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O come<03212>(8798), let us sing<07442>(8762) unto the LORD<03068>: let us make a joyful noise<07321>(8686) to the rock<06697> of our salvation<03468>.
95:2 我们要来<06923>(8762)感谢<09002><08426>他{<06440>},用诗歌<09002><02158>向他<09001>欢呼<07321>(8686)
Let us come<06923>(8762) before his presence<06440> with thanksgiving<08426>, and make a joyful noise<07321>(8686) unto him with psalms<02158>. {come...: Heb. prevent his face}
For the LORD<03068> is a great<01419> God<0410>, and a great<01419> King<04428> above all gods<0430>.
In his hand<03027> are the deep places<04278> of the earth<0776>: the strength<08443> of the hills<02022> is his also. {In...: Heb. In whose} {the strength...: or, the heights of the hills are his}
95:5 海洋<03220>{<0834>}属他<09001>,是他<01931>造的<06213>(8804);旱地<03006>也是他手<03027>造成的<03335>(8804)
The sea<03220> is his, and he made<06213>(8804) it: and his hands<03027> formed<03335>(8804) the dry<03006> land . {The sea...: Heb. Whose the sea is}
O come<0935>(8798), let us worship<07812>(8691) and bow down<03766>(8799): let us kneel<01288>(8799) before<06440> the LORD<03068> our maker<06213>(8802).
95:7 因为<03588>他是<01931>我们的上帝<0430>;我们是<0587>他草场<04830>的羊<06629>,是他手<03027>下的民<05971>。惟愿<0518>你们今天<03117><08085>(8799)他的话<09002><06963>
For he is our God<0430>; and we are the people<05971> of his pasture<04830>, and the sheep<06629> of his hand<03027>. To day<03117> if ye will hear<08085>(8799) his voice<06963>,
95:8 你们不可<0408>硬着<07185>(8686)<03824>,像当日<09003><03117>在米利巴<09003><04809>,就是在旷野<09002><04057>的玛撒<04532>
Harden<07185>(8686) not your heart<03824>, as in the provocation<04808>, and as in the day<03117> of temptation<04531> in the wilderness<04057>: {provocation: Heb. contention}
95:9 那时<0834>,你们的祖宗<01>试我<05254>(8765)探我<0974>(8804),并且<01571>观看<07200>(8804)我的作为<06467>
When your fathers<01> tempted<05254>(8765) me, proved<0974>(8804) me, and saw<07200>(8804) my work<06467>.
95:10 四十<0705><08141>之久,我厌烦<06962>(8799)那世代<09002><01755>,说<0559>(8799):这是<01992>心里<03824>迷糊<08582>(8802)的百姓<05971>,{<01992>}竟不<03808>晓得<03045>(8804)我的作为<01870>
Forty<0705> years<08141> long was I grieved<06962>(8799) with this generation<01755>, and said<0559>(8799), It is a people<05971> that do err<08582>(8802) in their heart<03824>, and they have not known<03045>(8804) my ways<01870>:
95:11 所以<0834>,我在怒中<09002><0639>起誓<07650>(8738),说:他们断不可<0518><0935>(8799)<0413>我的安息<04496>
Unto whom I sware<07650>(8738) in my wrath<0639> that they should not enter<0935>(8799) into my rest<04496>. {that...: Heb. if they enter into my rest}

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