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20:1拿玛人<05284>琐法<06691>回答<06030>(8799)<0559>(8799)Then answered<06030>(8799) Zophar<06691> the Naamathite<05284>, and said<0559>(8799),注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:2{<09002>}{<05668>}我心中<09002>急躁<02363>(8800),所以<09001><03651>我的思念<05587>叫我回答<07725>(8686)Therefore do my thoughts<05587> cause me to answer<07725>(8686), and for this I make haste<02363>(8800). {I make...: Heb. my haste is in me}注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:3我已听见<08085>(8799)那羞辱我<03639>,责备<04148>我的话;我的悟性<04480><0998><07307>叫我回答<06030>(8799)I have heard<08085>(8799) the check<04148> of my reproach<03639>, and the spirit<07307> of my understanding<0998> causeth me to answer<06030>(8799).注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:4你岂不<02063><03045>(8804){<04480>}亘古<05703>以来,自从<04480><0120><07760>(8800)<05921><0776>Knowest<03045>(8804) thou not this of old<05703>, since man<0120> was placed<07760>(8800) upon earth<0776>,注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:5{<03588>}恶人<07563>夸胜<07445>是暂时的<04480><07138>,不敬虔人<02611>的喜乐<08057>不过<05704>转眼之间<07281>吗?That the triumphing<07445> of the wicked<07563> is short<07138>, and the joy<08057> of the hypocrite<02611> but for a moment<07281>? {short: Heb. from near}注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:6他的尊荣<07863><0518>达到<05927>(8799)天上<09001><08064>,头<07218>虽顶到<05060>(8686)<09001><05645>中,Though his excellency<07863> mount up<05927>(8799) to the heavens<08064>, and his head<07218> reach<05060>(8686) unto the clouds<05645>; {clouds: Heb. cloud}注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:7他终必<09001><05331>灭亡<06>(8799),像自己的粪<09003><01561>一样;素来见<07200>(8802)他的人要说<0559>(8799):他在哪里<0335>呢? Yet he shall perish<06>(8799) for ever<05331> like his own dung<01561>: they which have seen<07200>(8802) him shall say<0559>(8799), Where<0335> is he?注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:8他必飞去<05774>(8799)如梦<09003><02472>,不再<03808>寻见<04672>(8799),速被赶去<05074>(8714),如夜间<03915>的异象<09003><02384>He shall fly away<05774>(8799) as a dream<02472>, and shall not be found<04672>(8799): yea, he shall be chased away<05074>(8714) as a vision<02384> of the night<03915>.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:9亲眼<05869>见过<07805>(8804)他的,必不<03808><03254>(8686)见他;他的本处<04725>也再<05750><07789>(8799)<03808>着他。The eye<05869> also which saw<07805>(8804) him shall see him no more<03254>(8686); neither shall his place<04725> any more behold<07789>(8799) him.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:10他的儿女<01121>要求穷人<01800>的恩<07521>(8762);他的手<03027>要赔还<07725>(8686)不义之财<0202>His children<01121> shall seek to please<07521>(8762) the poor<01800>, and his hands<03027> shall restore<07725>(8686) their goods<0202>. {His children...: or, The poor shall oppress his children}注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:11他的骨头<06106>虽然有<04390>(8804)青年<05934>之力,却要和他<05973>一同躺卧<07901>(8799)<05921>尘土<06083>中。His bones<06106> are full<04390>(8804) of the sin of his youth<05934>, which shall lie down<07901>(8799) with him in the dust<06083>.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:12他口内<09002><06310><0518>以恶<07451>为甘甜<04985>(8686),藏<03582>(8686)在舌头<03956>底下<08478>Though wickedness<07451> be sweet<04985>(8686) in his mouth<06310>, though he hide<03582>(8686) it under his tongue<03956>;注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:13爱恋<02550>(8799){<05921>}不<03808><05800>(8799),含在<04513>(8799)<02441><09002><08432> Though he spare<02550>(8799) it, and forsake<05800>(8799) it not; but keep it still<04513>(8799) within<08432> his mouth<02441>: {within...: Heb. in the midst of his palate}注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:14他的食物<03899>在肚里<09002><04578>却要化为<02015>(8738)酸,在他里面<09002><07130>成为虺蛇<06620>的恶毒<04846> Yet his meat<03899> in his bowels<04578> is turned<02015>(8738), it is the gall<04846> of asps<06620> within<07130> him.注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
20:15他吞了<01104>(8804)财宝<02428>,还要吐出<06958>(8686);上帝<0410>要从他腹中<04480><0990>掏出来<03423>(8686)He hath swallowed down<01104>(8804) riches<02428>, and he shall vomit them up again<06958>(8686): God<0410> shall cast them out<03423>(8686) of his belly<0990>.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:16他必吸饮<03243>(8799)虺蛇<06620>的毒气<07219>;蝮蛇<0660>的舌头<03956>也必杀他<02026>(8799)He shall suck<03243>(8799) the poison<07219> of asps<06620>: the viper's<0660> tongue<03956> shall slay<02026>(8799) him.注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
20:17<05104><02529><05158><01706>之河<09002><06390>,他不得<0408>再见<07200>(8799)He shall not see<07200>(8799) the rivers<06390>, the floods<05104>, the brooks<05158> of honey<01706> and butter<02529>. {the floods...: or, streaming brooks}注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
20:18他劳碌得来的<03022>要赔还<07725>(8688),不得<03808>享用(原文是吞下<01104>(8799));不能<03808>照所得的<08545>财货<09003><02428>欢乐<05965>(8799)That which he laboured<03022> for shall he restore<07725>(8688), and shall not swallow it down<01104>(8799): according to his substance<02428> shall the restitution<08545> be , and he shall not rejoice<05965>(8799) therein . {his...: Heb. the substance of his exchange}注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:19{<03588>}他欺压<07533>(8765)穷人<01800>,且又离弃<05800>(8804);强取<01497>(8804)<03808>自己所盖<01129>(8799)的房屋<01004>(或译:强取房屋不得再建造)。Because he hath oppressed<07533>(8765) and hath forsaken<05800>(8804) the poor<01800>; because he hath violently taken away<01497>(8804) an house<01004> which he builded<01129>(8799) not; {oppressed: Heb. crushed}注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:20他因<03588><09002><0990>而无<03808>{<03045>}{(8804)}厌<07961>,所喜悦的<09002><02530>(8803)连一样也不能<03808>保守<04422>(8762)Surely he shall not feel<03045>(8804) quietness<07961> in his belly<0990>, he shall not save<04422>(8762) of that which he desired<02530>(8803). {feel: Heb. know}注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:21其余的<08300>没有<0369>一样他不吞灭<09001><0400>,所以<05921><03651>他的福乐<02898>不能<03808>长久<02342>(8799)There shall none of his meat<0400> be left<08300>; therefore shall no man look<02342>(8799) for his goods<02898>. {none...: or, be none left for his meat}注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:22他在满足<09002><04390>(8800)(8675)<04390>(8763)有余<05607>的时候,必到狭窄<03334>(8799)的地步{<09001>};凡受苦楚的人<06001><03605>必加<0935>(8799)<03027>在他身上。In the fulness<04390>(8800)(8675)<04390>(8763) of his sufficiency<05607> he shall be in straits<03334>(8799): every hand<03027> of the wicked<06001> shall come<0935>(8799) upon him. {wicked: or, troublesome}注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:23他正<01961>要充满<09001><04390>(8763)肚腹<0990>的时候,上帝必将猛烈的<02740>忿怒<0639><07971>(8762)在他身上<09002>;正在他吃饭<09002><03894>的时候,要将这忿怒像雨降<04305>(8686)在他身上<05921> When he is about to fill<04390>(8763) his belly<0990>, God shall cast<07971>(8762) the fury<02740> of his wrath<0639> upon him, and shall rain<04305>(8686) it upon him while he is eating<03894>.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:24他要躲避<01272>(8799)<01270><04480><05402>;铜<05154><07198>的箭要将他射透<02498>(8799)He shall flee<01272>(8799) from the iron<01270> weapon<05402>, and the bow<07198> of steel<05154> shall strike him through<02498>(8799).注释 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
20:25他把箭一抽<08025>(8804),就从他身上<04480><01465>出来<03318>(8799);发光的箭头<01300>从他胆中<04480><04846>出来<01980>(8799),有惊惶<0367>临在他身上<05921>It is drawn<08025>(8804), and cometh out<03318>(8799) of the body<01465>; yea, the glittering sword<01300> cometh out<01980>(8799) of his gall<04846>: terrors<0367> are upon him.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:26他的财宝<09001><06845>(8803)归于<02934>(8803){<03605>}黑暗<02822>;人所不<03808><05301>(8795)的火<0784>要把他烧灭<0398>(8762),要把他帐棚中<09002><0168>所剩下的<08300>烧毁<07489>(8799)All darkness<02822> shall be hid<02934>(8803) in his secret places<06845>(8803): a fire<0784> not blown<05301>(8795) shall consume<0398>(8762) him; it shall go ill<03415>(8799) with him that is left<08300> in his tabernacle<0168>.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:27<08064>要显明<01540>(8762)他的罪孽<05771>;地<0776>要兴起<06965>(8693)攻击他<09001>The heaven<08064> shall reveal<01540>(8762) his iniquity<05771>; and the earth<0776> shall rise up<06965>(8693) against him.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:28他的家<01004><02981>必然过去<01540>(8799);上帝发怒<0639>的日子<09002><03117>,他的货物都要消灭<05064>(8737)The increase<02981> of his house<01004> shall depart<01540>(8799), and his goods shall flow away<05064>(8737) in the day<03117> of his wrath<0639>.注释 串珠 原文 典藏
20:29<02088>是恶<07563><0120>从上帝<04480><0430>所得的分<02506>,是上帝<04480><0410>为他所定<0561>的产业<05159>This is the portion<02506> of a wicked<07563> man<0120> from God<0430>, and the heritage<05159> appointed<0561> unto him by God<0410>. {appointed...: Heb. of his decree from God}注释 串珠 原文 典藏

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