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耶利米书 线上收听:中文和合本 现代中文译本修订版 现代台语 台语圣经 客语 福州话 希伯来文读经 下载档案 关于语音圣经

45 犹大<03063><04428>约西亚<02977>的儿子<01121>约雅敬<09001><03079>第四<07243><09002><08141>,{<01697>}{<0413>}尼利亚<05374>的儿子<01121>巴录<01263><0853>先知<05030>耶利米<03414>口中<04480><06310><0834><01696>(8765)<0428><01697><09002><03789>(8800)<05921>书上<05612>。耶利米<03414><09001><0559>(8800)
The word<01697> that Jeremiah<03414> the prophet<05030> spake<01696>(8765) unto Baruch<01263> the son<01121> of Neriah<05374>, when he had written<03789>(8800) these words<01697> in a book<05612> at the mouth<06310> of Jeremiah<03414>, in the fourth<07243> year<08141> of Jehoiakim<03079> the son<01121> of Josiah<02977> king<04428> of Judah<03063>, saying<0559>(8800),
2 「巴录<01263>啊,耶和华<03068>―以色列<03478>的上帝<0430>{<03541>}说<0559>(8804){<05921>}:
Thus saith<0559>(8804) the LORD<03068>, the God<0430> of Israel<03478>, unto thee, O Baruch<01263>;
3 巴录(原文是你)曾说<0559>(8804):『哀哉<0188>{<04994>}{<09001>}!{<03588>}耶和华<03068>将忧愁<03015><03254>(8804)<05921>我的痛苦<04341>上,我因唉哼<09002><0585>而困乏<03021>(8804),不<03808><04672>(8804)安歇<04496>。』
Thou didst say<0559>(8804), Woe<0188> is me now! for the LORD<03068> hath added<03254>(8804) grief<03015> to my sorrow<04341>; I fainted<03021>(8804) in my sighing<0585>, and I find<04672>(8804) no rest<04496>.
4 你要这样<03541>告诉<0559>(8799)<0413>,耶和华<03068>如此<03541><0559>(8804):我<02009><0834>建立的<01129>(8804),我<0589>必拆毁<02040>(8802);{<0853>}我所<0834>栽植的<05193>(8804),我<0589>必拔出<05428>(8802);{<0853>}在全<03605><0776>我都如此行<01931>
Thus shalt thou say<0559>(8799) unto him, The LORD<03068> saith<0559>(8804) thus; Behold, that which I have built<01129>(8804) will I break down<02040>(8802), and that which I have planted<05193>(8804) I will pluck up<05428>(8802), even this whole land<0776>.
And seekest<01245>(8762) thou great things<01419> for thyself? seek<01245>(8762) them not: for, behold, I will bring<0935>(8688) evil<07451> upon all flesh<01320>, saith<05002>(8803) the LORD<03068>: but thy life<05315> will I give<05414>(8804) unto thee for a prey<07998> in all places<04725> whither thou goest<03212>(8799).

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