227>国的民<05971>前往<01980>(8804),说<0559>(8804):来吧<03212>(8798),我们登<05927>(8799){<0413>}耶和华<03068>的山<02022>,奔<0413>雅各<03290><0430>的殿<01004>。主必将他的道<04480><01870>教训我们<03384>(8686);我们也要行<03212>(8799)他的路<09002><0734>。因为<03588>训诲<08451><03588><03318>(8799)于锡安<04480><06726>;耶和华<03068>的言语<01697>必出于耶路撒冷<04480><03389>And many<07227> people<05971> shall go<01980>(8804) and say<0559>(8804), Come<03212>(8798) ye, and let us go up<05927>(8799) to the mountain<02022> of the LORD<03068>, to the house<01004> of the God<0430> of Jacob<03290>; and he will teach<03384>(8686) us of his ways<01870>, and we will walk<03212>(8799) in his paths<0734>: for out of Zion<06726> shall go forth<03318>(8799) the law<08451>, and the word<01697> of the LORD<03068> from Jerusalem<03389>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
2:4他必在列国<01471><0996>施行审判<08199>(8804),为许多<07227>国民<09001><05971>断定是非<03198>(8689)。他们要将刀<02719>打成<03807>(8765)犁头<09001><0855>,把枪<02595>打成镰刀<09001><04211>。这国<01471><03808><05375>(8799)<02719>攻击<0413>那国<01471>;他们也不<03808><05750>学习<03925>(8799)战事<04421>And he shall judge<08199>(8804) among the nations<01471>, and shall rebuke<03198>(8689) many<07227> people<05971>: and they shall beat<03807>(8765) their swords<02719> into plowshares<0855>, and their spears<02595> into pruninghooks<04211>: nation<01471> shall not lift up<05375>(8799) sword<02719> against nation<01471>, neither shall they learn<03925>(8799) war<04421> any more. {pruninghooks: or, scythes}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
2:5雅各<03290><01004>啊,来吧<03212>(8798)!我们在耶和华<03068>的光明中<09002><0216>行走<03212>(8799)O house<01004> of Jacob<03290>, come<03212>(8798) ye, and let us walk<03212>(8799) in the light<0216> of the LORD<03068>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:6耶和华,{<03588>}你离弃了<05203>(8804)你百姓<05971>雅各<03290><01004>,是因<03588>他们充满了<04390>(8804)东方的<04480><06924>风俗,作观兆的<06049>(8781),像非利士人<09003><06430>一样,并与外邦<05237><09002><03206>击掌<05606>(8686)Therefore thou hast forsaken<05203>(8804) thy people<05971> the house<01004> of Jacob<03290>, because they be replenished<04390>(8804) from the east<06924>, and are soothsayers<06049>(8781) like the Philistines<06430>, and they please<05606>(8686) themselves in the children<03206> of strangers<05237>. {from...: or, more than the} {please...: or, abound with the}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:7他们的国<0776>满了<04390>(8735)<02091><03701>,财宝<09001><0214>也无<0369><07097>;他们的地<0776>满了<04390>(8735)马匹<05483>,车辆<09001><04818>也无<0369><07097>Their land<0776> also is full<04390>(8735) of silver<03701> and gold<02091>, neither is there any end<07097> of their treasures<0214>; their land<0776> is also full<04390>(8735) of horses<05483>, neither is there any end<07097> of their chariots<04818>:注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
2:8他们的地<0776>满了<04390>(8735)偶像<0457>;他们跪拜<07812>(8691)自己手<03027>所造的<09001><04639>,就是自己指头<0676><09001><0834>做的<06213>(8804)Their land<0776> also is full<04390>(8735) of idols<0457>; they worship<07812>(8691) the work<04639> of their own hands<03027>, that which their own fingers<0676> have made<06213>(8804):注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
2:9卑贱人<0120>屈膝<07817>(8735);尊贵人<0376>下跪<08213>(8799);所以不可<0408>饶恕<05375>(8799)他们<09001>And the mean man<0120> boweth down<07817>(8735), and the great man<0376> humbleth<08213>(8799) himself: therefore forgive<05375>(8799) them not.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:10你当进<0935>(8798)入岩穴<09002><06697>,藏<02934>(8734)在土中<09002><06083>,躲避<04480><06440>耶和华<03068>的惊吓<06343>和他威严<01347>的荣光<04480><01926>Enter<0935>(8798) into the rock<06697>, and hide<02934>(8734) thee in the dust<06083>, for<06440> fear<06343> of the LORD<03068>, and for the glory<01926> of his majesty<01347>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:11到那<01931><09002><03117>,眼目<05869>高傲的<01365>{<0120>}必降为卑<08213>(8804);性情狂傲<07312>{<0582>}的都必屈膝<07817>(8804);惟独<09001><0905>耶和华<03068>被尊崇<07682>(8738)The lofty<01365> looks<05869> of man<0120> shall be humbled<08213>(8804), and the haughtiness<07312> of men<0582> shall be bowed down<07817>(8804), and the LORD<03068> alone shall be exalted<07682>(8738) in that day<03117>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:12必有<03588>万军<06635>耶和华<09001><03068>降罚的一个日子<03117>,要临到<05921>{<03605>}骄傲<01343>狂妄的<07311>(8802);{<05921>}一切<03605>自高的<05375>(8737)都必降为卑<08213>(8804)For the day<03117> of the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635> shall be upon every one that is proud<01343> and lofty<07311>(8802), and upon every one that is lifted up<05375>(8737); and he shall be brought low<08213>(8804):注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:13又临到<05921>{<03605>}黎巴嫩<03844>高大的<07311>(8802)<05375>(8737)香柏树<0730><05921>{<03605>}巴珊<01316>的橡树<0437>And upon all the cedars<0730> of Lebanon<03844>, that are high<07311>(8802) and lifted up<05375>(8737), and upon all the oaks<0437> of Bashan<01316>,注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
2:14又临到<05921>一切<03605><07311>(8802)<02022>的{<05921>}{<03605>}峻<05375>(8737)<01389>And upon all the high<07311>(8802) mountains<02022>, and upon all the hills<01389> that are lifted up<05375>(8737),注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:15又临到<05921>{<03605>}高<01364><04026><05921>{<03605>}坚固<01219>(8803)城墙<02346>And upon every high<01364> tower<04026>, and upon every fenced<01219>(8803) wall<02346>,注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
2:16又临到<05921>{<03605>}他施<08659>的船只<0591><05921>一切<03605>可爱<02532>的美物<07914>And upon all the ships<0591> of Tarshish<08659>, and upon all pleasant<02532> pictures<07914>. {pleasant...: Heb. pictures of desire}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
2:17骄傲的<01365><0120>必屈膝<07817>(8804);狂妄的<07312><0582>必降卑<08213>(8804)。在那<01931><09002><03117>,惟独<09001><0905>耶和华<03068>被尊崇<07682>(8738)And the loftiness<01365> of man<0120> shall be bowed down<07817>(8804), and the haughtiness<07312> of men<0582> shall be made low<08213>(8804): and the LORD<03068> alone shall be exalted<07682>(8738) in that day<03117>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:18偶像<0457>必全然<03632>废弃<02498>(8799)And the idols<0457> he shall utterly<03632> abolish<02498>(8799). {he...: or, shall utterly pass away}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
2:19耶和华<03068>兴起<09002><06965>(8800),使地<0776>大震动<09001><06206>(8800)的时候,人就进<0935>(8804)入石<06697><09002><04631>,进入土<06083><09002><04247>,躲避<04480><06440>耶和华<03068>的惊吓<06343>和他威严<01347>的荣光<04480><01926>And they shall go<0935>(8804) into the holes<04631> of the rocks<06697>, and into the caves<04247> of the earth<06083>, for<06440> fear<06343> of the LORD<03068>, and for the glory<01926> of his majesty<01347>, when he ariseth<06965>(8800) to shake terribly<06206>(8800) the earth<0776>. {of the earth: Heb. of the dust}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:20到那<01931><09002><03117>,人<0120>必将为拜<09001><07812>(8692)<0834><06213>(8804){<09001>}的{<0853>}金<02091>偶像<0457>、{<0853>}银<03701>偶像<0457><07993>(8686)给田鼠<09001><02661><06512>和蝙蝠<09001><05847>In that day<03117> a man<0120> shall cast<07993>(8686) his idols<0457> of silver<03701>, and his idols<0457> of gold<02091>, which they made each one for himself<06213>(8804) to worship<07812>(8692), to the moles<02661><06512> and to the bats<05847>; {his idols of silver...: Heb. the idols of his silver, etc} {each...: or, for him}注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 字典 原文 典藏
2:21到耶和华<03068>兴起<09002><06965>(8800),使地<0776>大震动<09001><06206>(8800)的时候,人好进<09001><0935>(8800)入磐石<06697>洞中<09002><05366>和岩石<05553>穴里<09002><05585>,躲避<04480><06440>耶和华<03068>的惊吓<06343>和他威严<01347>的荣光<04480><01926>To go<0935>(8800) into the clefts<05366> of the rocks<06697>, and into the tops<05585> of the ragged rocks<05553>, for<06440> fear<06343> of the LORD<03068>, and for the glory<01926> of his majesty<01347>, when he ariseth<06965>(8800) to shake terribly<06206>(8800) the earth<0776>.注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏
2:22你们<09001>休要<02308>(8798)倚靠<04480>世人<0120>。他<0834>鼻孔里<09002><0639>不过<03588>有气息<05397>;他<01931>在一切事上可算<02803>(8737)甚么<09002><04100>呢?Cease<02308>(8798) ye from man<0120>, whose breath<05397> is in his nostrils<0639>: for wherein is he to be accounted of<02803>(8737)?注释 串珠 卢俊义 康来昌 小组 原文 典藏

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