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12:1耶和华<03068>{<01696>}{(8762)}对<0413>摩西<04872><09001><0559>(8800)And the LORD<03068> spake<01696>(8762) unto Moses<04872>, saying<0559>(8800),注释 串珠 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:2「你晓谕<01696>(8761){<0413>}以色列<03478><01121><09001><0559>(8800):若<03588>有妇人<0802>怀孕<02232>(8686)<03205>(8804)男孩<02145>,她就不洁净<02930>(8804)<07651><03117>,像在月经<05079>污秽的<01738>(8800)日子<09003><03117>不洁净<02930>(8799)一样。Speak<01696>(8761) unto the children<01121> of Israel<03478>, saying<0559>(8800), If a woman<0802> have conceived seed<02232>(8686), and born<03205>(8804) a man child<02145>: then she shall be unclean<02930>(8804) seven<07651> days<03117>; according to the days<03117> of the separation<05079> for her infirmity<01738>(8800) shall she be unclean<02930>(8799).注释 串珠 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:3第八<08066><09002><03117>,要给婴孩{<01320>}{<06190>}行割礼<04135>(8735)And in the eighth<08066> day<03117> the flesh<01320> of his foreskin<06190> shall be circumcised<04135>(8735).注释 串珠 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:4妇人在产血<09002><01818>不洁<02893>之中,要家居<03427>(8799)三十<07970><03117><07969><03117>。她洁净的<02892>日子<03117><05704><04390>(8800),不可<03808><05060>(8799){<09002>}{<03605>}圣<06944>物,也不可<03808><0935>(8799)<0413>圣所<04720>And she shall then continue<03427>(8799) in the blood<01818> of her purifying<02893> three<07969> and thirty<07970> days<03117>; she shall touch<05060>(8799) no hallowed<06944> thing, nor come<0935>(8799) into the sanctuary<04720>, until the days<03117><03117> of her purifying<02892> be fulfilled<04390>(8800).注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
12:5她若<0518><03205>(8799)女孩<05347>,就不洁净<02930>(8804)两个七天<07620>,像污秽的时候一样<09003><05079>,要在<05921>产血<01818>不洁<02893>之中,家居<03427>(8799)六十<08346><08337><03117>But if she bear<03205>(8799) a maid child<05347>, then she shall be unclean<02930>(8804) two weeks<07620>, as in her separation<05079>: and she shall continue<03427>(8799) in the blood<01818> of her purifying<02893> threescore<08346> and six<08337> days<03117>.注释 串珠 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:6「满了<09002><04390>(8800)洁净的<02892>日子<03117>,无论是为男孩<09001><01121><0176>为女孩<09001><01323>,她要把一<01121><08141>的羊羔<03532>为燔祭<09001><05930>,一只雏<01121><03123>或是<0176>一只斑鸠<08449>为赎罪祭<09001><02403>,带<0935>(8686)<0413><04150><0168>门口<06607>交给<0413>祭司<03548>And when the days<03117> of her purifying<02892> are fulfilled<04390>(8800), for a son<01121>, or for a daughter<01323>, she shall bring<0935>(8686) a lamb<03532> of the first<01121> year<08141> for a burnt offering<05930>, and a young<01121> pigeon<03123>, or a turtledove<08449>, for a sin offering<02403>, unto the door<06607> of the tabernacle<0168> of the congregation<04150>, unto the priest<03548>: {of the first...: Heb. a son of his year}注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏
12:7祭司要献<07126>(8689)在耶和华<03068>面前<09001><06440>,为她<05921>赎罪<03722>(8765),她的血<01818><04480><04726>就洁净了<02891>(8804)。这<02063>条例<08451>是为生育的妇人<03205>(8802),无论是生男<09001><02145>{<0176>}生女<09001><05347>Who shall offer<07126>(8689) it before<06440> the LORD<03068>, and make an atonement<03722>(8765) for her; and she shall be cleansed<02891>(8804) from the issue<04726> of her blood<01818>. This is the law<08451> for her that hath born<03205>(8802) a male<02145> or a female<05347>.注释 串珠 康来昌 原文 典藏
12:8{<0518>}她的力量<03027>若不<03808><01767><04672>(8799)一只羊羔<07716>,她就要取<03947>(8804)两只<08147>斑鸠<08449>或是<0176>两只<08147><01121><03123>,一只<0259>为燔祭<09001><05930>,一只<0259>为赎罪祭<09001><02403>。祭司<03548>要为她<05921>赎罪<03722>(8765),她就洁净了<02891>(8804)。」And if she be not able to bring<04672>(8799)<01767><03027> a lamb<07716>, then she shall bring<03947>(8804) two<08147> turtles<08449>, or two young<01121> pigeons<03123>; the one<0259> for the burnt offering<05930>, and the other<0259> for a sin offering<02403>: and the priest<03548> shall make an atonement<03722>(8765) for her, and she shall be clean<02891>(8804). {she be...: Heb. her hand find not sufficiency of}注释 串珠 康来昌 字典 原文 典藏

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