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127:1 (所罗门<09001><08010>上行<04609>之诗<07892>。)若<0518>不是<03808>耶和华<03068>建造<01129>(8799)房屋<01004>,建造的人<01129>(8802)<09002>就枉然<07723>劳力<05998>(8804);若<0518>不是<03808>耶和华<03068>看守<08104>(8799)城池<05892>,看守的人<08104>(8802)就枉然<07723>警醒<08245>(8804)
[FO][FO]A Song<07892> of degrees<04609> for Solomon<08010>.[Fo][Fo] Except the LORD<03068> build<01129>(8799) the house<01004>, they labour<05998>(8804) in vain<07723> that build<01129>(8802) it: except the LORD<03068> keep<08104>(8799) the city<05892>, the watchman<08104>(8802) waketh<08245>(8804) but in vain<07723>. {for...: or, of Solomon} {that...: Heb. that are builders of it in it}
127:2 你们清晨早<07925>(8688)<06965>(8800),夜晚<0309>(8764)安歇<03427>(8800),吃<0398>(8802)劳碌<06089>得来的饭<03899>,本是枉然<07723>{<09001>};惟有<03651>耶和华所亲爱的<09001><03039>,必叫<05414>(8799)他安然睡觉<08142>
It is vain<07723> for you to rise up<06965>(8800) early<07925>(8688), to sit up<03427>(8800) late<0309>(8764), to eat<0398>(8802) the bread<03899> of sorrows<06089>: for so he giveth<05414>(8799) his beloved<03039> sleep<08142>.
127:3 {<02009>}儿女<01121>是耶和华<03068>所赐的产业<05159>;所怀的胎<06529><0990>是他所给的赏赐<07939>
Lo, children<01121> are an heritage<05159> of the LORD<03068>: and the fruit<06529> of the womb<0990> is his reward<07939>.
127:4 {<03651>}少年时<05271>所生的儿女<01121>好像勇士<01368>手中<09002><03027>的箭<09003><02671>
As arrows<02671> are in the hand<03027> of a mighty man<01368>; so are children<01121> of the youth<05271>.
127:5 {<0834>}{<0853>}箭袋<0827>充满<04390>(8765)的人<01397>便为有福<0835>;他们<04480>在城门口<09002><08179><0854>仇敌<0341>(8802)说话<01696>(8762)的时候<03588>,必不至<03808>于羞愧<0954>(8799)
Happy<0835> is the man<01397> that hath his quiver<0827> full<04390>(8765) of them: they shall not be ashamed<0954>(8799), but they shall speak<01696>(8762) with the enemies<0341>(8802) in the gate<08179>. {his...: Heb. filled his quiver with them} {speak...: or, subdue, or, destroy}

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