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42:1 (可拉<07141>后裔的<09001><01121>训诲诗<04905>(8688),交与伶长<09001><05329>(8764)。)上帝啊<0430>,{<03651>}我的心<05315>切慕<06165>(8799)<0413>,如鹿<09003><0354>切慕<06165>(8799){<05921>}溪<0650><04325>
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), Maschil<04905>(8688), for the sons<01121> of Korah<07141>.[Fo][Fo] As the hart<0354> panteth<06165>(8799) after the water<04325> brooks<0650>, so panteth<06165>(8799) my soul<05315> after thee, O God<0430>. {Maschil...: or, A Psalm giving instruction of the sons, etc} {panteth: Heb. brayeth}
42:2 我的心<05315>渴想<06770>(8804)上帝<09001><0430>,就是永生<02416>上帝<09001><0410>;我几时<04970>得朝<0935>(8799)<07200>(8735){<06440>}上帝<0430>呢?
My soul<05315> thirsteth<06770>(8804) for God<0430>, for the living<02416> God<0410>: when shall I come<0935>(8799) and appear<07200>(8735) before<06440> God<0430>?
My tears<01832> have been my meat<03899> day<03119> and night<03915>, while they continually<03117> say<0559>(8800) unto me, Where is thy God<0430>?
42:4 {<03588>}我从前与众人<09002><05519>同往<05674>(8799),用欢呼<07440>称赞<08426>的声音<09002><06963>领他们<01718>(8691)<05704>上帝<0430>的殿<01004>里,大家<01995>守节<02287>(8802)。我追想<02142>(8799)这些事<0428>,我的心<05315>极其悲伤<08210>(8799){<05921>}。
When I remember<02142>(8799) these things , I pour out<08210>(8799) my soul<05315> in me: for I had gone<05674>(8799) with the multitude<05519>, I went<01718>(8691) with them to the house<01004> of God<0430>, with the voice<06963> of joy<07440> and praise<08426>, with a multitude<01995> that kept holyday<02287>(8802).
42:5 我的心<05315>哪,你为何<04100>忧闷<07817>(8709)?为何在我里面<05921>烦躁<01993>(8799)?应当仰望<03176>(8685)上帝<09001><0430>,因<03588>他笑脸<06440>帮助<03444>我;我还要<05750>称赞他<03034>(8686)
Why art thou cast down<07817>(8709), O my soul<05315>? and why art thou disquieted<01993>(8799) in me? hope<03176>(8685) thou in God<0430>: for I shall yet praise<03034>(8686) him for the help<03444> of his countenance<06440>. {cast: Heb. bowed} {praise: or, give thanks} {for the...: or, his presence is salvation}
42:6 我的上帝<0430>啊,我的心<05315>在我里面<05921>忧闷<07817>(8709),所以<05921><03651>我从约旦<03383><04480><0776>,从黑门岭<02769>,从米萨<04706><04480><02022>记念你<02142>(8799)
O my God<0430>, my soul<05315> is cast down<07817>(8709) within me: therefore will I remember<02142>(8799) thee from the land<0776> of Jordan<03383>, and of the Hermonites<02769>, from the hill<02022> Mizar<04706>. {the hill...: or, the little hill}
42:7 你的瀑布<06794>发声<09001><06963>,深渊<08415>就与<0413>深渊<08415>响应<07121>(8802);你的波浪<03605><04867>洪涛<01530>漫过<05674>(8804)我身<05921>
Deep<08415> calleth<07121>(8802) unto deep<08415> at the noise<06963> of thy waterspouts<06794>: all thy waves<04867> and thy billows<01530> are gone<05674>(8804) over me.
42:8 白昼<03119>,耶和华<03068>必向我施<06680>(8762)慈爱<02617>;黑夜<09002><03915>,我<05973>要歌颂<07892>祷告<08605>赐我生命<02416>的上帝<09001><0410>
Yet the LORD<03068> will command<06680>(8762) his lovingkindness<02617> in the daytime<03119>, and in the night<03915> his song<07892> shall be with me, and my prayer<08605> unto the God<0410> of my life<02416>.
42:9 我要对上帝<09001><0410>―我的磐石<05553><0559>(8799):你为何<09001><04100>忘记我<07911>(8804)呢?我为何<09001><04100>因仇敌<0341>(8802)的欺压<09002><03906>时常<03212>(8799)哀痛<06937>(8802)呢?
I will say<0559>(8799) unto God<0410> my rock<05553>, Why hast thou forgotten<07911>(8804) me? why go<03212>(8799) I mourning<06937>(8802) because of the oppression<03906> of the enemy<0341>(8802)?
42:10 我的敌人<06887>(8802)辱骂我<02778>(8765),好像打碎<09002><07524>我的骨头<09002><06106>,不住地<03605><03117>对我<0413><09002><0559>(8800):你的上帝<0430>在哪里呢<0346>
As with a sword<07524> in my bones<06106>, mine enemies<06887>(8802) reproach<02778>(8765) me; while they say<0559>(8800) daily<03117> unto me, Where is thy God<0430>? {sword: or, killing}
42:11 我的心<05315>哪,你为何<04100>忧闷<07817>(8709)?为何<04100>在我里面<05921>烦躁<01993>(8799)?应当仰望<03176>(8685)上帝<09001><0430>,因<03588>我还要<05750>称赞他<03034>(8686)。他是我脸上<06440>的光荣(原文是帮助<03444>),是我的上帝<0430>
Why art thou cast down<07817>(8709), O my soul<05315>? and why art thou disquieted<01993>(8799) within me? hope<03176>(8685) thou in God<0430>: for I shall yet praise<03034>(8686) him, who is the health<03444> of my countenance<06440>, and my God<0430>.

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