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142:1(大卫<09001><01732><09002><01961>洞里<09002><04631>作的训诲诗<04905>(8688),乃是祈祷<08605>。)我发声<06963>哀告<02199>(8799){<0413>}耶和华<03068>,发声<06963>恳求<02603>(8691){<0413>}耶和华<03068>[FO][FO]Maschil<04905>(8688) of David<01732>; A Prayer<08605> when he was in the cave<04631>.[Fo][Fo] I cried<02199>(8799) unto the LORD<03068> with my voice<06963>; with my voice<06963> unto the LORD<03068> did I make my supplication<02603>(8691). {Maschil...: or, A Psalm of David, giving instruction}注释 串珠 原文 典藏
142:2我在他面前<09001><06440>吐露<08210>(8799)我的苦情<07879>,{<09001>}{<06440>}陈说<05046>(8686)我的患难<06869>I poured out<08210>(8799) my complaint<07879> before<06440> him; I shewed<05046>(8686) before<06440> him my trouble<06869>.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
142:3我的灵<07307>在我里面<05921>发昏的时候<09002><05848>(8692),你<0859>知道<03045>(8804)我的道路<05410>。在{<02098>}我行<01980>(8762)的路上<09002><0734>,敌人为我<09001>暗设<02934>(8804)网罗<06341>When my spirit<07307> was overwhelmed<05848>(8692) within me, then thou knewest<03045>(8804) my path<05410>. In the way<0734> wherein<02098> I walked<01980>(8762) have they privily laid<02934>(8804) a snare<06341> for me.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
142:4求你向我右边<03225>观看<05027>(8685),{<07200>}{(8798)}因为没有人<0369>认识<05234>(8688)<09001>;我<04480>无处<06>(8804)避难<04498>,也没有人<0369>眷顾<01875>(8802)<09001><05315>I looked<05027>(8685) on my right hand<03225>, and beheld<07200>(8798), but there was no man that would know<05234>(8688) me: refuge<04498> failed<06>(8804) me; no man cared<01875>(8802) for my soul<05315>. {I looked...: or, Look on the right hand, and see} {failed...: Heb. perished from me} {cared...: Heb. sought after}注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
142:5耶和华<03068>啊,我曾向你<0413>哀求<02199>(8804)。我说<0559>(8804):你<0859>是我的避难所<04268>;在活人<02416>之地<09002><0776>,你是我的福分<02506>I cried<02199>(8804) unto thee, O LORD<03068>: I said<0559>(8804), Thou art my refuge<04268> and my portion<02506> in the land<0776> of the living<02416>.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
142:6求你侧耳听<07181>(8685){<0413>}我的呼求<07440>,因<03588>我落到<01809><00><03966><01809>(8804)之地;求你救我<05337>(8685)脱离逼迫我的人<04480><07291>(8802),因为<03588>他们比我<04480>强盛<0553>(8804)Attend<07181>(8685) unto my cry<07440>; for I am brought<01809><00> very<03966> low<01809>(8804): deliver<05337>(8685) me from my persecutors<07291>(8802); for they are stronger<0553>(8804) than I.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
142:7求你领<03318>(8685)<05315>出离被囚之地<04480><04525>,我好称赞<09001><03034>(8687){<0853>}你的名<08034>。义人<06662>必环绕<03803>(8686)<09002>,因为<03588>你是用厚恩<01580>(8799)待我<05921>Bring<03318>(8685) my soul<05315> out of prison<04525>, that I may praise<03034>(8687) thy name<08034>: the righteous<06662> shall compass me about<03803>(8686); for thou shalt deal bountifully<01580>(8799) with me.注释 串珠 原文 典藏

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