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2 尼尼微啊,那打碎邦国的<06327>(8688)上来<05927>(8804)攻击<05921><06440>。你要看守<05341>(8800)保障<04694>,谨防<06822>(8761)道路<01870>,使腰<04975>强壮<02388>(8761),大大<03966><0553>(8761)<03581>
He that dasheth in pieces<06327>(8688) is come up<05927>(8804) before thy face<06440>: keep<05341>(8800) the munition<04694>, watch<06822>(8761) the way<01870>, make thy loins<04975> strong<02388>(8761), fortify<0553>(8761) thy power<03581> mightily<03966>. {He...: or, The disperser, or, hammer}
2 ({<03588>}耶和华<03068>复兴<07725>(8804){<0853>}雅各<03290>的荣华<01347>,好像以色列<03478>的荣华<09003><01347>一样;因为<03588>使地空虚的<01238>(8802),已经使雅各和以色列空虚<01238>(8804),将他们的葡萄枝<02156>毁坏了<07843>(8765)。)
For the LORD<03068> hath turned away<07725>(8804) the excellency<01347> of Jacob<03290>, as the excellency<01347> of Israel<03478>: for the emptiers<01238>(8802) have emptied them out<01238>(8804), and marred<07843>(8765) their vine branches<02156>. {the excellency of Jacob...: or, the pride of Jacob as the pride, etc}
3 他勇士<01368>的盾牌<04043>是红的<0119>(8794),精<02428><0582>都穿朱红衣服<08529>(8794)。在他预备争战<03559>(8687)的日子<09002><03117>,战车上<07393>的钢铁<06393>闪烁如火<09002><0784>,柏木把的枪<01265>也抡起来了<07477>(8717)
The shield<04043> of his mighty men<01368> is made red<0119>(8794), the valiant<02428> men<0582> are in scarlet<08529>(8794): the chariots<07393> shall be with flaming<0784> torches<06393> in the day<03117> of his preparation<03559>(8687), and the fir trees<01265> shall be terribly shaken<07477>(8717). {in scarlet: or, dyed scarlet} {flaming: or, fiery}
4 车辆<07393>在街上<09002><02351>(或译:城外)急行<01984>(8704),在宽阔处<09002><07339>奔来奔去<08264>(8698),形状<04758>如火把<09003><03940>,飞跑<07323>(8787)如闪电<09003><01300>
The chariots<07393> shall rage<01984>(8704) in the streets<02351>, they shall justle one against another<08264>(8698) in the broad ways<07339>: they shall seem<04758> like torches<03940>, they shall run<07323>(8787) like the lightnings<01300>. {they: Heb. their show}
5 尼尼微王招聚<02142>(8799)他的贵胄<0117>;他们步行<09002><01979>绊跌<03782>(8735),速上<04116>(8762)城墙<02346>,预备<03559>(8717)挡牌<05526>(8802)
He shall recount<02142>(8799) his worthies<0117>: they shall stumble<03782>(8735) in their walk<01979>; they shall make haste<04116>(8762) to the wall<02346> thereof, and the defence<05526>(8802) shall be prepared<03559>(8717). {worthies: or, gallants} {defence: Heb. covering, or, coverer}
The gates<08179> of the rivers<05104> shall be opened<06605>(8738), and the palace<01964> shall be dissolved<04127>(8738). {dissolved: or, molten}
7 王后蒙羞<01540>(8795),被人掳去<05927>(8717);宫女<0519><08608>(8781){<05921>}胸<03824>,哀鸣<05090>(8764)<09003><06963><03123>。此乃命定之事<05324>(8717)
And Huzzab<05324>(8717) shall be led away captive<01540>(8795), she shall be brought up<05927>(8717), and her maids<0519> shall lead<05090>(8764) her as with the voice<06963> of doves<03123>, tabering<08608>(8781) upon their breasts<03824>. {Huzzab: or, that which was established, or, there was a stand made} {led...: or, discovered}
8 尼尼微<05210>自古以来<04480><03117>充满人民,{<01931>}如同聚水<04325>的池子<09003><01295>;现在居民却<01992>都逃跑<05127>(8801)。虽有人呼喊说:站住<05975>(8798)!站住<05975>(8798)!却无人<0369>回顾<06437>(8688)
But Nineveh<05210> is of old<03117> like a pool<01295> of water<04325>: yet they shall flee away<05127>(8801). Stand<05975>(8798), stand<05975>(8798), shall they cry ; but none shall look back<06437>(8688). {of old: or, from the days that she hath been} {look back: or, cause them to turn}
9 你们抢掠<0962>(8798)<02091>{<0962>}{(8798)}银<03701>吧!因为所积蓄<09001><08498>的无<0369><07097>,华美<03519>的宝<02532><03627>无数<04480><03605>
Take ye the spoil<0962>(8798) of silver<03701>, take the spoil<0962>(8798) of gold<02091>: for there is none end<07097> of the store<08498> and glory<03519> out of all the pleasant<02532> furniture<03627>. {for...: or, and their infinite store, etc} {pleasant...: Heb. vessels of desire}
10 尼尼微现在空<0950><04003>荒凉<01110>(8794),人心<03820>消化<04549>(8738),双膝<01290>相碰<06375>,腰<04975><09002><03605>疼痛<02479>,脸<06440><03605><06908>(8765)<06289>
She is empty<0950>, and void<04003>, and waste<01110>(8794): and the heart<03820> melteth<04549>(8738), and the knees<01290> smite together<06375>, and much pain<02479> is in all loins<04975>, and the faces<06440> of them all gather<06908>(8765) blackness<06289>.
11 狮子<0738>的洞<04583>和少壮狮子<09001><03715>喂养之处<04829>在哪里呢<0346>?{<0834>}公狮<0738>母狮<03833><01482><0738>游行<01980>(8804)、无人<0369>惊吓<02729>(8688)之地<08033>在哪里呢?
Where is the dwelling<04583> of the lions<0738>, and the feedingplace<04829> of the young lions<03715>, where the lion<0738>, even the old lion<03833>, walked<01980>(8804), and the lion's<0738> whelp<01482>, and none made them afraid<02729>(8688)?
12 公狮<0738>为小狮<01484>撕碎<02963>(8802)许多食物<09002><01767>,为母狮<09001><03833>掐死活物<02614>(8764),把撕碎的<02964>、掐死的<02966>充满<04390>(8762)它的洞穴<02356><04585>
The lion<0738> did tear in pieces<02963>(8802) enough<01767> for his whelps<01484>, and strangled<02614>(8764) for his lionesses<03833>, and filled<04390>(8762) his holes<02356> with prey<02964>, and his dens<04585> with ravin<02966>.
13 {<02009>}万军<06635>之耶和华<03068><05002>(8803):「我与你为敌<0413>,必将你的车辆<07393>焚烧<01197>(8689)成烟<09002><06227>,刀剑<02719>也必吞灭<0398>(8799)你的少壮狮子<03715>。我必从地上<04480><0776>除灭<03772>(8689)你所撕碎的<02964>,你使者<04397>的声音<06963>必不<03808><05750>听见<08085>(8735)。」
Behold, I am against thee, saith<05002>(8803) the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635>, and I will burn<01197>(8689) her chariots<07393> in the smoke<06227>, and the sword<02719> shall devour<0398>(8799) thy young lions<03715>: and I will cut off<03772>(8689) thy prey<02964> from the earth<0776>, and the voice<06963> of thy messengers<04397> shall no more be heard<08085>(8735).

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