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41:1 (大卫的<09001><01732><04210>,交与伶长<09001><05329>(8764)。)眷顾<07919>(8688){<0413>}贫穷<01800>的有福了<0835>!他遭难<07451>的日子<09002><03117>,耶和华<03068>必搭救他<04422>(8762)
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Blessed<0835> is he that considereth<07919>(8688) the poor<01800>: the LORD<03068> will deliver<04422>(8762) him in time<03117> of trouble<07451>. {the poor: or, the weak, or, sick} {in time...: Heb. in the day of evil}
41:2 耶和华<03068>必保全他<08104>(8799),使他存活<02421>(8762);他必在地上<09002><0776>享福<0833>(8795)。求你不要<0408>把他交给<05414>(8799)仇敌<0341>(8802),遂其所愿<09002><05315>
The LORD<03068> will preserve<08104>(8799) him, and keep him alive<02421>(8762); and he shall be blessed<0833>(8795) upon the earth<0776>: and thou wilt not deliver<05414>(8799) him unto the will<05315> of his enemies<0341>(8802). {thou...: or, do not thou deliver}
41:3 他病重<01741><05921><06210>,耶和华<03068>必扶持他<05582>(8799);他在病中<09002><02483>,你必给他铺<02015>(8804)<03605><04904>
The LORD<03068> will strengthen<05582>(8799) him upon the bed<06210> of languishing<01741>: thou wilt make<02015>(8804) all his bed<04904> in his sickness<02483>. {make: Heb. turn}
I said<0559>(8804), LORD<03068>, be merciful<02603>(8798) unto me: heal<07495>(8798) my soul<05315>; for I have sinned<02398>(8804) against thee.
41:5 我的仇敌<0341>(8802)用恶言<07451>议论<0559>(8799)<09001>说:他几时<04970><04191>(8799),他的名<08034>才灭亡<06>(8804)呢?
Mine enemies<0341>(8802) speak<0559>(8799) evil<07451> of me, When shall he die<04191>(8799), and his name<08034> perish<06>(8804)?
41:6 {<0518>}他来<0935>(8804)<09001><07200>(8800)我就说<01696>(8762)假话<07723>;他心<03820><06908>(8799)奸恶<0205>{<09001>},走<03318>(8799)到外边<09001><02351>才说出来<01696>(8762)
And if he come<0935>(8804) to see<07200>(8800) me , he speaketh<01696>(8762) vanity<07723>: his heart<03820> gathereth<06908>(8799) iniquity<0205> to itself; when he goeth<03318>(8799) abroad<02351>, he telleth<01696>(8762) it .
41:7 一切<03605>恨我的<08130>(8802){<05921>},都<03162>交头接耳地议论<03907>(8691)<05921>;他们设计<02803>(8799)要害<07451><09001>
All that hate<08130>(8802) me whisper<03907>(8691) together<03162> against me: against me do they devise<02803>(8799) my hurt<07451>. {my...: Heb. evil to me}
41:8 他们说:有怪<01100><01697><03332>(8803)在他身上<09002>;{<0834>}他已躺卧<07901>(8804),必不能<03808><03254>(8686)起来<09001><06965>(8800)
An evil<01100> disease<01697>, say they , cleaveth fast<03332>(8803) unto him: and now that he lieth<07901>(8804) he shall rise up<06965>(8800) no more<03254>(8686). {An...: Heb. A thing of Belial}
Yea, mine own familiar<07965> friend<0376>, in whom I trusted<0982>(8804), which did eat<0398>(8802) of my bread<03899>, hath lifted up<01431>(8689) his heel<06119> against me. {mine...: Heb. the man of my peace} {lifted...: Heb. magnified}
41:10 耶和华<03068>啊,求你<0859>怜恤我<02603>(8798),使我起来<06965>(8685),好报复<07999>(8762)他们<09001>
But thou, O LORD<03068>, be merciful<02603>(8798) unto me, and raise me up<06965>(8685), that I may requite<07999>(8762) them.
By this I know<03045>(8804) that thou favourest<02654>(8804) me, because mine enemy<0341>(8802) doth not triumph<07321>(8686) over me.
41:12 你因我纯正<09002><08537>就扶持<08551>(8804)<09002>,使我<0589>永远<09001><05769><05324>(8686)在你的面前<09001><06440>
And as for me, thou upholdest<08551>(8804) me in mine integrity<08537>, and settest<05324>(8686) me before thy face<06440> for ever<05769>.
41:13 耶和华<03068>―以色列<03478>的上帝<0430>是应当称颂的<01288>(8803),从亘古<04480><05769>直到<05704>永远<05769>。阿们<0543>!阿们<0543>
Blessed<01288>(8803) be the LORD<03068> God<0430> of Israel<03478> from everlasting<05769>, and to everlasting<05769>. Amen<0543>, and Amen<0543>.

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