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23 约伯<0347>回答<06030>(8799)<0559>(8799)
Then Job<0347> answered<06030>(8799) and said<0559>(8799),
2 {<01571>}如今<03117>我的哀告<07879>还算为悖逆<04805>;我的责罚<03027><05921>我的唉哼<0585>还重<03513>(8804)
Even to day<03117> is my complaint<07879> bitter<04805>: my stroke<03027> is heavier<03513>(8804) than my groaning<0585>. {stroke: Heb. hand}
Oh that<05414>(8799) I knew<03045>(8804) where I might find<04672>(8799) him! that I might come<0935>(8799) even to his seat<08499>!
4 我就在他面前<09001><06440>将我的案件<04941>陈明<06186>(8799),满<04390>(8762)<06310>辩白<08433>
I would order<06186>(8799) my cause<04941> before<06440> him, and fill<04390>(8762) my mouth<06310> with arguments<08433>.
5 我必知道<03045>(8799)他回答<06030>(8799)我的言语<04405>,明白<0995>(8799)他向我<09001>所说<0559>(8799)的话<04100>
I would know<03045>(8799) the words<04405> which he would answer<06030>(8799) me, and understand<0995>(8799) what he would say<0559>(8799) unto me.
6 他岂用大<09002><07230><03581>与我<05978>争辩<07378>(8799)吗?必不<03808>这样!他<01931><0389>理会<07760>(8799)<09002>
Will he plead<07378>(8799) against<05978> me with his great<07230> power<03581>? No; but he would put<07760>(8799) strength in me.
7 在他那里<08033>正直人<03477>可以与他<05973>辩论<03198>(8737);这样,我必永远<09001><05331>脱离<06403>(8762)那审判我的<04480><08199>(8802)
There the righteous<03477> might dispute<03198>(8737) with him; so should I be delivered<06403>(8762) for ever<05331> from my judge<08199>(8802).
8 只是<02005>,我往前<06924><01980>(8799),他不在那里<0369>,往后退<0268>,也不能<03808><0995>(8799)<09001>
Behold, I go<01980>(8799) forward<06924>, but he is not there ; and backward<0268>, but I cannot perceive<0995>(8799) him:
9 他在左边<08040>行事<09002><06213>(8800),我却不能<03808>看见<02372>(8799),在右边<03225>隐藏<05848>(8799),我也不能<03808><07200>(8799)他。
On the left hand<08040>, where he doth work<06213>(8800), but I cannot behold<02372>(8799) him : he hideth<05848>(8799) himself on the right hand<03225>, that I cannot see<07200>(8799) him :
10 然而<03588>他知道<03045>(8804)<05978>所行的路<01870>;他试炼<0974>(8804)我之后,我必{<03318>}{(8799)}如精金<09003><02091>
But he knoweth<03045>(8804) the way<01870> that I take<05978>: when he hath tried<0974>(8804) me, I shall come forth<03318>(8799) as gold<02091>. {that...: Heb. that is with me}
11 我脚<07272>追随<0270>(8804)他的步履<09002><0838>;我谨守<08104>(8804)他的道<01870>,并不<03808>偏离<05186>(8686)
My foot<07272> hath held<0270>(8804) his steps<0838>, his way<01870> have I kept<08104>(8804), and not declined<05186>(8686).
12 他嘴唇<08193>的命令<04687>,我未曾<03808>背弃<04185>(8686);我看重<06845>(8804)他口中<06310>的言语<0561>,过于我需用的<04480><02706>饮食。
Neither have I gone back<04185>(8686) from the commandment<04687> of his lips<08193>; I have esteemed<06845>(8804) the words<0561> of his mouth<06310> more than my necessary<02706> food . {esteemed: Heb. hid, or, laid up} {my...: or, my appointed portion}
13 只是他<01931>心志已定<09002><0259>,谁<04310>能使他转意<07725>(8686)呢?他心里<05315>所愿的<0183>(8765),就行出来<06213>(8799)
But he is in one<0259> mind , and who can turn<07725>(8686) him? and what his soul<05315> desireth<0183>(8765), even that he doeth<06213>(8799).
14 他向我所定的<02706>,就必<03588>做成<07999>(8686);这类的事<09003><02007>他还有<05973>许多<07227>
For he performeth<07999>(8686) the thing that is appointed<02706> for me: and many<07227> such<02007> things are with him.
15 所以<05921><03651>我在他面前<04480><06440>惊惶<0926>(8735);我思念<0995>(8709)这事便惧怕<06342>(8799)<04480>
Therefore am I troubled<0926>(8735) at his presence<06440>: when I consider<0995>(8709), I am afraid<06342>(8799) of him.
16 上帝<0410>使我<03820>丧胆<07401>(8689);全能者<07706>使我惊惶<0926>(8689)
For God<0410> maketh my heart<03820> soft<07401>(8689), and the Almighty<07706> troubleth<0926>(8689) me:
17 {<03588>}我的恐惧<06789>(8738)不是<03808>因为<04480><06440>黑暗<02822>,也不是因为幽暗<0652>蒙蔽<03680>(8765)我的脸<04480><06440>
Because I was not cut off<06789>(8738) before<06440> the darkness<02822>, neither hath he covered<03680>(8765) the darkness<0652> from my face<06440>.

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